~Chapter 10~

Retaliation with a Rebel

I watched as his eyes narrowed. "That broke your heart."

"He needs me." I protested and reached for my keys from my purse.

"You can't go." He said with rage.

I looked at him and whispered, "Watch me."

I had my keys in hand and reached for the handle to open the car when two strong hands turned me around and pinned me against it. "You can't go Jae..." Jongin sounded like he was pleading. I searched for his eyes which were avoiding mine and asked, "But why?" Still shifting his gaze from one thing to another he replied, "Because. Okay? You just can't."


"DAENG!" I made a buzzer noise signalling the wrong answer. "Just think of it as part of the plan. I'll make him think I still care for him." I half halfheartedly said. His hands made their way to my cheeks and finally he made eye contact. "Do you?" He asked in a mere whisper.


At that moment I found it uncomfortable to look at him for some reason. My eyes left his and I turned my head to the side. "No." I blurted. "Fine. But I'm coming with you." I opened my mouth to protest but he had somehow already made it inside the car. The last thing I wanted was a brawl between Kris and Jongin.


Tracing Kris' call: he was in an abandoned clearing near a horse stable. 'Why the hell would he be there?' I thought as I reversed out of the driveway.


. . .


I pulled over and parked the car on the main road where the street lights illuminated the area. Slamming the car door shut, I left Jongin behind. The entire ride here he annoyed me, every second of it. First it was him changing the radio station every ten seconds for twenty minutes and complaining how there wasn't any good music on which led to a heated debate on Big Bang vs. CN Blue.


Secondly, Jongin seemed to think that he was a GPS. 'I shouldn't have let him come.' I walked through the tall uncut grass that led to the a big deserted parking lot. "Jaehi! Jaehi!" A forced whisper called me.


"What?!" I whirled around and saw Jongin jogging to catch up. "We're supposed to be a couple remember?"


"So?" I raised an eyebrow. "So we've got to act like one." He said as he slipped his hand into mine. I rolled my eyes and continued towards the parking lot.


The parking lot was absolutely bare. It was lit by the moon itself reflecting off of a few scattered shards of glass and tar on the ground. After a few minutes of walking we finally reached Kris' car. He was half asleep while sitting on the ground, using the public pay phone as support. "Kris!" I called.


He woke up with a shudder and and a sweet smile appeared on his face... Then he saw Jongin and it didn't help that he was still holding my hand. "What is he doing here?" He growled. Before he could say anything else I quickly left Jongin's side. "Thank you would be good enough." I said as helped him to his feet.


Out of nowhere arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me in. Kris nuzzled my neck and breathed my name. "Jae... Thank you." He whispered. I awkwardly patted his back and tip toed to look over his shoulder where I saw Jongin fuming.


"You needed to talk?" I pulled away. "Yeah, but alone." He emphasized by looking towards Jongin. Jongin threw his hands up in front of him, "I don't wanna hear your sob story. Feel free to go on without me!"


With that Kris ushered me behind the pay phone. "Listen Jaehi, I know what I did to you was horrible. And I can only imagine what I've put you through. I was a BIG jerk--"


"Yeah, you were a jerk Kris..." I interrupted him.


He moved closer and held my hands, "I was Jae. And, I'm sorry. I've seriously become an insomniac after what happened. And I can't stop thinking about you. I'm not saying that we should get back together. But, if you want... Can we be friends?"


I wanted slap him right then and walk out of his life completely. But part of me held me back. Part of me wanted to say yes to him. Then Hana's voice rang in my head... 'The plan. Stick to the plan.' I looked into his eyes and smiled, "Yes, Kris. Friends..." I didn't know if my smile was genuine or not. I wish I could say it wasn't but I really didn't know.


Kris grinned and slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked back to a grumpy Jongin. He eyed us up and down. "You know, she's taken."


"Unfortunately." Kris looked down at me with a little pout. Jongin's jaw clenched at Kris' attempt to be cute. I quickly swatted Kris' arm away and managed to place myself in between the two.


"Where are you parked Jae?" I looked at Kris then back to Jongin while replying. "On the main road cause SOMEONE got us lost at first." Glaring at a relaxed Jongin, he said, "Not my fault pretty boy here got lost." I bit my lip to keep from laughing. From the corner of my eye I saw Kris' fist ball up. He turned his attention elsewhere: "So I see you dressed up to come and get me huh? You look nice Jae." And my shoulder served as his armrest once again.


I was about to answer, but instead Jongin did for me. "Dress up... For you? Since when has she ever dressed up for you?"


Kris smiled and winked at me, "Well, there was this one time when she--" I slapped my hand over his mouth. "Jongin doesn't need to hear about that." I said wide eyed.


I sighed in relief as Kris nodded his head. There was no need to bring up my embarrassing moments. 'Ugh return of the pink fluff... What was I thinking?' I thought. Finally heading back to the car, everything was going to be over soon. Just as Jongin was about to slide into the passenger seat next to me, Kris pushed him out of the way and slammed the door in his face. I could tell Jongin was raging inside.


I looked to the back seat with my rear view mirror and made eye contact, which I immediately broke, with an angry Jongin. He fumed more when Kris changed the radio station to Big Bang. I laughed as he did all the rapping parts and I chimed in singing just like old times. I peeked into my rear view mirror every once in a while; Jongin was slouched in his seat with a massive scowl on his face.


I moved the mirror from Jongin's face and continued to sing like the old times. Like the time Kris and I were close. I have to admit, I missed this feeling a little bit.


. . .


I had dropped Kris off at his house: he swore that he'd repay me somehow. As soon as Kris was out of the car, Jongin made his way to the front hopping through the limited space between the passenger and driver seats. He put his seat belt on and crossed his arms. I looked at him intently waiting for him to turn his head towards me, but he kept staring ahead with a straight face.


"Awe what's wrong?" I purred while tickling under his chin. "Nothing." He kept a straight face. "Are you sure~" I batted my eyelashes. "Cause I could swear you're JEALOUS." I teased.


"Pfft, why would I be jealous of James Blonde?" He retorted.


"Immature." I commented as I turned into our street. I looked at the time:10:43 PM. Lights were dim and most people were asleep right now.


Jongin looked amazed, "I'm immature?! Yeah right, you are!"


"Am not."


"Are too."








"Thank you for proving my point!" He stated knowingly.


I slapped him on the arm in anger while controlling the car with one hand. He began rubbing the hurt spot, "You hit like a girl..."


"I am a girl." I replied in a mono toned voice.


"Really? Could have fooled me."


I screamed in my head as I pulled into the driveway and watched Jongin quietly get out of the car. I stuck my tongue out just as he turned his back.


Closing my car door, I walked towards my house.


"I saw that by the way." Jongin's voice made it's way across the driveway. I groaned and wandered up the stairs.


Kicking off my shoes I flopped onto my bed. Today was eventful; too much happened and I had a hard time wrapping my head around it all.


The open window caused chills to run down my spine. I got off my bed, pushed the curtains aside, and curled my fingers around the window to shut it. Just as I closed the window something from Jongin's house caught my eye. A paper was taped to his window and it read 'Immature' in pink glow in the dark ink.


I growled in defeat and threw my curtains shut. I huffed and sat on my bed and I was irritated alright. I could swear that I heard a chuckle in the distance.


"Fine Jongin, you win!" I made little crying noises and flailed my arms around in my bed. "So irritating. Grow up!" I whined even though I knew he couldn't hear. And just like that, I fell asleep.


UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! I UPDATED! Yeah, I know I said I'd update more often during break but it seems as if I updat less... LOL Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! It kinda revealed a more childish side to the two don't you think?! OOOOH, Kris and Jaehi are friends... WHAT DO YOU THINK? More than friends? Normal friends? FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS?! (>.<) 


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Oh, and while I'm at it, follow @babo_1 on Instagram!!!!

- tickleherheart

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Chapter 20: Holy jeebus! Kai is going to die? B-but...T_T
It's your decision though authornim. It's your story so if Jongin dies and you want to pair her up with Kris again, then I support you. ^-^ This is your story so I want you to write and end this story the way YOU want it to be.
I await your next chapter! Don't rush and take your time! I'll be here waiting patiently. :D
4659Noob #2
Chapter 20: Please don't kill Kai!!!!
Chapter 20: nooo jongin cant die!!!!!!! why author-nim why!!!!
oohlina #4
Chapter 19: omg noooo !!
Jongin MUST live :)
Jaehi&Jongin belong together (:
omggg :) please updaate soon ♥
Chapter 19: Woah, this was unexpected. Don't kill jongin though, please. O_O
Chapter 17: I'm not mind wake up if my window visiting by kris lmao jongin changed to lovely boy ㅋㅋ I still wonder what happend with hyesung and sehun? Thx for update
ichigo-chan #7
Chapter 17: Sehun's so cute. o u o
Chapter 16: Ahh sehun in this story too.I love jaemi parents. Mrs kang so funny. Haha I hope jongin and jaemi realitionship can be more romantic. Please update soon.~
Chapter 16: Haha, Sehun. Someone's going to be jealous. I actually had thought the blonde was baby Lulu.
oohlina #10
Chapter 16: keke sehunn ♥
I hope kai ends up with jae at the end :)
likee what hyesung said :)
like romeo & juliet ♡
lool anyways I can't wait until the next update ~