Chapter 2: RECALL

UnOfficially Yours





Chapter 2 - RECALL

This is a flashback chapter.


July 4, 2012.

In a few minutes you will see my pretty face again ~ :D


Sitting in the van, Nichkhun can’t help but smile as he reads the text message from Victoria. She is really cute. Although it is supposed to be a happy event, Nichkhun feels something inside him is about to explode. Wanting to divert his attention from his current emotion, he looks outside through a tinted window of the van. Just passing cars. Seo-minjae is a really good driver, at this rate they will arrive at MBC building in no time. Speeding about the road.

Changing lanes. From left to right, right to left.  

This is not helping. He thought. With a heavy sigh, he turned his head away from the window and back inside the van. The heavy sighing of Nichkhun didn’t escape his manager Seo-minjae. Looking at his rearview mirror, he asked him “What’s up with the exhaling noisily?”

“Oh nothing Minjae-ssi. I was just thinking.” Nichkhun answered truthfully.

He was really thinking.



On the other side of the city, Victoria cannot wipe away the happy smile on her face. Right after she woke up that morning, she has been displaying that beautiful smile of hers. Today was a busy day for her. In the morning f(x) had to attend an event where they are one of the performers, after that they had a photo shoot for a sponsor brand. Her last schedule for today is the filming of Radio Star. She can already feel the tiredness around her body, but just thinking of seeing him magically removes her fatigue.


We’re almost there.

A text message from Nichkhun sends an excitement feel to her whole body. Seeing him in person again truly makes her happy. Ever since that New Year’s Eve special they hosted together, they have been contacting each other. Calling and texting every day, even creating a profile for a video call application and installing on their phones just to see each other’s faces. Like a ritual, every night before going to bed they would call the other just to say goodnight. Even when one still has to work through the night. Even when one is on a different time zone, they would still call one another. This time though, Victoria will hear his voice not coming from a phone circuit line, she will not see his blurry face on the screen. She will hear his clear voice and see his handsome face again in person.



Nichkhun gently closed the van’s sliding door as he climbed down from the van. The brightly lit parking lot of MBC Building signals him the approaching episode in their relationship, a day he will never forget. He received a text minutes ago from Victoria telling him that they might run in late since they are coming from a photo shoot location which is a bit far from where MBC is.

“Why don’t you go in ahead and proceed to the waiting room and get your hair and make-up done.” Seo-Minjae said to Nichkhun. “I’ll get the van parked, and I’ll follow you afterwards.”

“Sure.” Nichkhun answered his manager as he grab his red backpack and sling it on his shoulder.  He easily located MBC’s basement elevator since he is not a stranger in this particular building. He’s been here before mostly for the music programs and for variety shows from time to time. Nichkhun arrived on his floor and made his way to the waiting room. The stylist and make-up artist are already there as they prepare to accommodate him.

“Hello.” Nichkhun said as he bows his head to the 2 women in the room and flash his addicting smile.

“Oh good, Nichkhun you’re here.” The woman with a very interesting hairstyle said as she directs Nichkhun to come fully inside the room and gestures him to sit down on the couch.

“I have put up different styles here for you to wear,” Mina, the stylist said, “just choose what you like.”

“Oh really, thanks. Umm, actually,” Nichkhun suddenly said as he sift through the hanged clothes on the display, “I wanted to wear something else. I have this shirt that I brought with me.” He continued.

“Ahh, sure, it’s okay. I think it’s best that you wear something you’re comfortable with.” Mina smiles.

And so did Khun.



Victoria and her crew were already inside her own waiting room when her phone vibrates on top of the table. She quickly grabs it and smile as she reads the text:

Meet me at the end of the hallway on 3rd floor in 5 minutes. ~Khun.


Victoria felt some kind of a rush inside her body. She now needs a good excuse to get out of the waiting room and go to the 3rd floor and meet Khun there. She can’t say she needs to use the bathroom because her waiting room already has one. But she’s too eager to see Nichkhun that she made up an excuse that she needs to buy something from the ground floor café.

She successfully got out of her waiting room and since her manager wasn’t there at that time, she only needed to talk to the hair stylist and her staff. Victoria walked faster than normal as she step out of the elevator.

3rd floor.

 As she gets to the T-shape hallway, she isn’t sure whether she should go left or right. Nichkhun didn’t say anything about that. As she just stood there immobile and couldn’t decide which side to go, her phone again receives a message.



Victoria then turns and looks on her left side and sure enough, at the end of the hallway, she sees a hand waving from the corner.  Ahahaha, Nichkhun. She mentally laughs.



Nichkhun, leaning on the wall has been waiting for Victoria to arrive on this weird meeting place he told her to meet him and once he saw her coming out from where the elevators are, he hides himself back to the small corner space at the end of the hallway. He peeks out undetected by her and sees her just standing there and looking confused so he sends her a message.


Right on cue, he exposed his hand out from the corner and waves it to Victoria so she can see him. Still hiding, he can now hear Victoria walking towards his location because of the clicking of her heels on the tiles flooring. He had this urge to scare her but then forgets it instantly because she could get angry.

Nichkhun felt a soft hand grab his waving hand. Victoria then walks in front of him, smiling her ever perfect smile.

 “Hey.” Victoria said without her smile escaping her face.

“Hey you.” Now Nichkhun’s mirroring Victoria’s smile.  

Wow. She’s so beautiful. My Victoria.  Nichkhun’s thought while staring at her. Wait. I still need to tell her something.

He’s about to talk when suddenly Victoria speaks first.

“You’re wearing it.” Victoria said while gazing her eyes on Nichkhun’s white T-shirt.

“Oh yes, of course.” Nichkhun said shyly. “Thanks again for sending this to me on my birthday.” He continued.

Victoria’s smile grew wider and Nichkhun really can’t help but to feel a little pain when she doesn’t have any idea what he’s about to tell her. He again mentally talks to himself that maybe he doesn’t have to do this at all. Not today, and maybe not ever.


To be continued.


A/N: I’m sorry I had to cut it like that. I didn’t realize that this chapter is kinda long when I wrote it (well, longer than my chapter 1, that is). I was worried that it’ll take up too many space, I don’t know if that makes sense to you guys  ~_~” but no worries I’ll put up the second part soon, just to give you friends a bit of suspense hehe. So next chapter is still going to be a flashback. The continuation of this chapter. Thank you again!

Thank you so much for your comments and my subscribers! Yipee!! I'm so happy. :)))




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Kpopcornluvr #1
Chapter 9: Please please update soon!!! ^_^
Aliff95 #2
Chapter 9: Please update . . I'm dying to read your fic .
vicqian #3
Chapter 9: Update soon •⌣• What happen next?
Chapter 9: OMG their gonna meet^^
vicqian #5
Chapter 8: I like the flashback moment, so sweet •⌣• But dislike that they now separated :( update soon
mchristina11 #6
Chapter 8: this chapter is so funny! :))))
aleixa #7
Chapter 8: The term S.O. is really funny. So I guess it's everywhere, huh? :P
shateenybopper #8
New subscriber! Loving the flashback!
vicqian #9
Chapter 6: So sad to see them like this :( update soon, I never leave this fic, so don't leave us ☺ĸåφ ˆ⌣ˆ keep update ง'̀⌣'́)ง Hwaiittingg