Chapter 12: Plans

Let Go [Hiatus]

Chapter 12




A few days had passed since Tiffany was given a chance by Jessica. But sad to say, Tiffany wasn’t doing any improvements at all. Though she had been trying her best to win Jessica’s heart, she found hindrances along the way.


And those hindrances come in the form of people.


It’s not like Tiffany has any other choice. When Jessica had forbidden her to shout out her true feelings for the latter, it also means that Tiffany has limitations in making her moves. Another thing is that she had to keep her feelings in whenever there are other people around, especially around their friends.


Most of the time, it was Taeyeon who acts as the wall between them.



Classes had just finished and the hallway was filled with students going their own ways. Jessica, Tiffany and Taeyeon were putting their books back into their respective lockers and taking out whatever was needed for their homework. After Tiffany had finished, she slowly approached Jessica.


“Jessi, would you like to watch a movie with me?” Tiffany’s eyes showed a gleam of hope, which didn’t go unnoticed by Jessica.


Jessica almost rejected the offer but having remembered their deal, she had no choice so she gave a slight nod.


“I WANNA COME TOO.”, shouted Taeyeon from behind Jessica.


‘Not again. This is the third time already…’ Tiffany thought. She was quite disappointed because she knew she couldn’t just push Taeyeon away.


Before Taeyeon could even notice the change in Tiffany’s expression, Jessica turned around to face the older girl. “Don’t you have volleyball practice today?”


Tiffany’s face lit up. ‘Does this mean Jessi wants to go with just me?’ She thought happily but her daydreams came crashing down when Taeyeon shook her head.


“Nah. Coach gave us free time today… and a movie sounds good too! It’s a perfect way to bond with your friends, right?”


“Did someone say MOVIE? Count us in!”


The three of them turned to the source and saw Hyoyeon and Sunny skipping happily towards them.


‘They’re coming along too? Oh no…’ Tiffany let out a sigh of disappointment.


“Hey Fany, are yu alright?” Taeyeon asked worriedly as her hands touched Tiffany’s forehead to check if she’s sick.


Tiffany was taken aback by Taeyeon’s action and she suddenly felt the drop of temperature in the vicinity. She looked around and met Jessica’s glare.


“Uh... yeah. I’m fine.” Tiffany smiled awkwardly at Taeyeon and when she glanced at Jessica again, she wasn’t looking anymore.


“Anyway, what’s there to watch? Is there a good movie that’s showing now?” Sunny no one in particular.


“How about ‘Man of Steel’?” Taeyeon suggested.


“I hate superheroes.” Jessica said nonchalantly as she closed her locker. A couple of sighs could be heard from the other blondes.


On the other hand, Tiffany quickly took out a small pink notebook from her bag and scribbled something. As part of her plan to make Jessica fall for her, she kept this notebook to keep track of her achievements. This is also where she puts her new discoveries about Jessica, under the title, ‘♥ Facts about My Jessi ♥’.


1.     My Jessi is the editor-in-chief of the school paper.

2.    My Jessi is the president of the journalism club.

3.    My Jessi lives together with TaeTae in one apartment L

4.    My Jessi = my life ♥

5.    My Jessi hates superheroes.


Tiffany smiled to herself as she looked at item no. 4 in the list. She turned to the last page and stared at it. It is where a checklist was written almost neatly.


                   [x] Confess to Jessi

                   [x] Kiss Jessi

                   [x] Hold hands with Jessi

                   [x] Hug Jessi tightly

                   [ ] Have a date with Jessi

                   [ ] Buy couple things for me and Jessi

[ ] Sing for Jessi

[ ] Sleep next to Jessi

[ ] Make Jessi love me


[ ] Be Jessi’s girlfriend wife! ♥♥♥



‘Someday, you’ll love me too Jess.’ Tiffany sighed as she put her notebook back into her bag.




Tiffany looked up, only to see the four blondes staring at her weirdly. “Uh… what?”


“We were asking you what other movies are there that we can watch.” Sunny said.


“Oh… well, how about ‘World War Z’?”


The four of them scrunched their faces in disgust. “Ooookaaay… are there any other good ones?” Taeyeon asked.


“Hmm… I can’t think of any.” Tiffany replied, glancing at the four people before her. When her eyes landed on the out-of-this-world Jessica, her instincts got the best of her. “What kinds of movies do you like, Jessi?”


Jessica lifted her gaze from the floor and stared at Tiffany who was waiting for her answer expectantly. Unknown to Jessica, her stare was already melting Tiffany’s insides.


“Sica loves ero—I mean, romantic movies.” Taeyeon’s voice brought Tiffany back into the real world.




Sunny nodded in agreement to Taeyeon. Hyoyeon put an arm around Jessica and said, “Yup! You see, our precious Sica is a hopeless romantic.”


“I am NOT.” Jessica retorted as she shove Hyoyeon away.


“She’s lying, Fany. She IS a hopeless romantic. She even has the complete set of Nicholas Sparks’ books.”


Tiffany’s eyes sparkled in amusement. “I’m also a huge fan of his works!”


“Oh.” Was all Jessica could reply.


Being the ever supportive and awesome friend that she is, Hyoyeon moved to Tiffany’s side and whispered in her ears. “See that? You BOTH love those boring, romantic novels. That’s what you call destiny.”


Hyoyeon grinned in satisfaction as she saw Tiffany’s pink cheeks. Meanwhile, the other three had no idea what’s the reason behind Tiffany’s flustered face. Sunny just tilted her head in confusion. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows and Jessica rolled her eyes.


“If we’re really going to watch a movie, can’t you guys decide NOW? If you haven’t noticed, only few of us are left here in the hallway.” Jessica said, raising her voice a bit.


“Oh, I know!” Hyoyeon snapped her fingers, gaining everyone’s attention. “How about we just sleep over at someone’s place and have a movie marathon there instead? We could do it tomorrow since it’s Friday and there will be no classes after that so we can stay up as long as we want to.” Hyoyeon said confidently.


The others clapped their hands slowly.


“W-why are you applauding?” Hyoyeon asked.


“You thought of a good idea. I’M SO PROUD OF YOU.” Sunny pretended to be sobbing over Hyoyeon’s accomplishment.


“Yah!” Hyoyeon pouted acted cutely, making Taeyeon bend forward and act as if she was puking. Jessica joined the good cause by rubbing Taeyeon’s back and shaking her head.


With her old friends ganging up on her, Hyoyeon continued acting cutely (with her own version of puppy eyes and pouty lips) and went behind Tiffany. “Fany~ah, look, they’re bullying me…” Hyoyeon whined but Tiffany just laughed at her silly act.


Hyoyeon finally sighed iin defeat. “Aish! You guys shoudn’t be called my friends…” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.


“So, who’s place is it gonna be?” Sunny asked, completely ignoring the sulking Hyo.


Taeyeon and Jessica exchanged looks and shook her heads. “Sorry but our apartment is off-limits… especially after what happened last summer.” Jessica said.


“Why? What happened?” Tiffany asked.


Taeyeon exhaled loudly. “Well, we also had a movie marathon back then but we had horror moives. We couldn’t stop ourselves from screaming and our neighbors heard it. They complained to our landlady and long story short, Hyo and Sunny can never set foot on out apartment ever again.”


“I see… so would you guys be okay if we do it at my place?” Tiffany offered.


“Are you sure it’s alright? We don’t want to cause you trouble.” Sunny said.


“Don’t worry, I live alone and it would be really fun if you guys stay over the weekend.”


“You live alone? Wait… don’t you have a driver?”


“Well… that’s actually my grandpa’s driver. His only job for me is to drive me safely to and fro the school.”




“So, it’s settled hen. We’ll be having a sleepover at Tiffany’s house tomorrow for a movie marathon. All in favor?”







The next day…



Excitement was written all over Tiffany’s face as she went to school. One could never think that she barely slept last night to clean up all the mess in the house and she woke up too early today, thus having only little sleep.


As a result, she came to school a little early than she planned to. She was about to enter their classroom when she saw Yuri walking towards her. She automatically frowned upon seeing the tanned girl.


“Good morning, Tiffany. I see you’re early today.” Yuri said, smiling.


Tiffany scoffed. “Obviously.”


“Woah. Easy there, sunshine. Isn’t it T.G.I.F today so why do—“


“What do you want?” Tiffany asked in a cold tone.


Yuri hid her amusement as she kept silent and stared at Tiffany.


Tiffany rolled her eyes. “Ugh. You’re just wasting my time.”






Yuri chuckled and walked past Tiffany, making the latter turn around. The tanned girl stopped in her tracks when she felt Tiffany’s stare. She turned around and smirked.


“Thunder… Jessica’s afraid of it.”


That being said, Yuri left.


Once again, Yuri’s words clouded Tiffany’s mind. She gave Tiffany with too much to think about.




A/N: Hmm... another boring chapter for me. Lol. I can't help it... there's just too much YoonSic moments nowadays, it's making heart hurt. *sniffs* Good thing, Fany still has Taeng on her side... ^_^

Anyway, thanks for all your comments and subscriptions! They're keeping me alive!!!

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Chapter 14: don't feel guilty thor, i know one of the most important things in writing is mood, and news affects you... i understand your situation... and i am very sad that you discontinued... i hope to continue someday. ...the plot is very interesting, it feels like there will be a lot of conflict that will happen in front of Taenysic especially
Chapter 6: Yuri in a frame now...
Sica u have a lot pairing options☺️
Chapter 3: Wait... What.. Triangle love😔...
Chapter 2: Please dont make taengsic an enemy only for love... Make one of them understand and keep their bond... 🥺
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 14: Author ssi update plss T_T
Jeti48 #6
Chapter 14: Hi!!! I just found ur story...
And i love it... Sad... U still not update this story...
Please comeback and make it JeTi...
In reality we can't do anything but in fiction we can do anything... So himnae !!! Jeti will always be sailing...
Chapter 14: I can wait author. Sorry i just found this fic this year hahaha. Jeti pleaseeee
Chapter 14: Can't wait for the drama. Please let it be JeTi.
Update soon authorssi
Chapter 14: I just finished reading "what happaned to us" plaese continue this fic and make Jeti to be togeter if they real life they not be a couple than make them togeter in fic,in our heart. i'm feel the same way too. i'm live in Thailand first i knew about Tiffany&Nickhkun ,i'm go to the mall i see nickhkun photo in some ad make me feel down too. by the way i'm thing that okey my heart for Jeti never die.

i'm hope my comment is make you inspiration come back :)
sicacouple #10
Chapter 14: Make it JeTi