~Chapter 15~

Retaliation with a Rebel

I looked at Jongin's balled fists clenching and unclenching. His smile was replaced with a mean scowl. "What's going on?" I tugged on his sleeve. Immediately he grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me behind him. It was like he was protecting me.

The girl fearlessly marched off the stage while keeping her eyes locked on her target: Jongin. Her red hair wasn't the only thing screaming fire. There was a nasty flame lit in her eyes which matched her cold demeanor. She was beautiful yet horrifying at the same time. Thick with venom, Jongin spat out her name, "Hyesung."

Her eyes caught mine and froze me on the spot. I felt like I was trapped because as much as I wanted to escape her deathly eyes, I couldn't. I felt Jongin's hand securely grip mine to reassure me that I'd be fine. 'What's happening? Is this a psychopathic ex?' 

I leaned forward a little and whispered, "Jongin, who is she?" He took a quick glance over his shoulder before leaning back so he could reply: "No one."

And that was it. The bomb was dropped. Jongin unleashed the fuming dragon inside her as her eyes grew wide and her face grew red with anger. "NO ONE?! Listen , I'm not 'no one'. Got that? I'M. HIS. GIRLFRIEND." Her eyes bore holes into my face and I swear it stung when she spoke those words. More heads turned and a crowd formed around us.

My eyes combed the crowd looking for Hana. She stood in the corner of the stage and looked like she was speaking to, or yelling at, security. She shook her hands and her gestures became more animated as she panicked. Panic? Why was she panicking? She isn't the one stuck in a lovers feud in public. "EX!" Jongin caught my attention. 'It is a crazy ex...' I thought. Hyesung put her weight on one leg while crossing her arms across her chest. She shook her head while she let out a bitter chuckle. She walked closer to us and stood a few inches from Jongin's face. Hyesung peered over his shoulder to look me in the eyes again. "." She called me. "." An evil grin appeared on her face as my eyes widened in shock. Jongin was equally surprised to hear the profanity directed towards me. I'm not even dating him! "You took him from me." Smirk. 

Jongin's hand squeezed mine apologetically as he tried to control his anger. I noticed he took laboured breaths to calm himself. "He's mine." She said. And Jongin snapped. He let go of my hand and pulled on Hysung's wrist to drag her out. He did so in such speed that everything seemed so blurred. I suddenly let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding and insecurity rushed around my chest. So many eyes. Everyone was still staring; some with pity, some with disgust. They were expecting some sort of outburst or breakdown from me. My eyes glossed over while I played with my fingers.

"Nothing to see here! Go ahead, grab some drinks." A voice I've learned to love and hate... 

The music started to play again and things returned to normal after some were forcefully shooed away. "Kris?" He pulled me into his chest and swayed to the music. I was still too stunned from everything that just happened to fight for freedom. "What are you doing?" My voice was muffled against his chest." He continued rocking from side to side.

"Shh. Just one dance." His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smelled his cologne. 'Gucci Guilty... I got this for him.' I'd recognize the sharp smell anywhere. He still wore it. My arms slithered and rested around his neck as I took in his familiar scent. "Just one dance." And I relaxed.

. . . 

Jongin's POV

Hyesung continued to struggle and yell even though we were far from the dance floor. I pulled her out of sight into the garden that Jaehi and I were in earlier. I rolled my eyes recollecting memories that she was always a drama queen. Suddenly I stopped and dropped her wrist to turn around and face her. I sighed and turned. She stood there smiling, "And you said I couldn't act."

She stuck her tongue out at me. She definitely proved me wrong. I stuffed my hands in my pockets while a smile tugged on my lips. "Acknowledged. You act like all my ex-girlfriends. Good show." I pulled my hands out and stretched my arms. "Yeah, yeah. Don't let it get to your head you snob. Just stick to the plan okay?" 

I nodded curtly while running over our little scheme. I made Hyesung, my best friend, act like one of my previous girlfriends. I wanted to know if Jaehi really cared for me. I wanted to see her jealousy. If she was jealous, that would mean that what Haemi told me the other day was true. Jae has been driving me crazy the past few days and I wanted- no, I needed to know.


"Kim Jongin!" I turned around to see Haemi bolting at me.

"What do you want?" Short and straight to the point. That's how I liked it. 

"I have to tell you something..." She said a little out of breath. I wondered how long she trailed me for. 

I arched my eyebrow to signal her to continue. She frantically looked around before stepping closer to me. This girl had no understanding of the concept of personal space. I took a step back only to have her in my bubble again. "Don't tell anyone." I grew impatient and was ready to leave.

"Jae..." She paused. She had my entire attention with one syllable.
"Promise not to tell?!" I rolled my eyes, "Cross my heart and hope to die."

Her eyebrows furrowed, "What about the needle part?" 

I was losing my temper with this stupid child's play. "Tell me or don't. I'm leaving." I swiveled on my heel and headed to exit the school.

"Stop! She likes you! For real, she likes you for real." I immediately stopped as blood pulsed through my body. I felt a hot flash and my eyes went wide. 'What the ?'

Hyesung's voice brought me back to the present: "You like her?"

"No?" I coughed.

"You said that like a question." She deadpanned.

"You need your hearing checked." I snapped.

A devilish grin made its way on her face. "You like Jae!" She said in a sing-song voice. "My Jonginnie is in love!" She teased while pinching my cheeks. 

I pouted and crossed my arms, "Am not! And stop pinching me; it hurts!" I swatted her arms aways. Her hands immediately latched onto my cheeks again while singing, "Jongin and Jaehi sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I--"

"Jongin?" Haemi's voice could be heard from a distance. We froze as she made her way around the corner with raised eyebrows.

"What are you two doing?" She asked.

I quickly moved away from Hyesung. "I was telling her to stop creating a scene- we're over, done, finished."

'Close one...'

Hyesung snapped back into character, "But baby! I love you!" She threw herself at me for a hug which I successfully dodged. "Where's Jae?" Haemi avoided my eyes. Something bubbled inside me. "Where. Is. Jaehi." This time I asked more seriously. "Uhm... With Kris. Kinda."

"What do you mean 'kinda'?" She blinked and looked at me. "Well, she hasn't left his side since you stormed out. 

I felt it again. In the pit of my stomach- the bubbling sensation came alive and caused my chest to burn and tighten. It was jealousy and anger. I pushed past Haemi to walk into the venue again.

Flashing lights blurred my sight as I analyzed the crowd looking for Jaehi. A tall blonde caught my attention: Kris. And surely enough Jae was dancing with him. I noticed people in the crowd getting a little more closer and intimate. Looking back at the two, I watched Kris' arm glide down Jaehi's back, further and further down until he stopped right above her . 

I snarled and the next the next thing I knew, I was pushing Kris away from Jae. "What do you think you're doing?" I barked. Kris regained his balance and squared up against me. "I'm giving Jae the night she desrves." He smirked and hell did it tick me off. I grabbed his collar. 

The image of the two flashed before me and that lit my anger ablaze. "By what? Feeling her up?!" I glared at him.

"What about you? Dragging your secret lover behind the shed, huh?"

I took shallow breaths while closing my eyes. I wanted to pummel him right then and there. "That's none of your business - and Jae is MY girlfriend. So piss off." I snarled at him. I felt small hands trying to pry off mine from Kris: "Stop Jongin, please!" Jaehi's voice cried.

I looked into her pleading eyes and after a few moments of hesitation I let Kris go with a rough shove. "I'm outta here." I said as I walked through the front doors. 

Short and straight to the point. That's how I liked it. But why did it sting to say those words?

Jaehi's POV

I watched Jongin's back as he stormed out leaving me by myself. Trying to collect my scrambled thoughts I looked for Haemi. I promised Kris one dance which turned into much more and past emotions mixed with lust. 

"Why are you even with him? Jae?" Kris mumbled into my hair. He pulled me back in. It felt comforting to be in Kris' familiar arms again, but my stomach twisted and turned in guilt- almost as if I was betraying Jongin. It suddenly felt wrong. I pushed myself away, "I can't. I can't do this Kris." I finally spotted Haemi's head in the crowd.

Unconsciously, I slipped away from Kris and made my way to Haemi. "Do you know where Jongin is?" She looked at me and shook her head and eyed me. "What was that? I mean, you and Kris?" I felt my face heat up and my mouth ran dry. To be honest, I wasn't even clear of what happened: "Nothing... Just. Nothing." I stuttered.

Haemi gave me a look; she knew I was lying. Suddenly her eyes shifted from mine and she looked around a little. She tugged on my arm, "Um, this dance , let's just go." I was so grateful to have Haemi as my best friend at that moment, but something in the corner of my mind kept bugging me. Something that nipped at me in my thoughts and told me that she was hiding something from me.

"Do you know that red haired girl?" Haemi asked as we were exiting towards the parking lot.


"The girl that was screaming at Jongin..." Her eyes met mine to search for an answer.

For some reason I felt a current surge through my body and my blood boiled. The hairs on my body stood on end one by one. I didn't think I'd be so rattled by a girl. "An ex." I muttered and wrapped my arms around myself as the wind bit my skin.

Haemi nodded and whispered something under her breath, something not meant for me to hear: "Well, it looks like something more." I bit my lip at those words while walking towards Haemi's car. It wasn't until I tasted rusty liquid that I noticed that my lip was bleeding.

I don't know if I should apologize first or say thank you for your patience OTL I'M A TERRIBLE AUTHOR! Thank you for sticking around and waiting for a disgustingly long time for an update. And I'm so sorry you all had to wait for a ty chapter TAT PLEASE FORGIVE ME! So, an update with me: school, work, tutoring, babysitting, NO DAMN LAPTOP CAUSE THE BATTERY IS SCREWED UP. And I don't sleep with my phone beside me really cause my mom thinks I stay up all night texting my non-existing boyfriend... I TAKE THAT BACK... *cough* kris *cough* LOL! Anyways, thanks again my lovelies!


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And enjoy your day/night depending on where in the world you are! 

Do you mind if I ask where my readers live? Not to be creepy or anything >.< LOL! I live in Vancouver! I usually get a lot of people from Cali and Indonesia! So just out of curiosity, where do you guys live??? :D

- tickleherheart

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Chapter 20: Holy jeebus! Kai is going to die? B-but...T_T
It's your decision though authornim. It's your story so if Jongin dies and you want to pair her up with Kris again, then I support you. ^-^ This is your story so I want you to write and end this story the way YOU want it to be.
I await your next chapter! Don't rush and take your time! I'll be here waiting patiently. :D
4659Noob #2
Chapter 20: Please don't kill Kai!!!!
Chapter 20: nooo jongin cant die!!!!!!! why author-nim why!!!!
oohlina #4
Chapter 19: omg noooo !!
Jongin MUST live :)
Jaehi&Jongin belong together (:
omggg :) please updaate soon ♥
Chapter 19: Woah, this was unexpected. Don't kill jongin though, please. O_O
Chapter 17: I'm not mind wake up if my window visiting by kris lmao jongin changed to lovely boy ㅋㅋ I still wonder what happend with hyesung and sehun? Thx for update
ichigo-chan #7
Chapter 17: Sehun's so cute. o u o
Chapter 16: Ahh sehun in this story too.I love jaemi parents. Mrs kang so funny. Haha I hope jongin and jaemi realitionship can be more romantic. Please update soon.~
Chapter 16: Haha, Sehun. Someone's going to be jealous. I actually had thought the blonde was baby Lulu.
oohlina #10
Chapter 16: keke sehunn ♥
I hope kai ends up with jae at the end :)
likee what hyesung said :)
like romeo & juliet ♡
lool anyways I can't wait until the next update ~