Get Comfortable

LuHan's World

***English is blue, Korean is black, and Mandarin is red***           








[Ju Ah POV]


            “Throw you a party?” LuHan asks, slightly surprised by the request. I shuddered at the sight of Ju Rin’s smirk; he was making sure LuHan wouldn’t be able to win him over… I felt a bit guilty for saying I’d only go if Drew and Ju Rin went…

            “Hey kids!” A round little woman turns the corner of the barn. When she sees Luhan, she gasps slightly. “Hello!”

            “Ah, hello ma’am.” He bows in a greeting. “My name is LuHan.”

            “Auntie!” Drew calls out to her. “Can Lulu stay awhile with us? He’s going to plan Rin’s birthday.”

            “Oh, you are?” She looks LuHan over. “Are you a planner of some sort?”

            “I’m not…” He smiles nervously.

            “Oh… Then who are you?”

            “He’s my f… friend!” I tell her, stepping up besides him. “He came to check up on me and told Ju Rin he’d plan his party for him.”

            LuHan watched me, surprised. After shoving him away so hard, he didn’t expect me to call him my friend. He glanced back at auntie and smiled his usual sweet smile, nodding at her shyly. She looks over him again.

            “Then you wouldn’t mind giving him half of your room?” She chuckles slyly, smirking over at me. I felt my temperature drop. Is she serious?

            “Make yourself at home, Lulu~” She coos before leaving us behind.

            “Eh, your aunt…” Ju Rin shakes his head at Drew. “She’s just like you!”

            “Probably because she knows if he did anything bad to Ju Ah, we’d beat him down~” Drew giggles evilly.  I see LuHan stiffen at what he said, making me frown. ‘Poor LuHan…’

            “Who are you?” Drew asks, skipping over to the guy looming behind LuHan.

            “I am LuHan’s driver for now.” The man smiles lightly, tipping his hat at everyone.

            “Wah! You hired a driver?!” Drew turns to LuHan, his mouth forming a large ‘O’.

            “I didn’t, Jungsu did.”

            The three of us freeze up. ‘Jungsu is helping LuHan?’ Drew’s face drops as he looks between LuHan and the driver.

            “Jungsu isn’t here, is he?” Drew asks LuHan.

            “As far as I know, he’s still in Korea.” LuHan says while looking at the driver. “He said he had to send one of the EXO members because he wasn’t welcome here.”

            “He’s not.” Drew replies frankly, crossing his arms while he glares at the driver. I sigh quietly. Drew wasn’t a fan of Jungsu’s, to say the least. While my brother idolized Jungsu, Drew hated his guts. Typically, Drew is a very kind, open person who accepts everyone. Jungsu is the only exception…

            “I don’t trust you.” He growled at the driver. He points at LuHan. “I’m okay with you as long as you don’t do anything to my future wife.”

            “F-future wife?” LuHan asks him, confused. I feel my face flare up. LuHan didn’t need to know that!

            “Yah! Andrew!” I shout, punching him in the shoulder.

            “What! You promised!” He scowls at me, rubbing his new wound.

            “Yeah, 12 years ago!!!” I feel myself getting flustered. LuHan watches me, his eyes wide.

            “A promise is a promise!” Drew pouts, storming off. I sigh heavily and turn to LuHan, his stare was still on me. My face flares up even more.

            “Tell him not to worry, I’ll make myself scarce. Here’s my number when you need me.” The driver speaks up, grabbing our attention. He hands LuHan a card. “I’ll place your things on the porch.”

            “Well…” I clear my throat as we all watch the driver walk towards the back of the car. “I’ll show you to the room, LuHan.” I turn towards the house and walk towards it, LuHan striding close behind.

            “LuHan, Hwaiting~!” Ju Rin taunts while we leave. I shake my head at him, stepping onto the big porch.

            “Ju Ah?” LuHan calls out. “I could sleep somewhere else, I don’t expect you to–“

            “It’s ok.” I turn to him, smiling softly to reassure him. “The rooms are fairly large. Auntie usually opens her farm up for friends and family during the summer, each room can hold a small family or a few teenagers comfortably.”

            He nods at me slightly, not really looking reassured. I lead him up the large staircase, turning to a set of double doors. I open them up and step aside to let him get a good look.

            The room really was large, similar to the size of a master bedroom. Since it was so large, auntie set two double beds besides one another, leaving just enough room between the two to allow someone to slide into bed. There were night tables on both sides of the beds, a coupe chairs and a little table were by the large windows across the room, and a T.V. was propped up across from the beds. It reminded me of a hotel room.

            “Whoa, it is big!” He gawked, stepping into the room. He looks around, wanting to take it all in.

            “I told you.” I chuckled at him lightly. “I claimed the bed on the right, but we can switch if you’d like.”

            “No, it’s ok. This is more than enough. Thank you.”




            A few hours after Luhan arrived, we all had dinner together – minus the driver – and Luhan took his bags and things up to our room. After taking a nice, cool shower and changing into PJ’s, I stride back into an empty bedroom. The sound of stomping feet down the hall grabs my attention.

            “Night Jojo~” Drew calls out. I turn to his voice and squeal, covering my eyes as quickly as possible. Drew was stretched out against the doorframe, his sweat pants sat extra low on his hips and had no shirt on.

            “Andrew… Either pull up your pants or put on a shirt!” I demand into my hands.

            “Come on, you have to get used to it. We’ll be getting married eventually~~” I can hear the smirk through his words. Oh how I wanted to smack that bare skin as hard as possible…

            “Just go…” I grumble angrily. He chuckles at me and I hear him begin walking away. “Oh, wait. Drew?” I uncover my eyes and step to the door, hoping to catch him.

            “Yes, love?” He coos, peaking around the door.

            “Have you seen LuHan?”

            “Last time I saw Lulu, he stepped out onto the porch.” He nods, smiling softly.

            “Ah, thank you.” I nod and step out of the room, hurrying around Drew before stepping down the stairs.

            “You owe me a kiss~!” He jokes at me, turning towards Ju Rin’s and his room. Once I get downstairs, I slip on some shoes and step outside.

            I couldn’t help but smile at the fresh, cool outside air that greeted me upon stepping onto the porch. It wasn’t that Korea didn’t have this, but being here in the summer brought back good, old memories. I inhale deeply, trying to enjoy it as long as possible before looking for LuHan. I sigh happily and look around the now dark property. As I scan the horizon, I spot a silhouette of someone perched on top of a nearby fence. I smile softly. ‘LuHan…’

            “What are you doing out here?” I call out as I walk over to join him. He turns to the sound of my voice, reaching out a hand to help me up when he sees me climb up the fence besides him.

            “Sorry, clearing my head.” He gently pulls me up. I situate myself, folding my hands in my lap.

            “What’s on your mind?” I worried about what was wrong. Even though I lost all my memories of him, something about him sitting here alone made my chest squeeze.

            “You…” He mumbles, smiling sadly. My heart skips a beat.

            “M-me?” I prod. He nods slowly.

            “I think about what happened. I wonder how long it’ll take before you regain your memories, if you regain them… Why would someone go this far to get you away from us?” He sighs, slouching slightly. “I feel it’s my fault…”

            “It’s not your fault…” I scowl.

            “It is. What if I never met you? You would have never had any of this happen to you. Or what if I never told you how I felt? Would you have been safe for another day? A week? A month??” He kicks the air, sighing heavily. “I should have listened to Jungsu and gave you distance, you’d be safe. But I couldn’t… Even now I can’t…”

            I feel my heartbeat pick up and my face redden. Was that some form of confession?











Well, not a great chapter.

Hopefully the next one will be more entertaining!

Don't forget to show my C/A some love! She's writing this EXO fanfic of which I am super excited for! If you like mine, I have a feeling you'll love hers. Go check out her Sweet & Spicy~~~~









If you want to read Kris's side, please go read Kris's World!

C/A: Hello Luvs!
Sharing a room!?!?! What mischief can be made! hehehe
Wow, Luhan is thingking very deeply about what has been going on. Poor boy! ;_;

Authornim is working very hard to bring this story to life for everyone, so please Comment, Subscribe, and Upvote! <3





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If I don't get feedback, I'm going to stop writing


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Chapter 9: even though this is about Luhan and not Baro, I still love it, waiting for an update
AgentBabyFace #2
It's good !!~
Update soon !!~
AgentBabyFace #3
Awww ... How I LOVE Luhan ♥♥
Please also read my fiction titled "Love Confessions" ...
Thank You !!~
Annyeong !!~ <333

~ AgentBabyFace Here !!~ :)
Chapter 9: hoh my, luhan
this sequel IS PERFECTTTT =w=
Chapter 9: Oh my! A longer chapter! I love it! LuHan is so sweet-and maybe a little naughty naughty!
Chapter 8: OMG!! Daft Punk? I love it!! Keep it going! This is great!
Chapter 7: Hopefully LuHan will be out of his funk soon. Can't wait to see the ideas that Mrs. Soh has!!
Chapter 6: makes me sad for LuHan, but it will get better right???
Jmskitten04 #9
Chapter 6: LuHan~ cheer up buddy, things will work out hopefully! <3
I really enjoy not only helping you with these, but I really enjoy reading what you write. You are amazing, please dont give up!
Jmskitten04 #10
Chapter 4: Muahaha! I love how evil JuRin can be at times!!