~Chapter 13~

Retaliation with a Rebel

"Big hearts, pink ribbons. OH! And Cupid is a must!" Hana clasped her hands excitedly as Jongin and I slumped in our chairs in the cafeteria. She twirled her hair with her perfectly shaped nails, "How romantic... " She sighed dreamily.

Mingki and Haemi were nodding along; their eyes glistening with their love for the holiday. I used to like Valentine's Day too, back when I had a real boyfriend who surprised me with chocolates and flowers. And brought me cute and fluffy bears holding up little hearts. I especially loved the little cards he made for me. His crafting skills were definitely horrible; it looked like a five year old made them, but it was okay. It was his way of expressing himself to me and I loved every crease and unaligned corner of it. Boy was I fooled... I took a glance over at Jongin, no way would this one ever be caught in a flower shop, let alone buy any.

"To add to that, there's the Valentine's Day Dance this Saturday which means... Matching outfits!" Hana squealed. 'She's perkier than Barbie's plastic s.'I simply stated in my head. She couldn't sit still and giggled while bouncing in her chair.

I just groaned and banged my head against the table thinking that it might be able to numb the embarrassment. Jongin was doing the exact same thing. “I'll be Cupid!" Both of our heads shot up immediately. Mingki winked at me before winking at Jongin- which was a little too much for my liking. I laughed as Jongin squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. "Are you sure about that?"

"Hell yeah! I've got the costume and everything!" he exclaimed. I snorted as I imagined him draping himself in white cloth while wearing huge feathered wings. And who can leave out the signature bow and arrow?

"Hana... Please, don't you have any other ideas?" I cringed as I pictured Hana with baskets of pink and petals and glitter and who knows what else. Knowing her, she can come up with a new scheme in a split second.

She leaned into the centre of the table, making us all huddle stupidly, "Well, we're going to make the entire school envy you Jae. They will think that Jongin is the most romantic and amazing guy in the entire school. And since the Valentine's Day Dance Couple of the Year competition is on, this year Jongin is going to win it!"

I burst out laughing, "HIM?! The most romantic man in school? You have got to be kidding!" I gasped for air.

Jongin looked completely taken aback, "And what are you implying?"

I turned to him, "Please Jongin, do you even know when Valentine's Day is?" I raised a brow. The guy probably only knew what the 14th of February was because he got girls easy that day. Single and damaged girls. I smirked and challenged his knowledge. 

"Really. If that's the way you're going to be, it's on. We'll see how much I know about cheesy and romantic ." He stomped off shaking his head.

Hana gave a twisted face, "That was probably one of the weirdest arguments ever..."

. . .

It was finally the dreadful day, Valentine's Day. I had hardly seen or heard from Jongin the entire week, and I was expecting him to keep it on the down low considering it was the "big day!" as Hana liked to call it. I walked out of my house and turned my back to Jongin's house, walking down the road empty handed- no gift, no chocolates, no card. Nothing. What would he even want?

I racked my mind as I turned the corner, 'What the hell could someone like Jongin want?' I bit my lip. 'There's no way in hell that I'm getting him condoms.' I slightly bent down and inconspicuously picked a flower from Mrs. Cho's garden as I rounded the corner. "This is fine, right Jongin? Meh, it's the thought that counts... Right?" I smiled and continued walking to school.

Hana was waiting for me on the wooden bench that was placed right outside of the school, an over stuffed bag beside her. "What's in there?" I questioned warily as I peeked around her. Big surprises and Hana? Let's just say that they don't mix well.

"Your dress..." she replied. She stood up and pulled the bag to her side, making her way to the entrance. I followed with my jaw clenched. I swore I'd have worry wrinkles all over my face by the end of the day. We made our way to my locker. I shoved the bulk inside it as well as my school bag and the wilting flower that I had plucked from the garden. I didn't think I'd have the mental stability to even dare to take a peek at the dress. I slammed my locker shut and backed directly onto the lockers with a scream.

Jongin's face all of sudden popped up as soon as I had turned around. I clamped my hand over my mouth in order to refrain from hyperventilating.

"You scared me!" I stated with wide eyes.

"Oh, it gets worse." He smirked.

My eyes widened even more, which I thought was impossible. This time in confusion. I watched as Jongin signalled to a group of boys. Some wore red hearts on their chests while others had red lipstick smudges on their cheeks. I'm pretty sure that they did that to each other judging from the stains left on their lips. Three of them walked forwards, a tall one with a huge smile and a pale one with a cute dimple held guitars, and the chubby cheeked one carried a tambourine. I leaned over to Hana, "Did you set this up?" I whispered.

She shook her head, she was clearly in shock too. I concentrated on the group in front of me as Jongin mumbled, "1, 2, 3."

"No tears, no tears no more done cryin' now

No pain no pain, said I found another way

No games, not like before not up here on this cloud

No time for yesterday, now let me explain it

Got a new woman, lovin' me in every way that she can,

All she wanna be is part of my plan,safe to say that I'm in a better way, better way hey

Got a new woman loves to walk around just holdin' my hand

Cupid must have found us now I like that lovin' this woman

Does anybody understand?

That I'm in love"

Jongin and his boy band sung, and a crowd started to form as he continued to serenade me.

My eyes were now the size of saucepans, I didn't know whether to be horrified or flattered. Horrified that Jongin even knew a Ne-yo song, or flattered that he was trying to sing it to me. More people gathered and stared as he took both my hands and pulled me closer to him in a slow-dance stance.

I tried to cover my face with my shoulder but that didn't work so I just hid in his chest. The scent of his sharp cologne put me in a daze. 'Is this seriously happening?' This idiot was making an enormous scene just to prove a stupid point. I felt his voice shake his chest as he hollered down the hallway for Cupid. 'What in the world?'

"CUPID!" he called out again.


The most disturbing part of this entire act was that Mingki ran through the hall wearing a giant diaper and sparkly fairy wings. He came to a stop then gracefully pulled out arrows and shot them into the crowd which caused people to gawk even more. However, their heads nearly blew up when they saw Jongin pull out a huge bouquet of red roses.

"Will you be my Juliet? For the dance tomorrow night?" he announced loud enough for everyone around to hear. He shot me a dirty smirk as everyone gasped. I assumed that everything was going according to his plan. He was probably going to get so many numbers after this stunt.

I blushed bright right and nodded as Jongin wrapped his arms tightly around me. He leaned into my ear, "Kris saw the whole thing- the bait is set." He nuzzled closer into my neck, "And you said I can't be romantic." He mumbled.

"I never said that." I pulled away and took the bouquet from him and smacked his shoulder with it. Linking arms with Hana, I walked away from him and the crowd that was starting to tighten around him.

I turned around once again with the bouquet of flowers and met Jongin's eyes, "Happy Valentine's Day." He mouthed and smiled. He turned his attention to a short blonde as I continued down the hall Mingki had stormed in from.

I smiled to myself and smelled the roses that Jongin had gotten for me. Maybe today wasn't too much of a so called 'facade'. Maybe it was more meaningful. Maybe it was more... real.

ANOTHER UPDATE?! GASP! Yep, another update LOL. Hope you enjoyed Jonginnie's sweet side :D


Random thought: I wish that their song "Beautiful" that was featured as a music video and had a full version T~T *crycrycry* I seriously fall asleep to that every night :(

I'm on my campus atm... hiding in an empty computer lab and updating cause im a terrible author TAT

I bid you all farewell! It's 12pm, I should really start on my hwk that's due in less half an hour... I'm a bad student. I'm surprised I manage to keep my grades high -_- children, don't learn from me...

exkuze mai teribul riting... eye suk lulzz

- tickleherheart

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Chapter 20: Holy jeebus! Kai is going to die? B-but...T_T
It's your decision though authornim. It's your story so if Jongin dies and you want to pair her up with Kris again, then I support you. ^-^ This is your story so I want you to write and end this story the way YOU want it to be.
I await your next chapter! Don't rush and take your time! I'll be here waiting patiently. :D
4659Noob #2
Chapter 20: Please don't kill Kai!!!!
Chapter 20: nooo jongin cant die!!!!!!! why author-nim why!!!!
oohlina #4
Chapter 19: omg noooo !!
Jongin MUST live :)
Jaehi&Jongin belong together (:
omggg :) please updaate soon ♥
Chapter 19: Woah, this was unexpected. Don't kill jongin though, please. O_O
Chapter 17: I'm not mind wake up if my window visiting by kris lmao jongin changed to lovely boy ㅋㅋ I still wonder what happend with hyesung and sehun? Thx for update
ichigo-chan #7
Chapter 17: Sehun's so cute. o u o
Chapter 16: Ahh sehun in this story too.I love jaemi parents. Mrs kang so funny. Haha I hope jongin and jaemi realitionship can be more romantic. Please update soon.~
Chapter 16: Haha, Sehun. Someone's going to be jealous. I actually had thought the blonde was baby Lulu.
oohlina #10
Chapter 16: keke sehunn ♥
I hope kai ends up with jae at the end :)
likee what hyesung said :)
like romeo & juliet ♡
lool anyways I can't wait until the next update ~