~Chapter 17~

Retaliation with a Rebel

Jongin’s POV


It made the hairs on my neck stand up: the way he s his arm around her waist and occasionally pushed her hair aside so that he could whisper who knows what in her ear. I didn’t like it. Who was he? I had never seen the guy in my life! I watched as she giggled and gave him a light shove.


“Jongin?” Hyesung pulled on the hem of my shirt. “What?” I snapped at her. Anything set me off at this point. My hands curled into fists as I clenched my jaw.


She stepped back with a smug look on her face, “Well, someone’s surely been bitten by the love bug.” She crossed her arms and raised a brow. I rolled my eyes; I was really not in the mood to argue.


I watched Jaehi and Sehun wave us over from the booth they had managed to snag. I looked at their proximity. ‘Too close.’ I grabbed Hyesung’s hand and yanked her towards the booth they were waiting at, “I'm not jealous, I just have suspicions about that punk.” Hyesung nudged me, “Never said you were jealous,” she chortled.


Hyesung slid into her spot across Sehun as I cautiously eyed the two sitting opposite of me before taking a seat. Hyesung grabbed one of the menus that were set up on the side of the table and shoved it in my face, only to have it shoved back to hers.


“So Sehun, right, I’ve never seen you at school before. Or in Seoul actually.”


He chuckled while looking out the window and turned his face to me. “Seoul is a big city you know?” I sensed hostility in his voice. ‘Oh there’s no way in hell I'm letting pretty boy here off that easy.’


“Actually you’re right,” he said. “I was in Incheon learning business so I can run my father’s company in a few years.” He smiled at Jaehi, whose eyes were sparkling with admiration.


“So why’d you break up?” ‘Short and straight to the point.’ Hyesung coughed at my bluntness and Jaehi’s eyes widened as she squirmed in her seat. She had a habit of widening her eyes whenever she was anxious or nervous, and that habit always gave her away.


“It uh, it wasn’t working out,” she managed to squeak out. Sehun on the other hand had a different explanation: “We were so in love, but I had to accept my scholarship while Jae here had family and friends to prioritize.” He grinned, “Tragic, huh?”


I looked at him disgusted. Men were not supposed to be this over dramatic. I was about to interrogate some more because this Oh Sehun guy was not cracking... But of course Hyesung just had to interrupt. “What do you all want to drink? I’ll go order!” Everyone gave their orders, and then it was my turn. “Jongin, and you?”


“I want mine black. Bitter. No sweetener. No milk. No cream. Just black,” I stated while boring into Sehun’s face with my eyes.


“Uhm, okay...” she said and trotted to the line.


‘Back to business.’


“So...” I started but was cut off again as Sehun stood up to follow Hyesung, “Wait, I want my coffee without foam!” he hollered after her.


I looked at Jaehi and gave her a stern look, “What the hell is going on? What game are you playing?” She tilted her head innocently and rested her head on her palms. “Now, what on earth are you talking about?” I nearly choked at her little act to be cute, “Uhm, I’m talking about blondie having his tongue shoved in your throat!”


She chuckled, “Blondie? Really? Why, jealous?” She puckered her lips and pretended to kiss the air. She stopped and rolled her eyes.




‘What the hell did I just say?’



Jaehi’s POV


I blinked a couple times as I registered his one syllable word in my head. He never admitted to having any kind of feelings before, so why now? Because of some guy who posed as my first love? Some guy who I had no ties with? He could be gay for all I know! I shook my head, “What?” I asked him expecting him to take back his yes. “I guess I am,” he said quietly while looking at me with his warm chocolate eyes.


“Did you ever think that I was jealous of Hyesung?” I muttered looking away. I was avoiding his face. I knew where this was going and I was crap at confrontation, so I tried to avoid it. I felt myself being pushed over a little as the seat beside me sunk in. “Jae?” He called my name. Just by Jongin calling my name, I felt light headed and hot. His voice made me shiver. “Look at me.” He caressed my cheek and pulled my face to face him. “I'm sorry,” he mumbled as his gaze went from one eye to another, then down to my lips. He leaned in and soon enough his warm lips landed on mine.


The kiss; this kiss was different. I didn’t kiss him back. Then it felt natural, it felt right. So I gave into his touch and moved my lips with his. A thought popped up in my head and I broke us a little, foreheads still touching, eyes still closed. “So what are we?” He smiled against my lips and whispered, “I don’t know, but until we find out...” He closed the gap again a little more forcefully this time. I squeaked a little as he bit down playfully on my lower lip.


We pulled away from each other when we heard a loud repetitive and angry ring. To my surprise, there was a barista standing at our table with a silver call bell in his hand. He coughed and looked at us, “We’re happy you two are so very in love, but it’s a little too much for our customers. Now, if you can maybe find somewhere a little more suitable for your public display of affection, like a hotel maybe, we’d all be very grateful.” He smiled sarcastically and gestured towards the cafe door.


Jongin grabbed my hand and pulled me up. His face was tinted pink whereas I knew mine was crimson red. “I know somewhere,” he winked at me. Great, the real Kim Jongin is back. He was always so cold and grumpy, but in the end he always treats me right.


“Wait! What about Hyesung and Sehun. Where are they?” I asked. “Hooking up? I don’t know.” Jongin nudged my shoulder and I swatted him in response.


I followed Jongin as he led me out of the cafe and towards a large, forested park. We walked side by side and took in the crisp air silently. I watched Jongin as he calmly looked up at the towering trees above us. I slowly slipped my hand into his to see what would happen.


He froze, and my breath was caught in my throat. But then he gripped onto my hand, and he didn’t let go. We walked in silence, a comfortable silence. We both had nothing to say, and we were fine. No one was counting the minutes that passed by. No one was counting the seconds that passed by. It was a sweet silence that engulfed the both of us. Slowly, we walked through the thick forest until we came to a stop on a little bridge over a stream.


“Jongin?” I mumbled into his chest as his arms circled around my waist. “Hm?” He softly traced little circles across my back with his thumb as he rubbed his chin on the top of my head. The air was colder and the sky was darkening rather quickly. “Can we go home now?” He squeezed me into a tighter hug as I snuggled closer into his inviting arms. “Of course.”


. . .


He was like a whole new person. I was in Jongin’s room, sleeping on his bed. And without any protest, he was sleeping on the cold wooden floor again. He respected my personal space and I was left in awe. Hormone crazed Kim Jongin was treating me right again, and making me fall for him even harder. ‘Stupid Kim Jongin.’


Thoughts of today were constantly running through my head and I was so close to falling into a deep slumber that I couldn’t differentiate if I was in reality or a dream. I kept thinking about our outing today, was it all a dream? I didn’t want to know.


I jolted fully alert when I heard a pang. I waited, frozen. ‘Are we being robbed?’ After a few seconds there was another little pang. I slowly pushed the sheets off myself and tip toed around Jongin, careful not to wake him up. Edging towards the window, I peeped out.


I quietly shoved the window open and half whispered and shouted at the dark hooded figure that was about to throw another rock at my window, “Kris!” He froze and turned around.

“! Did I get the wrong house?” he wondered aloud. I shook my head, “No, I’m staying at...” I paused and took a quick look at Jongin who was curled up on the floor. ‘What would he think of him?’ I thought. “I'm at a friend’s for the night.”


“Come down!”


“Are you crazy?” My sleep was disturbed by Kris and I was not in my best mood at 3am.


“Please?” he begged.


I shut the window and looked around the room. My eyes fell on a peaceful and fast asleep Jongin. I muttered a quick sorry and pulled his cardigan from the corner of his room and made my way downstairs.


‘It’s three ing am. He better have a good reason.’



GUYS.  ANOTHER ROUND OF APPLAUSE. I UPDATED AND IT HAS BEEN LESS THAN A MONTH! I'm terrible at updating -_- I want to start a new fanfic, and I know what I want to do too... I just don't know how to start it! I was thinking of making the main either Luhan or Sehun... Hmm, I'll think about it a little more!

I know this update wasn't too lengthy.

Short, sweet, and straight to the point... hehehe ;)

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- tickleherheart

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Chapter 20: Holy jeebus! Kai is going to die? B-but...T_T
It's your decision though authornim. It's your story so if Jongin dies and you want to pair her up with Kris again, then I support you. ^-^ This is your story so I want you to write and end this story the way YOU want it to be.
I await your next chapter! Don't rush and take your time! I'll be here waiting patiently. :D
4659Noob #2
Chapter 20: Please don't kill Kai!!!!
Chapter 20: nooo jongin cant die!!!!!!! why author-nim why!!!!
oohlina #4
Chapter 19: omg noooo !!
Jongin MUST live :)
Jaehi&Jongin belong together (:
omggg :) please updaate soon ♥
Chapter 19: Woah, this was unexpected. Don't kill jongin though, please. O_O
Chapter 17: I'm not mind wake up if my window visiting by kris lmao jongin changed to lovely boy ㅋㅋ I still wonder what happend with hyesung and sehun? Thx for update
ichigo-chan #7
Chapter 17: Sehun's so cute. o u o
Chapter 16: Ahh sehun in this story too.I love jaemi parents. Mrs kang so funny. Haha I hope jongin and jaemi realitionship can be more romantic. Please update soon.~
Chapter 16: Haha, Sehun. Someone's going to be jealous. I actually had thought the blonde was baby Lulu.
oohlina #10
Chapter 16: keke sehunn ♥
I hope kai ends up with jae at the end :)
likee what hyesung said :)
like romeo & juliet ♡
lool anyways I can't wait until the next update ~