Mad - Part 3

KonJae Drabble


It was then he realizes the décor of the living room. It was nothing fancy, but he can see the melting candles everywhere, he walks into the kitchen to see the piles of dishes in the sink, realizing that most of its still have untouched food inside it. He can recognize some of his favorite foods were among them. He even saw the cake being dumped whole into the trashcan, and the wine bottle which is now empty.

Hyeongkon sighs; he really has screwed up big time.

All of a sudden he remembers the promise that he made to Jaehyung last week, the empty promise that he took for granted. Only now he realizes how that promise meant so much for Jaehyung. Jaehyung has repeatedly reminding him about this date, confirming with him over and over again about it, making sure that he remembers it.

But in the end, he still screwed up.

He now remembers the smile that Jaehyung gave to him, earlier this morning when he send him off to work, the shy kiss that he sneaks up to Hyeongkon, while he was busy with the laces of his shoes. How happy Jaehyung was.

Hyeongkon scratches his head, groaning, his heart feels so heavy, the tightening of his chest seems unbearable now.

Unsteadily he walks to Jaehyung’s room, although he knows, but he still tried to open the door. After a few fail tries, he gave up. Rested his head against the floor, he heaves in despair. He wanted to say something, anything, but he knows what he did, the word he throws at his lover, the disappointment look on Jaehyung, there’s no words that could make up for that.

He cried then, quietly, softly sobbing against the door that is separating him from his happiness, the one that he is now realize might have slipped from his hand for good.

He dunno how long he stood in front of Jaehyung’s door, but at the end, he staggers to his room. Feeling so empty, so lose, so drained, he falls into slumber almost immediately when he laid himself to bed.

He woke up to a sound of cheering and shouting, shooting headache straight to his head. Groggily he got up, trying to conjure the event that happened the night before.

His eyes widened when he remembers all, quickly he rushes to the living room, into the welcoming eager faces of the members of A-Jax, all except for the one he was looking for.

          “Good morning hyung. Did we wake u up?” Seungjin grinning sheepishly at the leader, his eyes widened in aspiration. Hyeongkon only shook his head, and slightly smiles toward the maknae. His eyes were still canning the room, searching.

             “If u are looking for Jaehyung, he is not here, when we arrived just now, we saw him heading out, he was holding lots of trash bags. Guessing he went down to throw away some thrash.” Yunyoung’s voice was hard, controlled, Hyeongkon look straight to him when Yunyoung turns and stares at him. “It was funny, since yesterday, I already got Seungyeob and Seungjin to do the trash, I wonder from where did all those thrash come from.” That cynical tone, the hard look on his face, the words through gritted teeth, Hyeongkon knows that Yunyoung knows. But at this moment, he doesn’t give a damn, Yunyoung is not his priority, Jaehyung is.

He quickly went back to his room, find the cleanest pants he could get and grab the nearest t-shirt and jacket, he made his way to the front door. As he was putting his shoes on, he notice Yunyoung was standing behind him.

                “If u want to say something to me, then say it later. Right now I have more pressing matter to attend to.”

                “Just say u are sorry, hyung. And bring him back.” Hyeongkon turns to look at Yunyoung, his face is full of remorse against Yunyoung’s knowing look.

                “I dunno if he will ever forgive me again. I failed him big time last night.” Hyeongkon sighs and closed his eyes, trying again to hold back his tears.

Yunyoung shakes his head, squatting next to the leader, he patted Hyeongkon’s shoulder, “I seriously don’t understand the two of u. But I know that u both love each other dearly, so hyung do anything; beg, plead, threaten or even cut off ur balls if u have too, just bring back Jaehyung.”

Hyeongkon scowls at him instead, “it wouldn’t be that serious?”

                “How should I know, I’m not the one who messed up.” Yunyoung shrugged nonchalantly.

                “I’m off then, wish me luck.” Hyeongkon patted his knees and gets up, ready to walk out of the door.

                “He was crying u know,” he stops at the new revelation by Yunyoung, slowly he turns his back again to face Yunyoung, “his face was puffed up, and his eyes were swollen. It almost looks like he was bitten by something. He lost his voice too, I seriously dunno what has happened last nite, but I am pretty sure, that he is almost at the edge already, hyung.” Yunyoung scratches his head, before continues, “Save him before he falls, hyung.”

Hyeongkon nodded this time. Smiles reassuringly, directed not just to Yunyoung but also to himself.


He checked the local dumping area, and there was no sight of him. Not that he was expecting to see him there, it has been more than one hour since Yunyoung saw Jaehyung leaving with the trashes, it will be weird if he is still here after one hour.

The next stop that he went to look for Jaehyung was the local park, that was the place that they most enjoy spending time. The park was basically empty in the morning and was a good place for the boys to get some exercise and rest. There was no sight of him there too.

The next place he could think off was the local market, where their favorite café situated. Most of the time, Jaehyung would be here, when he feels lonely or tired. The café was practically empty when he walks in, though the owner of the café did confirm that Jaehyung did come this morning and left almost immediately after he gets his order.

By the third place he went, Hyeongkon was already run out of place where he thinks that Jaehyung would be. He was getting frustrated and getting annoyed.


Jaehyung ah, where are u?



a lil short since the next one will be the ending already

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hopelesswriter #1
i remember reading this last week or something n wanted to leave comment but stopped here my lame attempt to be a respectable non-silent reader...xD
i really loved this, especially the first story n i read all of both stories at one go! xD
and it surprised me because when i first know A-Jax...these two are somewhere on the bottom of my fav member ranking...if not the bottom two. ok maybe my rank hasn't change much since i watch them seldom. but i'm giving it a try since they seem to have opposite image/appearance n i'd like to see how it played out...and haha, it's funny seeing Hyeongkon scared of Jaehyung n Jaehyung is so cunning n crafty n sassy the whole time...for both stories....
Hyeongkon did make me frown on the 2nd know you're tired n busy but u don't have to scold him like that, especially after making a promise...omg...ok you forgot but still...ugh...ok.
but he perhaps your fav member or one of your fav, just curious though i could be totally wrong....because i have to say he is a scene stealer everytime he appears n i totally adore his character...he's so cool n adorbs in both fics.
thanks for sharing these interesting fics.
strawberrymoon #2
Chapter 7: Wow, awesome story! I love it :) please update soon! <3
sunfoolfinger #3
Chapter 6: I love ur story :)
Chapter 4: Oh my gid you're the first person to write about my favourite ajax's otp and I'm very thankful to you. Hoping that you'll write a lot of others konjae or 2hyeong whatever they are called, stories :) I'm loking foreward to see another story about them.