Chapter 5: REGRETS

UnOfficially Yours



Chapter 5: REGRETS

I don’t miss you and you alone – I miss you and I together.


The screaming of fans echoed inside the Music Bank studio. No doubt that 2PM are among the male groups who have a huge fan base, the ‘Hottest’. The feeling of pure excitement ran toward Nichkhun’s body as he heard this familiar uproar. But more than that, the euphoria of knowing that Victoria is here as well overpowered it. The memory of their last encounter months ago still lingered as if it was just yesterday. He can still recall all their conversations, like a movie in replay. He winced, a slight nip in his heart reprised as he remembers how Victoria cried in front of him. He wishes he shouldn’t have made her cry in that way. The obvious regret on his face showed how much he wanted to turn back the time and didn’t have to say those words that made Victoria’s face covered with tears. So today, he has made a decision. He will make things right and hopefully have her back in his life once again. (Even just as a friend…)

“Get on stage and you’re up next!”

Khun was stopped with his thoughts by the floor director’s announcement. 2PM members climb the stage and one by one stood on their respective spots on their performance routine. While the lights are still turned off, they gave each other encouraging words.

“Let’s do this!” Jun.K enthusiastically said.

 As the music starts to fill the studio, fans scream their hearts out. They did their dance routine flawlessly. All the hard work they did for over a month will be seen in their performance. Their comeback was a success as expected.




Victoria watches intently on the flat screen TV backstage. They are already backstage because after 2PM’s song all the performers for this week’s show will go on stage alltogether. Her eyes fixated on the performers on stage at the moment. 2PM’s comeback happened to coincide with f(x)’s special stage with ShiNee. Victoria wonders if Nichkhun saw their performance earlier.

Get ahold of yourself Victoria! Why do you care if HE watched you or not? She mentally scolded herself. It used to be like that, BEFORE. Nichkhun would text her and appraise her performance instantly. And she will do the same. Whenever one had a show, they will send one another “good luck!” and “you did a great job” messages. But that was before, when they were still together. Victoria suddenly felt emptiness in her heart. She misses him. But she still can’t forget how much he hurt her.




The recording nearing its end and all the performers for the week’s show are starting to gather on the stage and the MC’s are getting ready to announce that week’s winner. At that point, Khun was wrapping up an exchange with a member of another idol group MBLAQ and look aimlessly where f(x) were standing. Nichkhun move his eyes to Victoria. Their eyes meet.




Without realizing it, Victoria and her members are now standing on the stage along with other idol groups for today’s Music Bank recording. Everyone else is minding their own business as the 2 MC’s begin to announce the number 1 song of the week. Suddenly, Victoria seems to have felt some weight on her. She glanced to her left and sure enough Nichkhun’s dark brown eyes met hers.

As if time stood still, their eyes locked with the longing gaze for each other.  As if they’re the only people on the stage, unbeknownst to the live audience as well. It was a good thing that they were standing far back, hidden around their fellow idols on stage. No one would notice this exchange of silent conversation through their eyes.

“Hey,” a sudden jerk broke Nichkhun’s eye connection to Victoria. It was Taecyeon who suddenly appeared behind him.

“Aren’t you being a little too obvious?” Taecyeon said putting his hand over Nichkhun’s shoulder.

“Huh?” Nichkhun answered him nonchalantly.

“Over there.” Taec said pointing his head towards Victoria’s direction. “Look man, you can’t just stare at her in front of these people AND the gazzilion of cameras.  If you’re going to do this, do it right.” He continued.

“It’s not that easy.” Nichkhun said, like he just lost a battle.

“You haven’t even tried and you’re already accepting defeat.” said Taecyeon patting Nichkhun’s shoulder.  “Don’t give up yet. We always got your back.”

As Nichkhun contemplates on this, he again looks over at Victoria’s direction but she is now chatting with Krystal. I won’t give up. He mentally said looking at Victoria. He then looks to his front and smiles and waves to the audience as the show completely ends.



A/N So sorry for the super late update. I know, no excuses. ~_~ I hope you're still with me on this one! Honestly I'm having a hard time continuing this story.  I got 2 more chapters written already and I'm not quite sure if I should continue on... but

thanks to all my subscribers! 




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Kpopcornluvr #1
Chapter 9: Please please update soon!!! ^_^
Aliff95 #2
Chapter 9: Please update . . I'm dying to read your fic .
vicqian #3
Chapter 9: Update soon •⌣• What happen next?
Chapter 9: OMG their gonna meet^^
vicqian #5
Chapter 8: I like the flashback moment, so sweet •⌣• But dislike that they now separated :( update soon
mchristina11 #6
Chapter 8: this chapter is so funny! :))))
aleixa #7
Chapter 8: The term S.O. is really funny. So I guess it's everywhere, huh? :P
shateenybopper #8
New subscriber! Loving the flashback!
vicqian #9
Chapter 6: So sad to see them like this :( update soon, I never leave this fic, so don't leave us ☺ĸåφ ˆ⌣ˆ keep update ง'̀⌣'́)ง Hwaiittingg