Chapter 8: DISCOVERY pt.2

UnOfficially Yours

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Chapter 8: Discovery last part flashback


Nichkhun has just finished his solo filming after Wooyoung. The filming started at 6:00 in the morning. Too early for him for sure, but it’s work – no excuses, just professionalism.

“Time check: 8:30AM,” he reassured his time-conscious mind. Still early.

A while ago, he got a sweet text conversation with Victoria. Actually, their exchanging of words, it is one thing that he keeps on looking forward to every morning. Every time he wakes up, she’s the first one to pop in his mind. But as to what they say, you can never be completely happy. Every time he thinks of them, he can’t help but also think, for how long are we going to keep this relationship a secret? Why do we have to be like this?

But of course, he knows the answer even without asking himself. I’m an idol. She is too. Many fans adore us. They love us. They support us. They make us feel that everything we do in this business are worthy and appreciated.

She can wait, right? Anyway, I can wait for her, too.

However, his mental monologue got cut off as he felt a light tap on his shoulders, “Yo!”

“Wooyoung! Where have you been?”

“I went out to buy something. Here,” he raised his hand to show him his proofs – a bottle of energy drink. And as soon as he knew that Nichkhun has already seen the bottle, he lowered the bottle in his left hand and raised his right one with the receipt.

As a response, the Thai member only grinned.

“Anyway, I saw Amber a while ago and she said that she discovered something today.”

Discovered? Nichkhun’s eyes turned into the size of saucers as soon as he heard that word.

“What is that?”

“Well. You can guess.”

“I have no idea.”

“C’mon hyung! You can do better than that!”

“Just tell me already.”

“Clue! It has something to do with your ex ‘virtual’ wife.”

I think I know now what he is talking about.

“Spill it, Wooyoung.”

“Why are you reacting like that? When I tell you something about Sohee’s secret or Hyelim’s, it seems like you don’t care. But when it comes to a member of f(x), you seemed to care a lot.”

“I know what you are thinking right now.”

“And I know you too, Khun-hyung. Do you have something to admit, anyway?” Wooyoung asked with a calm voice.

“Well. What did Amber discovered first?”

“Her unnie is already in a relationship.”

Nichkhun got surprised double time. I should have seen this coming. But how did she knew?

Wooyoung resumed, “Her unnie is already in a relationship with Changmin.”

At the moment Wooyoung has done his sentence, blood rushed through Nichkhun's veins – panic and adrenaline rush. No, she’s mine! That’s the only thing in his mind right at that moment. I’m selfish. Even in rumors, no one can make her theirs.

That’s why he has said something that he did not want to say at all, right now… But he has to...

“That’s not true! She loves me!” Nichkhun unconsciously blurted out as he heard Wooyoung’s answer.

As soon as he realized what he said, the man in love mentally “face palmed” himself. It’s not supposed to go that way! I’m now dead.

Even though Nichkhun looks embarrassed at what he said, Wooyoung only formed an evil smile in his face, “I caught you! I’m so great!”

“Hey! Wai-------------------t…”

“Are you going to take back your words or not?”

“Actual….ly… No… But…”

“I know you’re not! Anyway. I’m going to the other members. They have to know this too.”

“What can I do now? Fine.”

Wooyoung just shrugged his shoulders and formed a huge smile on his face.

“I’m just joking. Maybe later?”




The filming has just finished.

“Time check: 5PM,” Nichkhun softly murmured.

Throughout the filming, after his conversation with Wooyoung, Nichkhun got really conscious, very conscious… That he couldn’t even look at his co-members’ eyes straightly and he also kept on sticking to them, well, maybe to “spy.” He got really exhausted today.

“Woah! When you’re busy, time flies really fast, right?” Taecyeon said to the other members as he sat on the passenger’s seat of the van. They’re currently on their way home to rest.

“Yeah,” Jun.K, who was sitting between Nichkhun and Junho, calmly replied. “The two people beside me looks tired today. Look at them, they’re already asleep! It’s only 30 minutes since we got in the van.”

Meanwhile, the two at the back, Wooyoung and Chansung…

“Hyung! You look so happy today, huh?  You know… You look like an evil master who has succeeded in his plans,” Chansung told Wooyoung as he became intrigued by his hyung’s actions.

“Well. Do you want to know why? You know that I am not that hard to talk to,” Wooyoung proudly said.

“Of course. Tell me! Tell me. Palli! That sounds exciting!"

“Khun and Victoria are in a S.O.”

“What’s S.O.?”

“Find out for yourself.”

“Whaaaaaaat? That’s unfair, hyung!”

While having a small bickering, Taecyeon entered in the conversation.

“S.O. means… Secret On. Don’t tell me…?

“What you are thinking right now is right, hyung,” Wooyoung confirmed.

Chansung only nodded and added, ”Well, I’m not surprised at all.”

“Hey, Jun.K, wake him up!” Taecyeon hurriedly told Jun.K as he knew the secret. The latter followed the leader and disturbed Nichkhun, “Hey! You have something to tell us!”

The sleepy Nichkhun replied “No! I don’t have anything to say. Let me sleep Victoria, okay?”

The members laughed out loud of what they have heard.

“Victoria is not here, hyung!” Chansung exclaimed.

“Okay…” Then Nichkhun has finally got into his senses and then almost shouted, “Yah! Did I say Victoria?… I just got mistaken…”

“I guess Wooyoung’s gossip is true afterall,” Jun.K teasingly said.

“What’s the commotion all about, guys? I am asleep here, okay?” Junho complained.

“Nichkhun has a girlfriend now, sleepy head! Haha.” Taecyeon informed him.

“Hey! Congratulations hyung! What did you do to get her?” Junho suddenly greeted his hyung like he’s not sleeping a while ago.

“Nothing! I did nothing. I just love her. She loves me too. I courted her. I gave her flowers. I gave her chocolates. She said ‘Yes.’ And now, eversince she has been my girlfriend.” Nichkhun irritatingly said.

“The first part is cheesy,” Wooyoung reacted, making the members laugh out of agreement.

“As expected, you told them.” the man who is at the center of attraction said as he leaned back to look at Wooyoung.

“You know me. Haha.”

Nichkhun could only sigh out of stress.



A/N: Thank you my new subs! I hope you're still following my story, eventhough I get back and forth to present time and flashbacks, I hope it's not getting confusing! THANK YOU FOR READING. Virtual hugs to everyone!~~ Don't forget to comment :))


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Kpopcornluvr #1
Chapter 9: Please please update soon!!! ^_^
Aliff95 #2
Chapter 9: Please update . . I'm dying to read your fic .
vicqian #3
Chapter 9: Update soon •⌣• What happen next?
Chapter 9: OMG their gonna meet^^
vicqian #5
Chapter 8: I like the flashback moment, so sweet •⌣• But dislike that they now separated :( update soon
mchristina11 #6
Chapter 8: this chapter is so funny! :))))
aleixa #7
Chapter 8: The term S.O. is really funny. So I guess it's everywhere, huh? :P
shateenybopper #8
New subscriber! Loving the flashback!
vicqian #9
Chapter 6: So sad to see them like this :( update soon, I never leave this fic, so don't leave us ☺ĸåφ ˆ⌣ˆ keep update ง'̀⌣'́)ง Hwaiittingg