Ju Rin's Challenge

LuHan's World

 ***English is blue, Korean is black, and Mandarin is red***           







            The plan seemed to go on without a hitch. Fans weren’t nearly as aware about my ‘vacation’ or where I was going as much as the others, which made me travel go by faster. I got nervous as soon as I landed in America; for once I was all by myself…

            I scanned the crowed as soon as I reached the exit. Jungsu wouldn’t lead me on since this was for Ju Ah’s safety, would he? ‘At least I could call Kris if I needed to…’ I try to reassure myself, searching the crowd continuously. Finally, a little sign caught my attention.




            I found him! I strode towards him in a hurry. As soon as he realized I was heading straight for him, he tipped his hat at me in a greeting.

            “LuHan?” He asked, making sure I was really who he was looking for. I nod in reply.

            “Welcome to the States, sir! Do you have any bags to grab? We’ll leave as soon as we get all your stuff together.” He buzzed happily. I blinked at him a moment while trying to piece together whatever words I knew.

            “I… I’m sorry… I don’t speak English.” I frown, shaking my head. Of course Jungsu would hire a driver for me that only speaks English! “No English…”

            “I could have sworn Jungsu said you speak English…” He sighed, scratching his head. “Well, I guess that’s just like Jungsu.”

            “Do you know him personally?”

            “That–that’s an explanation best left for another day! I’m afraid that we need to go as soon as we can, we have a long drive ahead of us.” He smiles slightly. All these secrets were beginning to worry me… How many of these things did Ju Ah know?


            After grabbing my luggage and putting them into the trunk, we set off on our long drive. Even after a few hours, it didn’t seem like we were getting anywhere. I shuddered while I watched outside the world. Out in the middle of nowhere, to say the least, only a house every few miles… Did Jungsu end up sending me on a wild goose chase? I scowled at the back of the driver’s head… ‘What are you planning…’

            The driver finally turns and pulls into a long driveway to a farm-like property. There were long stretches of open pastures filled with horses and other animals, a large barn sat at the end of the driveway not too far away from a just-as-large, two-story farm house. It was a bit breathtakingly beautiful, all this open space and fields with creatures scattered around. It was definitely different from the cities I’m typically in. The driver pulls in besides the large barn and gets out, opening the door for me to get out.

            “Here we are, sir.” He bids, stepping aside for me to get out. I slowly slide out of my seat and glance around. Was Ju Ah really here? I walked around the barn, trying to take everything in.

            “Auntie!” A familiar voice calls out. “We need more grains, Wally ate everyone else’s share…”

            “He’s gonna pop!” A boy’s voice replies. “I’ll go keep an eye on him to make sure he didn’t over-eat.”

            I suddenly see Ju Ah waving over her shoulder, walking towards the barn. Her hair was tied up into a messy ponytail, dirt was smeared all over her. She balanced what looked like a large, shallow bucket against her hip while she walked. I feel my heart skip a beat.

            “Auntie!” She yells out again, still not noticing me due to the sun shining in her eyes. She squints while she approaches me. “Auntie? Did you hear me?”

            “Ju Ah…” I sigh out. Relief washed over me. She was perfectly fine! I wanted to hug her tight and tell her to never leave my sight again…

            “Eh?” Confused by my voice, she shields her eyes from the sun with her free hand. When she realizes who I was, she gasped loudly and dropped the bucket. “LuHan??”

            “Ju Ah! Thank god yo–“

            “What are you doing here??” She demands. The fear in her face made my heart ache.

            “I came to get you.” I tell her, in a breath. She frowns at my reply.

            “You shouldn’t be here.” She mumbles, glancing around in a panic. “You should leave before someone manages to see you…”

            “I can’t leave, not without you.”

            “I can’t go back to Korea. Not with you…”

            “I’m not taking you back to Korea. I’m taking you somewhere safe in China.” I scowl. This was going to be hard to convince her, especially after the recent events. I sigh, how could I have let this happen…


            “JoJo~~~” A loud voice sings, cutting her off. She’s suddenly scooped into someone’s arms. “I am back! Did you miss me~?”

            “Not now, Andrew…” She huffs at him, glaring at the boy holding her. He held his breath, pushing his dark glasses up into his lightened brown hair. He glances at Ju Ah and then me again.

            “Who’s that?” He asks, setting her back down gently. He stares at me closely, gawking slightly.

            “This is LuHan.” She introduces. He nods at me and smiles wide.

            “What brings you here, Lulu?” He asks innocently. I just met this guy and he already gave me a pet name?

            “I’m here to bring Ju Ah somewhere safe.”

            “But, she is safe.” His big smile disappears. His eyes sweep over me from head to toe.

            “Everyone misses her… They don’t want you to just leave their lives, Ju Ah.” I try to explain. “Tao alone has been crying and whining about wanting to see you everyday…”

            “Tao is?” She mumbles while she stares up at me, surprised.

            “I tried telling you before… It’s too late to forget you.” I sighed. I know she won’t remember that, at least not for a while. But… Hopefully this was the perfect time to remind her. She seemed to mull it over in her head.

            “One condition…”

            “A-anything!” My heart skips a beat.

            “Drew and Ju Rin had to come with us.” She watches me closely.

            “Vacation?!” Drew coos besides her, wiggling from excitement. “When do we go?!”

            “He’s got to win me over first.” The voice from earlier calls behind Drew. Ju Rin steps up between the two and stares at me blankly. “Up for a challenge?”

            “Yes, anything.” I nod, determined. If this could get Ju Ah to go to China with me, I’d take any challenge handed to me.

            “My birthday is next weekend. If you can throw me a party that leaves me in awe, I’ll accept you.” He smirks at me. “It won’t be easy, my mom orchestrates breathtaking parties…”












Oooo, a challenge has been issued!

What will LuHan have to do to win over Ju Rin?!

A new character has been added!!! Here's his info~~~




Drew/Andrew/Lee JungDae

17 years old

Ju Ah's and Ju Rin's next door neighbor

Ju Rin's best friend

Known Ju Rin and Ju Ah since they were all very young

Slightly possessive of Ju Ah (but everyone sees it as a joke)

Puppy-like personality

Roots for opposing players instead of himself





Don't forget to show my C/A some love! She's writing this EXO fanfic of which I am super excited for! If you like mine, I have a feeling you'll love hers. Go check out her Sweet & Spicy~~~~









If you want to read Kris's side, please go read Kris's World!

C/A: A FARM?!!? awesome sauce!
I wonder what LuLu will do to win over JuRin? ;)

Authornim put in alot of effort into the making of these chapters!! So send her some love by commenting, subscribing, and Upvoting! <3





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Chapter 9: even though this is about Luhan and not Baro, I still love it, waiting for an update
AgentBabyFace #2
It's good !!~
Update soon !!~
AgentBabyFace #3
Awww ... How I LOVE Luhan ♥♥
Please also read my fiction titled "Love Confessions" ...
Thank You !!~
Annyeong !!~ <333

~ AgentBabyFace Here !!~ :)
Chapter 9: hoh my, luhan
this sequel IS PERFECTTTT =w=
Chapter 9: Oh my! A longer chapter! I love it! LuHan is so sweet-and maybe a little naughty naughty!
Chapter 8: OMG!! Daft Punk? I love it!! Keep it going! This is great!
Chapter 7: Hopefully LuHan will be out of his funk soon. Can't wait to see the ideas that Mrs. Soh has!!
Chapter 6: makes me sad for LuHan, but it will get better right???
Jmskitten04 #9
Chapter 6: LuHan~ cheer up buddy, things will work out hopefully! <3
I really enjoy not only helping you with these, but I really enjoy reading what you write. You are amazing, please dont give up!
Jmskitten04 #10
Chapter 4: Muahaha! I love how evil JuRin can be at times!!