The Note

LuHan's World

***English is blue, Korean is black, and Mandarin is red***           







[LuHan POV]


            We decided to give the two siblings some space for a day… Although she told us about Jungsu, she hadn’t told us everything and we didn’t want to push her too far, especially so soon after the accident.

            “LuHan…” Tao whines, slipping into my room quietly. “Let’s go see Ju Ah.”

            “You can hold off for a day, can’t you?” I sigh. Wasn’t Tao being a little too clingy? I watch him while his bottom lip quivers, tears filling his eyes.

            “But… We almost lost her… I want to make sure nothing like that happens again.” He sniffles. He was right, though. It was scary how quickly and easily someone that meant so much to you could just disappear. I shake my head, trying to shake the thought from my mind and aching heart.

            “If you won’t go, I’ll go alone!” He shouts at me, turning to storm from my room in a fit.

            “Fine! I’ll go with you.” I quickly stand and hurry after him while he stormed to the front door. As Tao flings the door open in a rage, Jungsu was standing at the door step, just about to knock. The three of us stare at one another in shock, not expecting either one of us to be there at that specific moment.

            “Eh? What are you doing here?” Tao prods, still fuming. Jungsu scowls at us and shoves a couple pieces of paper into my hands.

            “I leave for only a little while and all hell breaks loose.” He huffs, setting his hands on his hips. “I was hearing rumors, so I need to know… What happened to Ju Ah?” He frowns deeply, his eyebrows furrowing angrily. I open the paper with “♡To: Ju Ah♡” on the front.


I’ll warn you this

last time: leave the

EXO boys alone or

you will have another



            I shudder once I read it. ‘So, it wasn’t an accident… Someone aimed for Ju Ah.’ I passed the note to Tao before moving onto the second paper.


I’ll be out of town

for a while. Please,

take care of the house.

- Ju Ah


            “What rumors were you hearing…?” I mumble to Jungsu. This was starting to make me sick…

            “I heard that there was some pretty fangirl who hired someone to ‘rid’ of a nucense in her way. Hearing that where I heard it, it was fairly normal.” Jungsu shrugged, pushing passed Tao and me to enter the dorm. “Then I heard that the girl actually survived and was in need of some scaring.”

            “And this is normal?” I prod. How was any of these types of rumors normal??

            “Yes, and I didn’t think much about it. That was, until they mentioned that the fan was a fan of EXO’s.” He stared back at me, his frown still seemingly getting deeper. “Was that really Ju Ah?”

            “Come sit down and we’ll tell you everything.” Kris piped up from behind Jungsu, grabbing the notes from Tao to read them for himself.




            “So… It was true.” Jungsu sighed heavily. During our explanation about recent events, he stayed fairly quiet. He tapped the table-top angrily. “I told you, didn’t I? This was what I was afraid of happening.”

            We all sat at the table, weighing our options. She didn’t tell us where she went, but she left quickly indicating she had an exact place she knew she’d be safe. Jungsu hadn’t said anything about any safety spot Ju Ah could have hidden at, he was too focused on the recent rumors being the truth.

            “Too late to worry about it now… I got a job and I’ll be moving out soon, which will be good for Ju Ah until she’s regained her memories again.” Jungsu sat up in his chair, looking between all of us. “We need to bring her home.”

            “But we don’t know where she is.” I mumble, crossing my arms across my chest.

            “There is one place I think she’d go. No, not think… I know she’d go. Sadly, I won’t be able to go due to what happened between her and me.”

            “I’ll go.” I volunteer first. I felt like I brought this onto her, I wanted to fix it as soon as I could.

            “Then I’ll take a trip home.” Kris added. “If we pose it as a ‘vacation,’ fans won’t be overly curious and the one that hired the thugs may not think too much about it. Maybe even Lay or Tao can head home too.”

            “I like your thinking.” Jungsu claps, grabbing the notes and a pen. “I’ll give you all my number. If something happens, call me. I have some connections, believe it or not.”

            “I want to go with LuHan.” Tao pouted while Jungsu slipped his number towards us.

            “We shouldn’t over-simulate her. And if you two go to the same place, there will be more fan eyes on you.” Lay raised a brow at Tao. “We can go home together, maybe LuHan can slip through easier.”

            “I’ll book the flight for you tonight.” Jungsu informed me as he stood up from the table. “I’ll hire a driver for you too, he’ll know where to go.”

            “Hey, Jungsu?” Kris clears his throat, making Jungsu pause on his way to the door. He turns to stare down at Kris.


            “Where did you hear those rumors?”

            Jungsu smirks down at Kris and shakes his head. "It's a secret." He winks lightly. "You wouldn't want to know anyway."













Oh no Dx

I'm not sure if Jungsu has a trick up his sleeve or not...

And how do you think he's heard these rumors??

Don't forget to show my C/A some love! She's writing this EXO fanfic of which I am super excited for! If you like mine, I have a feeling you'll love hers. Go check out her Sweet & Spicy~~~~









If you want to read Kris's side, please go read Kris's World!

CA Note: Hello Luvs!
OH!!! I wonder what Jungsu does that he knows of these rumours!!
And where is JuAh????? AHHHHH!!!
Authornim always keeping me on my toes!
Please make sure you send Authornim some love in the comments!
She has been writing like crazy!! WOW!!






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Chapter 9: even though this is about Luhan and not Baro, I still love it, waiting for an update
AgentBabyFace #2
It's good !!~
Update soon !!~
AgentBabyFace #3
Awww ... How I LOVE Luhan ♥♥
Please also read my fiction titled "Love Confessions" ...
Thank You !!~
Annyeong !!~ <333

~ AgentBabyFace Here !!~ :)
Chapter 9: hoh my, luhan
this sequel IS PERFECTTTT =w=
Chapter 9: Oh my! A longer chapter! I love it! LuHan is so sweet-and maybe a little naughty naughty!
Chapter 8: OMG!! Daft Punk? I love it!! Keep it going! This is great!
Chapter 7: Hopefully LuHan will be out of his funk soon. Can't wait to see the ideas that Mrs. Soh has!!
Chapter 6: makes me sad for LuHan, but it will get better right???
Jmskitten04 #9
Chapter 6: LuHan~ cheer up buddy, things will work out hopefully! <3
I really enjoy not only helping you with these, but I really enjoy reading what you write. You are amazing, please dont give up!
Jmskitten04 #10
Chapter 4: Muahaha! I love how evil JuRin can be at times!!