My Best Friend is with My Girlfriend?!?!: Last Chapter

My Best Friend is with My Girlfriend?!?!


(Jiyong's POV)

I dashed outside Youngbae's house and looked around. From here, I could walk my way to Dara's house. A mix feeling of worry and excitement filled me as my phase quickens. I'm excited to see my baby once again but at the same time I don't know how to face her. What would she do once she finds out I broke up with her because I got jealous too much?


I stopped at my tracks. I haven't thought of that before. What if she becomes mad at me and doesn't want me back? I turned around and walked away. But stopped again. I know she loves me, she'd forgive me. I turned back and walked towards her home again. But what if she only wants to be friends now? I stopped and looked in front of me. I reached her house. I hesitated whether to ring the doorbell or not. No...I should do this. I caused her pain that she never deserved. Forgiven or not, I will tell her how much I love her. I rang the doorbell and waited for her to come out. After a minute, no sight of her, I rang it again but still didn't receive any answer. I knew it. She hates me now.

"Dara! Dara! I know you're in there and it's okay if you don't want to see me but please listen to what I will say!" I shouted. "I'm sorry if I broke up with you! I'm sorry if I didn't give any reason! I'm sorry if I doubted your love for me! Believe me I regret all of those things!" I paused for a moment to in some air then continued, "I know that I don't deserve you anymore, but I really want you back! Would you please give me a chance?! I love you so much Dara!"


"I love you too, Ji" I was surprised by her sweet voice.


I looked behind me and there she was, smiling at me while drinking a box of strawberry milk like nothing bad happened. I must have looked like a fool because she suddenly laughed. I don't really mind though, I miss that laughter too much. I wasted no time anymore and hugged her.


"Ah, could stop that now..." she said after I didn't let go of her. 


"Hay, Ji, I forgive you already. I heard everything you said earlier. And it's enough for me that you apologized for it. Everyone commits mistakes, but what's more important are our actions to correct those."


This is what I love about my baby girl. She's too pure and innocent, making me want to protect her even more. I did not break my hug instead, I only tightened it.


"I'm really really sorry. I know that you were really sad..."

"Yah! What makes you think I'm really sad, eh? I should tell you that I can handle breakups..." she defended and playfully pushed me away.

"I know. You can't lie to me you little rabbit" I said while pinching her nose. "You always drink that when you're depressed..." I pointed at her drink.


She blushed a little then hit me in the arms. Then there was silence. We stared at each other for a while, both with smiles on our faces. I gave her a peck on the lips and hugged her again. I know that everything is alright between us. 


"Oh wait Ji" she said before running back inside her house. She went back afterwards and gave me something. "Happy Anniversary!" I opened the neatly tied box to find out the couples bracelet I saw at the mall. I immediately wear one while the other I put on her wrist. And at last, the feeling was right, unlike the time I saw Seunghyun doing it. 


"I have a gift for you too....but I left it at my for the meantime..." I kneeled down in front of her and removed the ring I was wearing. I felt happy seeing her shocked expression. "Ms. Sandara Park, will you marry me?" I said with all hope and confidence.


"Yes!" she jumped in delight. I lifted her up and twirled her for a second before putting her down and giving her a kiss. I put the ring on her, although the ring was quite big for her finger, she accepted it. 


"Tsk, your proposal is quite epic" she teased me while looking at the ring. 

"It's because I don't wanna wait for another chance. I want you to be mine already..." I said while kissing her again.

"Then I'll be yours" she said as she kissed me back.

I nervously fixed my clothes. Do I look good? Is everything ready? I glanced at my watch, 5 more minutes, only 5 more minutes. I looked at the people around me. They look as excited as I was. My friends gave me a thumbs-up when I turned to their direction. This is the day I've been waiting for. This is the day, she'll finally be a permanent part of my life, and I'll be a permanent part of hers. 


Then everything went quiet. The wedding song began playing. All faced the front doors as they open. And there stood the most beautiful girl I saw. The only girl I will truly. The only girl I would gladly spend an eternity with. She walked down the aisle in a plain white gown which gave emphasis to her natural beauty. She smiled at me and I smiled back. I felt my knees getting weak as she went closer to me. Seunghyun handed her down to me since she doesn't have a father anymore. I patted Seunghyun's shoulder and take my soon-to-be-wife's hand.


"You look gorgeous..." I whispered in her ears.



The ceremony went faster than I thought. Or was it because my mind was all focused to the girl beside me? And finally, the ending came. "You may kiss the bride."


Before kissing her, I leaned beside her ear and whispered, “I can’t promise that I’ll be the perfect husband to you. I can’t promise that I won’t hurt you like what I did before. I can’t promise that everything will always be fine between us. But I can promise you one thing, I will never lose my love for you.”


“I know…” she said with a smile. And then I gave her a kiss, a long lasting kiss that would seal us forever.

“I love you.”

“I love you more.”

As we proceeded to the wedding reception, I saw hyung coming towards us, he was with a girl. I smirked at him and gave him a knowing look.


“Hey Ji, Dara, I would like you to meet Julienne. Ahh, she’s a friend of mine…”

“Hello!” Dara excitedly greet the girl beside Seunghyun who greeted us back in return.

“Hello Julienne, I hope that you can bear with hyung’s stubbornness” I said to her and gave her a wink. Both she and Dara giggled while hyung complained about him not being stubborn.

“Oh, wait come I’ll introduce you to some guests also” Dara said and dragged Julienne away from us and started introducing her to our friends.


“My baby girl is really friendly” I said while chuckling.


“Yes hyung?”

“Could you promise me one thing?” hyung said without looking at me. I followed his stare and I saw that he was looking at Dara. I must admit I felt a little bit jealous again with the way he looks at her. But I already learned, never let yourself get carried away by jealousy. 

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her more than I did before” I replied, already getting what hyung is thinking about. “And I’ll try my hardest to not make the same mistake…”

“Good, because if you do I will beat you up until you can’t move every bone in your body…” He laughed. But I know that what he said is half meant and half joke. Then no one spoke. We just both watched Dara and Julienne talking to the guest. And I could say that I’m very contented seeing my wife very happy, that’s why I promised that I will do everything so that she would not lose that happiness.


“Well, Kwon Jiyong, you’re a very lucky man. I hope I’ll meet someone like her one day” hyung said while walking away from me.

“I think you already did” I replied. He smiled at me and headed towards Dara and Julienne. After a minute, Dara was back to my side.


“You look serious earlier, what did you and Seunghyun talked about?” she asked.

I pulled her into an embrace and said, “Nothing, we were just making promises.”


“Don’t think about it” I kissed the top of her head. “They’d make a good couple, huh?”

“Seunghyun and Julienne? Definitely!” she excitedly said. “I’m happy that he finally found someone for him!” I pouted at her and she gave me a confused look.

“You’re happy for him, but not happy for me?”

“Happy for you?”

“Because I finally have the right one for me” I said then kissed her lips.

“You’re too corny”

“It’s because of you” and we both laugh. I then leaned my forehead with hers and looked directly into her eyes, her eyes that seem to be full of happiness and love that I can drown into.

“I love you…”

“Ji, you said that already…”

“I know….I love you…” I can’t help but say those words over and over again. “So…I can’t wait to see little versions of me and you, maybe we could do it tonight?”

“Yah! Kwon Jiyong! Don’t say those things, we’re still here at our wedding reception!” she hit me, while I just chuckled.

“I’m kidding…” I said before cupping her face and giving her a deep kiss which she gladly responded too. And I did think that, yep, mini Jiyong and Dara would be coming soon.


Because she’s finally mine forever. Sandara Kwon.


WAHHH!! I finally finished my first ever Kpop fan fic!!! >< 



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Chapter 9: Nice story!!
Chapter 9: mini jiyong and mini dara for the win!! :)) Kwon,Sandara... sounds good :)
great and direct story line!!!!<br />
<br />
KAMSA for your story author-nim
coldrabbit #4
aw..lovely! nice happy sweet~~
ItssCheska #5
Nice one!! :)
daragonfever09 #6
kyaaaahhh! very nice fan fic.. hehe still DARAGON FOREVER.. hehe
KwangMinMara #7
The story is amazing . . .
Choco_choco #8
wonderful story...from the start till the end :') luv the ending,sweet sweet ending :)
babyGluv #9
really luv ur story... ^_^
lanae1976 #10
this is the first time i read your story<br />
i thought it was a so so story<br />
but i'm glad i read it<br />
it was beautiful<br />
and i hope you continue writing beautiful stories<br />