
LuHan's World

          ***English is blue, Korean is black, and Mandarin is red***           







            “How many?” The worker asked once I reached the front of the line to the Ferris wheel. LuHan didn’t question where I took him, but I held onto his hand just in case. I didn’t want to turn around to find LuHan completely gone.

            “Two.” I reply, squeezing LuHan’s hand gently. The wheel creaked helplessly while it turned, slowly delivering the gondolas. The worker waits for the occupants to file out before she opens it up for us to enter. I lead LuHan inside and sit across from him, releasing his hand as the door shuts behind us tightly.

            LuHan sighed gently to himself while he looked around us, the gondola squeaking softly while the ride moved, placing new carts in our place.

            “Are you okay, LuHan?” I ask, watching him closely. He glances at me quickly, flashing me a small smile before watching back outside the cart. I sigh and slouch slightly; I wasn’t getting anywhere…

            After one more cart shift, LuHan turned his gaze from the surrounding area to the floor of the gondola. ‘If only I could read minds.’ I scowl in his direction. Maybe it was the whole Ju Rin birthday thing… Maybe I should have just gone?

            “LuHan…” I sigh. He perks slightly at the sound of his name, not taking his gaze from the floor. “I don’t like seeing you so down… Please tell me what’s wrong…”

            He glances up at me surprised, not fully expecting it. I pout slightly, sliding forward in my seat.


            “I… I’m afraid of heights.”

            I subconsciously gasp while LuHan laughs nervously. It didn’t occur to me that he was, and yet… we dragged him on every large roller coaster we came across! I even dragged him onto a Ferris wheel, of all things! How I wished I could kick myself…

            “I-I’m sorry, LuHan… You should have told us.” I murmured, a lump filling my stomach.

            “I didn’t want to ruin anything, this is Ju Rin’s gift.” He replies, smiling lightly while he stared back at the floor.

            “You didn’t need to do it for Ju Rin or anybody… A fear is a fear…” I scowl at myself. I carefully move to the seat next to him, sliding in close. Taking his hand gently, I squeeze it, hoping to comfort him a little.

            “I’m sorry…”

            It grows quiet in our gondola as the wheel squeaks yet again, pushing us upward. I sigh quietly, his hand a little clammy. We slowly reached the top, giving a beautiful view of the land around us.

            “LuHan… Look.” I point outside our gondola, hoping to distract him. He hesitates a good moment, deciding if he really wants to look or not. Was the view worth the fear? He finally decides to take the risk, glancing up carefully. He holds in a breath, scanning the horizon.

            The rolling hills, although not green, were beautiful from this distance, almost gleaming a golden color under the warm sun. City off in the distance, I wanted to reach out and play with the small buildings. Small, white fluffy clouds dot the light blue sky giving no threat of sun coverage. I smiled at the sight. My favorite time of year in one of my favorite places. It was perfect…

            “Beautiful.” LuHan mumbled, making me smile wider. I turn to him, watching his face relax at the view with a faint smile. ‘Finally,’ I sigh. ‘He actually smiled.’

            I watch him, slightly mesmerized. His soft, pale skin shone lightly under the sun the peaked from around the cover of the gondola, his adorable smile gleaming. He glances at me, his innocent doe eyes locking with mine, making my breath hitch. While we stared at one another, his smile slowly faded, turning his gaze serious.

            “You’re beautiful, too.” He whispered, my heart skipping a beat in reply. He leans towards me slowly, pressing his lips against mine softly. He pulls back after a quick moment, the small smile playing on his lips again. “Thank you for comforting me.”

            “O-of course… That just means you need to come to me with your problems!” I huff, pouting slightly as I pry my eyes off of LuHan and back to the horizon that was now moving. LuHan chuckles and nods, squeezing my hand.

[LuHan POV]


            “Finally back on the ground!” Ju Ah exclaimed once the worker lets us out. Sighing with relief, Ju Ah leads me to the food stands, sitting down at a bench. I took a seat next to her and relaxed.

            “Have you thought of what to do for Ju Rin’s birthday?” She asks after a moment of comfortable silence, watching the families passing by. My heart sank.

            “No… I don’t know what he likes…” I scowl softly. I didn’t know him at all; it was another reason why I was so out of it. Ju Ah nodded gently next to me.

            “Don’t tell Ju Rin, but I’ll help you a bit.” She mumbled to me, her nose scrunching up in thought. I smiled at the sight, holding back my urge to kiss it.

            “You will?” I prodded. The idea of her not really minding to go to China with me put me a little more at ease.

            “Yes, but shh! He’s coming!” She puffed out her cheeks playfully, making me chuckle.




            A few more hours at the park and the boys were finally ready to go. They flop into the car’s seats, sighing heavily in unison. Ju Ah slides in next to me, watching them happily while they complained about their empty stomachs. I shook my head slightly; Ju Ah offered over and over to get them food, but all three refused, too eager for the next rides. Instead, Ju Ah and I were the one’s that ate, watching while they played to their heart’s content. They didn’t have to wait too long though; we soon arrived back at the ranch.

            As soon as we pulled into the driveway, stopping short of the barn, the boys rushed around one another, hurrying to the house for food. I began to follow suit until a hand was set on my shoulder, making me pause.

            “Wait.” Ju Ah smiled sweetly at me before sliding up to the front of the limo, knocking on the privacy glass.

            “Yes, miss?” The driver replied once he rolled down the little window. She mumbles instructions to him before sliding back to the rear of the car next to me.

            “What did you tell him?” I ask her when she pulled the door closed.

            “To get help for Ju Rin’s birthday.”




            “Come in, come in.” Ju Ah coos kindly, holding my hand while she leads me to the door of a sweet, two-story house. It was an adorable little property with a small fence surrounding it, making it feel slightly secure and homey at the same time. We hop onto the porch and push open the front door.

            “Mom~?” She calls out softly, taking a small step inside the door. She glances around eagerly while a beautiful, young woman steps into our view from across the house.

            “Ju Ah?” The woman mutters, surprised at the unexpected visit. Ju Ah releases my hand and rushes to her, hugging her tightly.

            “Mom, this is LuHan. He’s a friend of mine.” She introduces once the tight embrace is over. I grin kindly, bowing for a greeting to the beautiful woman.

            “Nice to meet you, LuHan. You can call me Mrs. Soh.” She pets Ju Ah’s hair while glancing me over.

            “Where’s papa?” Ju Ah asks, taking another look around the house.

            “Taking a nap, sweetie.” Mrs. Soh points to the stairs. Ju Ah nods excitedly, turning to creep up the stairs quietly. Mrs. Soh waves at me to follow her into the next room. “Anything to drink for you, LuHan?”

            “Oh, no ma’am.” I follow her into the kitchen. She motions for me to take a seat on a bar stool while she leaned against the counter, continuously watching me.

            “Don’t need to be too formal with me.” She chuckles, her features growing childish with her large grin. Her slender fingers tap against the counter. “What brings you here, dear?”

            “Ju Ah told me that she was going to help me plan Ju Rin’s birthday party.”

            “Ah, you’re the one he gave the task to…” She nods, grinning gently. “I could give you an idea of what I had planned.”

            “What is something he likes?” I bite my lip. Mrs. Soh’s tapping comes to a stop while she thinks, her nose scrunching up in thought. I couldn’t help but smile – the little action was just like Ju Ah’s.

            “There is one thing I have yet to try…” Mrs. Soh sighs softly, her face relaxing as she turns back to me. “If you can get it to happen, he’d love you forever.”















Mrs. Soh will have some ideas, right?

She is the master of parties~


Please leave feedback!


If I hear from you, it helps me continue to write~

Don't forget to show my C/A some love! She's writing this EXO fanfic of which I am super excited for! If you like mine, I have a feeling you'll love hers. Go check out her Sweet & Spicy~~~~









If you want to read Kris's side, please go read Kris's World!

CA: Oooo :) I enjoy reading and helping out with this story! :) LuHan is so sweet~ I just want to pinch him! I can't wait to find out what idea JuAhs mom has!! :)


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Chapter 9: even though this is about Luhan and not Baro, I still love it, waiting for an update
AgentBabyFace #2
It's good !!~
Update soon !!~
AgentBabyFace #3
Awww ... How I LOVE Luhan ♥♥
Please also read my fiction titled "Love Confessions" ...
Thank You !!~
Annyeong !!~ <333

~ AgentBabyFace Here !!~ :)
Chapter 9: hoh my, luhan
this sequel IS PERFECTTTT =w=
Chapter 9: Oh my! A longer chapter! I love it! LuHan is so sweet-and maybe a little naughty naughty!
Chapter 8: OMG!! Daft Punk? I love it!! Keep it going! This is great!
Chapter 7: Hopefully LuHan will be out of his funk soon. Can't wait to see the ideas that Mrs. Soh has!!
Chapter 6: makes me sad for LuHan, but it will get better right???
Jmskitten04 #9
Chapter 6: LuHan~ cheer up buddy, things will work out hopefully! <3
I really enjoy not only helping you with these, but I really enjoy reading what you write. You are amazing, please dont give up!
Jmskitten04 #10
Chapter 4: Muahaha! I love how evil JuRin can be at times!!