Chapter 11 -> New characters

~Unnoticed Love~

Key's POV

I want to go home already. He's back, so I want to go home so I can talk to him.

"Key? What's wrong?" I heard Changmin's voice. I ignored him.

"Key?" Now its Jinki. But I still ignored them.

After that, I didn't hear any of their voice so I guess they gave up. I know I'm being childish and all but I just can't seem to fully take in that I have to date Jonghyun.


"Uh-ah~ You can't back out Key, you agreed to it and a deal is a deal." Jonghyun said with a smile.

I frown. "But..." I tried to think of something to retort because yeah, I did agree to it but now I want to take it back. I just can't date Jonghyun knowing full well that I don't have the same feelings for him.

"I can let you pass this time but next time I want a date you can't say no to it, we do have a deal," Jonghyun said winking at Key. I frown deeper.

End of Flashback.

When my last class ends, I left already not even waiting for Jinki or any of them. I just want to go home. When I reach our house I immediately dash in one of the rooms where I know that a certain guy which is very close to me is waiting. As I open the door, things of all sorts which is color pink welcomes me and there sitting a guy with his bangs tied with a rubber while a lollipop and doing something which I don't really want to know because its clearly out of my business.

"Heechul-hyung." I calls out. The said guy look at me and smiles.

"Key-ah! How have you been? Me? I'm fine! No need to ask! I enjoyed China so much I even met a guy and he's so --Omo! Why are you crying? I know you missed me a lot and all but you don't need to cry!" Heechul said as he saw the tears pouring out my eyes.

"Hyung... I .... Jinki.... Joon..." I said between my tears.

"I'm so happy that you think I'm smart and all but I'm not really good with finding the missing words, maybe I'll understand your point when you talk clearly." Heechul-hyung said. Seriously! How could he even say that when I just started crying in front of him and its even rare to see me cry! Aish!

"Heechul hyung!" I whine.

"What?" "Jinki and Joon is now officially a couple and..."

"And your hurt." Heechul-hyung said.

If there is a person who knows me best, its Heechul-hyung who have practically stayed beside me until I get older thus having his attitude as a complete diva. He might be a diva but he is a straight forward man and a good adviser.

That's why he is the only person who knows my real feelings towards Jinki. You heard it right, I have feelings for Jinki which is far more than friends. I started loving him when I first saw him. Love at first sight I guess...

"...Yes." He sigh.

"You know Kibum, if it hurts so much why didn't you confessed even before Joon did? You would've had your chance." Heechul hyung said. Now its my turn to sigh as I dried my tears.

"Its not that easy, though i did try but, he doesn't like me like how I like him."

"Did he said that to you directly?"

"No, he didn't but he made it clear since he did told me who he likes."

Heechul-hyung tilts his head. "Who?"

"Kim Jonghyun..."

"Now, now. Who is this Kim Jonghyun?"

"A guy in there class, the most famous heartthrob in the university." I said. "He doesn't like Jinki though because..."

" Because?" Heechul hyung said raising a brow.

"Because that guy is deeply infatuated by me..."

"Really now?" Heechul-hyung's only remark.

We remain silent for a while. I started crying again as Jinki's revelation flashed in my mind, while my brother is thinking of something.


Heechul's POV

Its been 30 minutes since Kibum fell asleep while crying and its been ages since he last cried in me. I know its hard to make this stubborn diva cry but only Jinki can make him cry in a span of a minute.

I know I'm not a really kind brother but I do care about my little diva as he is the only family I have after our parents accident. Kibum is really in love with Jinki, I am the one who saw it all, the way Kibum would feel jealous whenever Joon and Changmin do something that involves being touchy with Jinki, when someone tried to hit on Jinki and the guy doesn't have the idea on how to stop the guy from hitting on him because Jinki doesn't really want that kind of attention, and when he punched someone because that someone made Jinki cry as he accidentally pushed Jinki making the guy fall face flat on the hard cement floor which cause him a bruised knee -I was called out by the principal because of that and since Key refused to say sorry to the guy he just punched-.

I sigh. I pulled out my phone and dialed Leeteuk's phone.

Leeteuk is Jinki's cousin and teacher in SM academy.

"Yeoboseyo?" He said as he picks up the phone.

"Teukie! What cha doin'?" I asks.

"Outlining my lesson for Monday, why?" -Leeteuk.

"Aww~ You seems busy~"

"Yeah I am. Why did you call though?"

"Is it bad for me to call my friend? I miss you since its been 3 years the last time I saw you~" I said while pouting though I know he can't see me.

"Just say what you want to say Chullie, I need to get back to work."

"Tsk! Now work is more important than me? How depressing." I said.

"Chullie..." Leeteuk said warningly.

"Fine, fine. I just want to tell you something personally so you wouldn't really mind it if I go to SM Academy on Monday right?"

"Yeah, I guess... Is it important?"

"A bit... but I know it would interest you and its not about me." I quickly added as I know that he would think once again that's its about me and my trip from China.

Leeteuk chuckles on the other line.

"Okay. I expect to see you on Monday then."

Then the call ended. I glanced down on my lap where Kibum is sleeping peacefully with traces of tears still visible on his skin. I sigh as I caress his silky blonde hair.

"Kibum-yah, why are you hurting yourself? I know Jinki deserves your love but he doesn't love you back. I can't even tell you to stop loving him since I know from experience that its not easy to do." I whispers.

But I know its not only him who is hurting because I know Jinki is too. Our innocent Jinki is hurting too. So much.


Leeteuk's POV

The call ended exactly when Sungmin came in my room.

"Hyung...?" He calls out. I turn to smile at him.

"Come in Minnie-yah." "Hyung I think its fair if I tell you this since you know that I'm with Kyu right?" Sungmin started.

"What is it Minnie?"

" Jinki and Joon is now officially a couple." Sungmin said.

My eyes widen.


"Yes hyung, and Jinki is a bit shy to tell you this so he want me to tell that to you just so you would know." Sungmin said, while sighing.

I frowns. "Why aren't you happy for him Minnie?"

Sungmin didn't answer me but just said something that made my frown deeper.

"I think you should talk with Jinki, because things are so complicated."


Here is Chapter 11!


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Chapter 18: wow, so complicated but you're so kind to even dedicated a few special chapters to some pairings
i can't wait for next update :D
Chapter 18: Well, isn't this a mess
This is so beautiful!!!
Chapter 17: Hope u'd start updating this again... T_T
Chapter 17: Ok you gotta get around your block I'm caught up!
Chapter 17: okay this is frustrating xD jjong you idiot hahahhaha cant wait for more
Hanchelyoon96 #7
Chapter 17: No no no please !! Update more !! Quick quick ^^ I really love this ! Thank U ^^
yourhandsinmine #8
Chapter 17: Omg the twist in this chapter.... WHY JJONG WHY PLEASE CATCH JINKI ASAP T____T Thank you so much for this update, I was waiting for it<333
Chapter 17: Awwww Jjong yku are not hallucinating.. try harder and catch Onew ^^