Chapter 3: RECALL pt.2

UnOfficially Yours

Chapter 3: RECALL part 2

Flashback Chapter, continuation to Chapter 2.


Nichkhun and Victoria are still standing in this small corner space in the hallway of MBC Building hiding from everyone else. One would think how could these two managed to sneak out and secretly meet each other inside one of the major entertainment buildings in Korea. And with all the staffs and employees of this building and other celebrities like themselves having their own schedule inside, the two still remained unseen.

“I really missed you…” Victoria said sweetly. She wanted to tell that to Nichkhun so much earlier on.

“I missed you too.”

“Really?” Victoria looks up to meet Nichkhun’s eyes as if she wanted him to say it again.

“Really.” Nichkhun answered looking back at her.

They really miss each other even though they get to talk on the phone and see each other on webcams, seeing that person you love in front of you is totally a different feeling. Nichkhun hugs Victoria so lovingly this time. He really missed her: Her warmth, the smell of her hair, the faint beating of her heart onto his chest. He wishes he could just hug her forever like this.

Still holding on to Nichkhun’s embrace, Victoria slightly tilt backwards and look at Nichkhun’s face. “You look like you have something on your mind.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Nichkhun carefully asked.

“Hmmm, nothing in particular. You know, you just look a bit… different.”

“I’m different?” Nichkhun said.  “Maybe it’s because you just haven’t seen me for so long and also I got a new haircut, y’know.”

“Hahaha. Really? Yeah maybe it’s your haircut!” Victoria said as she playfully messes up his hair.




“Where’s Victoria?” Manager KuHyun asked entering the waiting room when he immediately noticed Victoria is not there.

“Oh, she said she wanted to buy something at the café.” the hair-stylist said.

 “How long has she been out?” he asked again as he is now beginning to worry.

“Hmmmm, about 15 minutes ago?”

Manager KuHyun puts down the brown paper bag he’s holding on the top of the table and quickly takes his cellphone out from his jacket pocket.

Sheessshhh Victoria, what were you thinking?  He thought to himself.




“So after this, do you still have a schedule?” Nichkhun asked Victoria whose now leaning on the other side of the wall across him.

“Hmmm, why?” She asked teasing him.

“I’d like to see you again after the recording.”

“Khunnie misses me that much huh?” Victoria said teasing Nichkhun more.

“Well, no, I mean yeah of course.” Nichkhun answered, “I just like to talk to you a bit more.” He continued hesitantly.

“How about now?” Victoria asked, challenging him.

“I’ll just tell you later.” Nichkhun answered her.

“So that means we’re going to sneak out and hide again like this?”

“Seems like it.”



While Victoria and Nichkhun are having their long awaited moments with each other on the weird end 3rd floor hallway of the MBC Building, Im KuHyun, Victoria’s manager frantically speed dials a number on his cellphone.
Upon entering their waiting room he found the room Victoria-less. And having been on the ground floor café himself to buy Victoria something to eat, he was appalled in knowing that Victoria was not here and according to the hair stylist “she went to buy something at the café”.

Aisshh Victoria, I don’t know what to do with you anymore. He frustratingly thought.

The ringing tone from the other line stopped his thoughts as the person from the other line answers his call.

“Hello.” the answerer said.

“Yeah, Minjae-ssi.” KuHyun said on the phone.

“Oh, KuHyun-ssi!” Nichkhun’s manager said as he recognized the all too familiar voice. “What can I do for you?”

“Is Nichkhun there with you?” he asked Minjae even though he already knows the answer.

“Not right now. He’s been out for about… 20 minutes. Why?” asked Minjae.

“Well Victoria’s not here either...” said KuHyun.

“Damn!” Minjae exclaimed.  “Those two are going to get us fired.” he concluded.



To be continued.





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Kpopcornluvr #1
Chapter 9: Please please update soon!!! ^_^
Aliff95 #2
Chapter 9: Please update . . I'm dying to read your fic .
vicqian #3
Chapter 9: Update soon •⌣• What happen next?
Chapter 9: OMG their gonna meet^^
vicqian #5
Chapter 8: I like the flashback moment, so sweet •⌣• But dislike that they now separated :( update soon
mchristina11 #6
Chapter 8: this chapter is so funny! :))))
aleixa #7
Chapter 8: The term S.O. is really funny. So I guess it's everywhere, huh? :P
shateenybopper #8
New subscriber! Loving the flashback!
vicqian #9
Chapter 6: So sad to see them like this :( update soon, I never leave this fic, so don't leave us ☺ĸåφ ˆ⌣ˆ keep update ง'̀⌣'́)ง Hwaiittingg