Airport Troubles

LuHan's World

     ***English is blue, Korean is black, and Mandarin is red***           







            The rest of Ju Rin’s birthday was amazing, to put it simply. Daft Punk put on a personal show for him and gifted him a number of merchandise including an autographed version of their newest CD. Ju Rin was in heaven; I probably haven’t seen him this happy in years, if ever. And the way LuHan presented them to him was amazing.

            Supposedly, it was kind of mom’s idea to psyche Ju Rin out and present him with child decorations so he wouldn’t expect his real gift. By some miracle, LuHan was able to get them to agree to a private concert and had to get them from the airport the morning of the party. It was their idea to dress as clowns to throw Ju Rin off more. It was brilliant…

            The next morning, we left for China. LuHan was eager to get to China was safely and as quickly as possible. He also took extra precautions by making us go on ahead and give some distance until we met on the plane. It wasn’t until we landed in China that he got a little more worried.

            “Make sure you stick together.” He scolded like a worried parent who was sending their child off somewhere new. “We’ll meet at the house.”

            “We’re taking two different cars, right?” Dandy asks, waiting for our turn to exit the plane. LuHan nods lightly, smiling softly. He stands up and waits in the aisle, letting Drew and Ju Rin slide out and exit in a hurry. Drew hops out of the seats, holding his hand out to me as I followed suit.

            “Let’s not try to get you lost in the crowd.” He smiles sweetly. I nod and take his hand.

            “See you soon.” LuHan waves while Dandy tugs me out of the plane with him. When we exit, we’re greeted with a large crowd waiting at the gate. I gulp, suddenly self-conscious. What if that fan that sent the note was here and recognized me?

            “Its okay, noona.” Dandy tried to comfort when he felt me stiffen. He squeezes my hand gently, letting me know he was there for me. I in a deep breath, finally ready to face the fans.

            We carefully begin to push our way through the crowd, Dandy leading me confidently. On our way through all the people, I hear my phone notify a text. I tug at Dandy’s hand, making him pause and turn around to check me over.

            “Noona?” He asks, slightly worried why I stopped. I fumble in my pack, pulling out my phone.

            “I hear I got a message.” I tell him, checking my message. Dandy huffs gently at me.

            “Can’t you look once we get to the car?” He wonders, his brows furrowing.

            “It’s from Drew, though.”

            “Oh?” Dandy was suddenly curious. “What does that fool need?”

            “He said t–“

            It’s LuHan!!! Someone yelped, igniting an eruption of squeals from the crowd. As if it was an invitation, the crowd surged forward towards the gate, shoving Dandy and me in the process.

            “N-noona! We need to go!” He yelps from the girls, reaching a hand out to me despite the growing distance between us.

            “Yes! Just let me–“ A girl shoves against me roughly, kicking me back a couple steps and knocking my phone from my hands. “Yah! My phone!”

            “Noona?!” Dandy calls out while I’m being pushed back even more.

            “L-let me try to get my phone…” I scowl, bending down to search for it. Reaching my hand forward, I scan the ground blindly, occasionally being kicked and stepped on. My hand finally finds something, making me pull it to me hurriedly.

            “D-Dandy! I found–“ I start to yell, only to be cut off by a horrible shot of pain in my face. I instantly dropped my phone to cover my face that was just kneed by a hurrying fangirl.


[LuHan POV]


            The wave of fans that squealed and surged towards me when I made my exit was intense. I smiled and waved sweetly to them all, making them yell out in excitement. I was hoping that Ju Ah and the boys made it through safely. I began to make my trek through them as well.

            “Noona???” I heard a yelp in between all the squeals and calls of my name, making my smile fade. ‘Was that Dandy?’ I began scanning the many faces. Don’t tell me its–

            “Noona!!! Where are you??” Another yelp grabs my attention to a disheveled-looking Dandy trying to fight through the crowd. My heart instantly stopped. I pushed through the fans quickly; easier for me to do so since they moved out of my way.

            “Daejung.” I call Dandy’s name once I finally reach him. “What’s wrong?”

            “Noona went down and I can’t find her nor will she answer me.” He replied, taking another glance around. “Someone knocked her phone from her hand and she tried to get it back.”

            My heartbeat began to pick up angrily and worriedly. Did she end up getting knocked over and stepped on? Or swept away in the crowd? Or worse…?

            “Everyone!” I yell at the fans, causing them to pause in surprise. “Is there a girl out there who has fallen??”

            All the fans exchange looks, surprised at my outburst. Dandy takes advantage of the stillness and begins to search for Ju Ah again. I make my way around them, searching the ground as well. My eye catches sight of a smashed phone that looked like it’s been dropped and trampled on for good measure.

            “N-noona! There you are!” Dandy exclaims. I hurry over to him.

            Ju Ah was covering her face with her hands, a noticeable tremble flowing through her body. There were scraped and red spot all over her arms and legs as if she was slapped in those places over and over again. I reached down and pressed a hand against her shoulder gently, making her cringe under my touch.

            “Go ahead, I’ll take care of her.” I tell Dandy. He nods and turns around, pushing passed all the shocked fans. I turn my attention back to Ju Ah, whispering to her softly. “Ju Ah, are you okay?”

            She doesn’t react to my voice, continuing to tremble under my touch. I reach up to grasp her wrists, pulling her hands from her face slowly. Her beautiful face was tear-streaked as she cried quietly, hiccupping softly when she opened her puffy eyes to look at me. Her nose and upper lip were red and already beginning to swell from some impact that made her nose bleed. I in a breath – I told her she’d be safe in China and yet here she is, hurt. I grit my teeth and stood up, pulling her up onto her shaky legs.

            “I’m here, it’s okay.” I coo, hoping she didn’t hurt too badly. I carefully walked her to my car, shooting death glares at the not-so-helpful fans. I could care less about what they thought at this moment, I couldn’t stand seeing Ju Ah hurt when she was promised protection.




            Once we reached the safety of the car, I handed Ju Ah the jacket I wore to cover her face until we reached the house. Sadly, we went the whole trip without a word from her. She was still noticeably shaking, making the knot in my stomach grow. We eventually reached our location, the boy’s car already there and waiting. I slide out of the car and carefully lead Ju Ah out allowing her to glance around.

            “Welcome.” I greet gently, wrapping an arm around her shoulder to lead her. “This is my parent’s vacation house. I asked to borrow it for a couple weeks before heading to their house. I wanted to give you some privacy, like your aunt’s house, except next to a lake.”

            She gasps gently, glancing at the property while holding my jacket to her nose. I point to the large house we parked in the driveway of.

            “That’s the main house.” I explained. She gawked at the large home while I lead her around it, heading towards the back of the property. “I thought you’d like a place without boys if and when you’d like to be alone, so this is your ‘room’.”

            I lead her to the little cabin just off the lake, opening the door for her. She takes a step inside, turning on the light to look around. It had a little den with a small fireplace, a kitchen and, in the other side of it, a small bedroom and bathroom. When I became old enough, my parents began to let me stay down here to satisfy my ‘teen boy rebellious’ stage…

            “Thank you, it’s so cute and cozy.” She nods gently. I pull my jacket from her face and toss it onto the couch, leading her to the bedroom.

            “Get comfy, I’ll get things to clean you up.” I nod towards the bed. She perches on the edge of the bed, waiting patiently for me. I step into the bathroom, dampening a washcloth and grabbing a towel. I walk back to the bedroom and kneel next to the bed in front of her.

            She closes her still-swollen eyes and leans forward towards me, allowing me to wipe the dried blood and tears from her face. I frown as I look her over, her nose and upper lip still red.

            “Your lip is beginning to swell…” I mumble, hating the feeling that this was because of me.

            “Someone seemed to have kneed me.” She replied, opening her eyes when she feels me pause in my caring. My frown deepens and I have her the towel.

            “All clean.” I sigh, turning to stand up. “I’m sorry…”

            She tosses the towel around my neck, pulling me gently to her. “It wasn’t your fault.” She pouts gently.

            “I feel like it was.” I grumble unhappily. I didn’t look forward to seeing all of her bruises she was given. I trace a finger down her inner arm, tracing the little scraped and forming bruises lightly. I run my fingers to her hand, pulling it from the towel. Even her fingers were bruising.

            “How about I make it better…” I grumble quietly. Ju Ah watched me curiously as I press a small, gentle kiss on her fingers. “This may not be much, but I’ll kiss them better…”

            A light blush brushed across her cheeks when I told her. I pull her other hand away from the towel, kissing her bruised fingers. ‘Maybe I should have hired escorts?’ I ask myself, making sure I kiss every bruise I can find on her small, soft hands. That would have brought just as much attention to her as I did…

            I sigh gently, moving upwards to her inner wrists. Brushing my lips against the bruises softly, she gasps softly, grabbing my attention. I glance up at her, surprised at her reaction. Pausing for a bit, I carefully continued up her arms, catching another small gasp as I kissed the inside of her upper arms. I eventually moved onto her legs, catching another gasp or two that peaked my interest; were they her sensitive spots? By the time I was done with the current visible bruises, I sit back up, her face turning a brighter shade.

            “Now for the most important.” I moved upward to kiss her nose and upper lip. She re-grips the towel draped over my shoulders, pulling me closer to turn my little healing peck into a deep kiss. I couldn’t help but smile as she kissed me.

            “I have to make sure I get all the bruises.” I mumble, pulling myself away reluctantly. She frowned at me with a little frustration, her face as flushed as ever. I trail kisses from her lips, along her jaw, and down her long neck, catching a shudder move through her every once and awhile. I chuckle to myself, keeping in mind where all the other spots were. Pulling her closer to me while I explored, I wanted to find all of Ju Ah’s sensitive spots.













What's gonna happen, eh? Eh??


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If I hear from you, it helps me continue to write~

Don't forget to show my C/A some love! She's writing this EXO fanfic of which I am super excited for! If you like mine, I have a feeling you'll love hers. Go check out her Sweet & Spicy~~~~









If you want to read Kris's side, please go read Kris's World!

CA: oh my lands! I really enjoyed this chapter. I actually squeeled at the last part! LuHan getting freaky? Hehe! So sweet to kiss away the bruises. And poor girl! :( being trampled in a crowd is no fun! I've ha it happen in a metal concert! Not fun!


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Chapter 9: even though this is about Luhan and not Baro, I still love it, waiting for an update
AgentBabyFace #2
It's good !!~
Update soon !!~
AgentBabyFace #3
Awww ... How I LOVE Luhan ♥♥
Please also read my fiction titled "Love Confessions" ...
Thank You !!~
Annyeong !!~ <333

~ AgentBabyFace Here !!~ :)
Chapter 9: hoh my, luhan
this sequel IS PERFECTTTT =w=
Chapter 9: Oh my! A longer chapter! I love it! LuHan is so sweet-and maybe a little naughty naughty!
Chapter 8: OMG!! Daft Punk? I love it!! Keep it going! This is great!
Chapter 7: Hopefully LuHan will be out of his funk soon. Can't wait to see the ideas that Mrs. Soh has!!
Chapter 6: makes me sad for LuHan, but it will get better right???
Jmskitten04 #9
Chapter 6: LuHan~ cheer up buddy, things will work out hopefully! <3
I really enjoy not only helping you with these, but I really enjoy reading what you write. You are amazing, please dont give up!
Jmskitten04 #10
Chapter 4: Muahaha! I love how evil JuRin can be at times!!