Chapter 17: Facts

[HIATUS] A Complicated Kind of Love.

After countless minutes feeling like he was floating on a cloud, Changmin realized that it was just about time to get to the poodle headed kid that waited.

If it was up to him, he'd command the damn bus to drive straight off into the distance not even stopping once (with the only exception of gas & washroom breaks), but he knew that the girl before him had a heart that cared for just about everything that breathed ---and that included Minho.

He promised himself not long ago that anything that concerned Sooyoung was automatically then something that revolved around him as well, even if it meant putting an end to his personal stubborn thoughts against that dude.

They walked hand in hand entering into the dark stuffy pub filled with the odd stench of body odor, random fried foods, and alcohol. Changmin automatically felt a bit guilty appointing the meeting to be held in such a place; somewhat feeling sorry that he brought Sooyoung to this hole they walked into.


Drunken bastards filled every square inch of the place looking at his girl intensely.

“Look any harder at her and I’ll pull your ing eyeballs out of your sockets.” Changmin called out to the erted guys all the while shielding Sooyoung from the front in order to prevent more sick thoughts from occurring in the guys’ heads. 

There was something about him being overly possessive over her that made Sooyoung feel a tad bit odd, but at the same time explode with a weird sense of happiness. His tall backside towered over her like a brick wall. Staring at the thing, she felt like touching it for a bit…possibly giving him a slight hug.


But then she saw Minho just a few steps away seated patiently while chugging down a bottle of beer.

Sooyoung released her grip from Changmin’s hand when Minho spotted the two coming closer. Her action was of no use, as Changmin grabbed her hand back and forcefully pulled her close to him again; making sure that the curly haired individual saw it all.


“Noona…so you’re both dating now for real?” Minho asked wide eyed as he was looking at their hands that were clasped together.


“I told you she was my girl. Did you not hear me before? Or did your knock off afro aka that road kill thing that’s sitting on top of your head prevent you from listening?”


The two guys stared at each other with eyes that could kill someone.


Sooyoung sat straight in between the two sipping innocently into her carbonated soft drink. She was afraid that the two would erupt into another fight and possibly start World War III right there and then. At that moment all she thought of was how she couldn’t quite possibly describe just how relieved she was that there were no knives placed on the table…because if there were, she knew that one of them would most likely be chopped up into measly pieces like a sort of animal getting butchered up for dinner.


“Why are you looking so sad hmm?” Changmin teased. “She thinks of you as a brother, nothing more…do you understand?”

Sooyoung raised her eyebrows at Changmin. Again, she was surprised at how ruthless he could change into like a light switch.


“I hate just about every single thing about you, but what can I do if my girl wants to see you…wants to see her brother?” Changmin brought the bottle of beer up and drank down the last bit of liquor left in the container before slamming it hard down onto the surface of the cheap wooden table.

“Noona you can’t! You absolutely can’t be with this guy.” Minho turned his head to face the girl that remained to be the only reason for him to be living on this earth.



Sooyoung sat their bewildered by the situation.

She didn’t quite understand why things always seemed to end up like this whenever the three of them got together.

She didn’t quite understand why Minho hated Changmin and vice versa.

She didn’t quite understand why the two of them were willing to fight for her even if it seemed to cost them blood loss and large cuts staining their once handsome blemish free faces.


“Shim Changmin.” Minho sternly called out.

“As long as I live, I will never give my noona to you. Stop taking her by force.”

“Before Sooyoung being your so called ‘girlfriend’ she is first and foremost MY noona.”

All that Minho knew was that he couldn’t possibly tolerate the two of them together.


“Your noona?” Changmin laughed as he let his long arm fall over Sooyoung’s shoulders, wrapping her nice and tightly.

“Sure…Sooyoung’s you’re noona, as in you’re older sister? Sure why not.”



“As for us two…” Changmin brought her in a bit more closer despite the little squirms that Sooyoung was now doing as awkwardness crept over her completely.

“…she’s mine. She’s my girlfriend."


Minho reached forward and slapped his arm off Sooyoung as anger was now boiling inside himself.


Sooyoung shot herself upright in her seat, ready for the exchange of fists to swing before her eyes or perhaps the throwing of beer bottles towards each other’s faces. To her surprise, none of that happened. It was as if for today, the heavens spared her the action scene.


Changmin chuckled at the guy’s persistence. He had never met someone as stubborn as himself. Changmin had to admit, it was pretty interesting; therefore, he had to give credit to where it was well earned. The kid had balls, that’s for sure…something that the past 95% of people that went against him, lacked of.


“So then tell me….what are we going to do then?” Changmin asked as he leaned back on the tall stool and crossed his arms roughly along his chest.


“Noona.” Minho’s voice cut through the atmosphere sharply like a knife.

“Who is it going to be? Changmin or me?” He asked her seriously.


The two males sat in their chairs directly looking at each other without blinking as if they were in some sort of competition where the winner would be prized with Sooyoung.

Sooyoung spat out her drink from surprised by the sudden attention turning to her. Why was it that she always faced such difficulties?!? Why were they asking her such a question?

“Hmm? WHAT?” Her eyes widened as she stared down, not sure what direction she should look. 


“Sooyoung, answer. Is it Minho or me?” Changmin asked as well.


There was too much intensity oozing off the two. Both their fists clenched hard, digging their small and almost non existent nails into their own flesh, leaving marks which one would thought to be impossible.


“I uhmm. Well I-I-I..” She wished at that moment that she wasn’t blessed with the gift of speaking, for what would escape right then could possibly hurt one of them.


“Forget it..” Changmin softly said while grabbing a shot of liquor from the bar.


Minho couldn’t help but smile. He knew why the guy all of a sudden was trying to drown himself in all the liquor available. He saw the tall individual’s confidence shrink into a small piece of thread, getting wimpy and all the while thinner by the second.


“You’re afraid that noona’s going to say my name eh?” He leaned close onto the table trying to rub it in with every chance he got.

“Did you know that she took care of me that night? She made me porridge.”


Changmin held onto the small shot glass in his hands hard while his insides burned with an indescribable mix of anger and jealousy.  

“Let me ask you something there big shot. Has your ‘girlfriend’ ever made you some porridge?”


Sooyoung poked Minho at the side wantinbg him to stop. She saw that his provoking was working…as Changmin’s eyes began to change again. Change into those ever so scary eyes that screamed for a drop of blood to shed from Minho.

“Minho, please stop…” Sooyoung softly asked.


“It tastes good.” He grabbed Sooyoung’s finger that was touching him constantly, then holding onto her entire hand. He held it in his very own. “It’s warm and sweet-“


Changmin was fueling as he was at the limit of tolerating such bull from the bastard. Every little part of his body wanted to punch the lights out of him right there until he begged him to stop, but that promise to Sooyoung overtook that feeling.


He wasn’t going to hurt anyone that meant even one bit to her.

…even if it meant him feeling that pain ten times, twenty times, one hundred times more worse.


The fact that she cooked for Minho….

The fact that she took care of Minho that day….

The fact that Minho was now holding onto the hand that he called his….


The fact was simple; everything that Minho said was practically all true.

Who was he to deserve the taste of her porridge?

Who was he to even deserve one bit of her care?

Who was he to claim someone as good as Sooyoung to be his girlfriend?


It all added up to a single answer in his mind…he was basically inadequate to have her.

One could desire and want all their life, desire and want with every single part of them, but one could not always get what they aimed for.

He dropped the shot glass down to the table as hard as his head throbbed in pain that moment.


Changmin pushed his heavy self off the chair and stood up.


“Changmin where are you going!?” Sooyoung called out worried.


Her voice stabbed his poor heart like a million arrows hitting the bullseye. For one of the first times in his life, he felt his eyes fill with water as the pain seeped out from longer being able to keep it inside.

“Maybe you both are a better match after all.”

With that being said, he walked out the pub without looking back once.


He left her there even if he didn’t want to, appologizing non-stop in his mind.

He left her there, for all he knew was that someone like him could never make someone like her happy even if he tried with all his sweat and energy.


Maybe watching and protecting her from afar would be the best way~



A/N: Check out my Sooyoung oneshots FF! I promise to make Changmin happier in those LOL. I'm going to try and finish this up quicklier these days so I can start a new story :D

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Chapter 25: please update soon
hi author-nim!nice to see you online...
are you back?are you going to update this story?
just wanna know...if your still on hiatus i will still wait for you^^

it's justbthat i miss reading this...
Chapter 25: U left us readers hanging ^_^ come back author nim
hello author-nim!!!
i would lie to inform you that i'm already missing this story...
please do update author-nim^^
Really miss your GORGEOUS update <3<3<3
When will you comeback author-nim?
Please, come back T_T
Woaaaaaaaah~ its been a long time, glad you're back~ :DDD

and WTH just happened??? NOOOOOOOOO~~ :((

Please please update soon ^_^
omg i swear i subbed this before and maybe because of all those upgrading thingy it lost *sub again* and please update again ^^
shineeluv4eva #8
Yah upfated! more please
you updated again^^