Coffee [End]

KonJae Drabble

“Like what u saw?” the sudden intrusion didn’t even caught him by surprise anymore, he knows that he is coming, obviously.

Jaehyung manages a smile hearing that voice behind him.

Without even needing to look back he can already envision the pouting that his lover adorned on his face, the dark stare he is boring down to his back, and even the ebbed of jealousy that flickers in his eyes, all because of something that he did just now.

It wasn’t a big deal, Jaehyung reasoned but he knows that Hyeongkon will definitely begs to differ.

Shaking his head slightly, he returns back to his task of preparing the drink for the staffs, something that he thought he should do, to express his thanks.

He is happy today, really happy, he is after all, he means they are after all at the set of the group music video making, that thought alone was enough to make his heart flutters.


“Care to tell me what did I do wrong this time?” the voice seems closer to him now, he most probably has closed the distance between them, he gasped a little when he felt his arms embracing him from behind.

Shifted his head as he felt the other guy slowly rested his head upon his shoulder.

“U don’t even look at me even once today, not even once and then u go gallivanting around with Seungyeob, checking him out and all.” Jaehyung laughs at the accusations, fondly bumping his head slightly with Hyeongkon’s.

“I don’t go checking him out. I was just curious, that’s all. And I didn’t ignore u on purpose, we both are very busy today, right?” he turns and slightly kiss his lover’s head become turning his attention back to his task.

“Curious about what? He has the same thing as I am, as urs, what’s there to be curious about?”

“Yah don’t be so crude! And although it is true he has the same, I mean he is just like as all of us, physically, but… aren’t we all built differently.” He shouldn’t blush, but he did slightly, being all straight forward is definitely not him.


“So what did u find out about Lee Seungyeob that makes him different?”

Chuckling, Jaehyung pushed Hyeongkon’s head from his head using the tip of his fingers, “none of ur business.”

Like a spring, Hyeongkon quickly trapped Jaehyung against the kitchen counter once more, “when it comes to u, everything is my business, u should know that.”


Turning around to face him, Jaehyung smiles, “then,” he bits his lips, looking up to Hyeongkon, “why don’t u go check it urself?”

He raised an eyebrow at the younger guy then, “is that so?” He slowly drawls out his words, taunting Jaehyung with his words.

Slowly he releases his hold on Jaehyung and started to walk back to the door, “if u say so.”


“U wouldn’t dare.” Hyeongkon stops by the voice of Jaehyung, but he remained still, refusing to turn around and look at him. Smiling as he waited.

“U wouldn’t dare to walk out that door to find Seungyeob, u wouldn’t dare.”

“Yes usually I wouldn’t, but baby, this time it’s different. I got ur permission already.”

“I- I-,” Hyeongkon smiles hearing the hesitancy in Jaehyung’s voice, “u know I didn’t really mean it!” he finally exploded.


Shaking his head, “sorry baby, just like u I am curious too.” He walks again headed to the door, when a brush of wind past him by.

Jaehyung closes the pantry door in an instant, barricading it with his own body.

Breathing hard he glares at Hyeongkon, knowing fully well that Hyeongkon was teasing him, testing him and yet although he knows all that, he still falls for it, hard.

“Don’t u dare.” He hisses against his hard breath.

“But baby,” Hyeongkon stops just a step away from him, “just like u,” he bend down to Jaehyung’s level, “I am very curious too.”

“Well no need to! He is just the same with all of us, totally the same! There’s nothing about him that makes him difference unique or one of a kind. Nothing!”

“Is that so?”

Looking up to him, Jaehyung glares again, “yes!”

Hyeongkon laughs then, “so I bet he must have some perky too just like urs. And maybe also adorned that lean skinny legs the same as urs. I wonder whether his skin is as smooth as urs, and does it got bright red when I kiss on it?”

Jaehyung grinned then, putting his arms on Hyeongkon’s shoulder, he hauls himself into an embrace, “this?" he gestures on his body, before looking up to Hyeongkon again, "he can only wish.” He merrily whispered into Hyeongkon’s ears.

Closing in the distance, using the ever so helpful pantry door as leverage, Hyeongkon lifted him up a little, as he started to nuzzle into the smaller one’s neck, he quipped, “indeed he can only wish.”


Jaehyung can’t help but to take a peek at the steaming cups of coffee sitting nicely in a nicely in an arranged row, on top of the counter across from them, all are still piping hot with smokes b out from the cups.

He can’t help to wonder as he closes his eyes welcoming Hyeongkon’s luscious lips against his, whether it will still be hot when it reaches the staffs and the director.

Somehow though he could have seen the future of that yummy, as he would claim, coffee of his; the fate of his hard labour will be down the drain later, literally.


Not that he mind though, he groans as Hyeongkon slips one hand under his shirt.


Nope, he doesn’t mind at all.

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hopelesswriter #1
i remember reading this last week or something n wanted to leave comment but stopped here my lame attempt to be a respectable non-silent reader...xD
i really loved this, especially the first story n i read all of both stories at one go! xD
and it surprised me because when i first know A-Jax...these two are somewhere on the bottom of my fav member ranking...if not the bottom two. ok maybe my rank hasn't change much since i watch them seldom. but i'm giving it a try since they seem to have opposite image/appearance n i'd like to see how it played out...and haha, it's funny seeing Hyeongkon scared of Jaehyung n Jaehyung is so cunning n crafty n sassy the whole time...for both stories....
Hyeongkon did make me frown on the 2nd know you're tired n busy but u don't have to scold him like that, especially after making a promise...omg...ok you forgot but still...ugh...ok.
but he perhaps your fav member or one of your fav, just curious though i could be totally wrong....because i have to say he is a scene stealer everytime he appears n i totally adore his character...he's so cool n adorbs in both fics.
thanks for sharing these interesting fics.
strawberrymoon #2
Chapter 7: Wow, awesome story! I love it :) please update soon! <3
sunfoolfinger #3
Chapter 6: I love ur story :)
Chapter 4: Oh my gid you're the first person to write about my favourite ajax's otp and I'm very thankful to you. Hoping that you'll write a lot of others konjae or 2hyeong whatever they are called, stories :) I'm loking foreward to see another story about them.