Opposite - Part 4 [End]

KonJae Drabble

“Jaehyung ah… what are u doing? Are u okay?” he wanted to push the younger guy off him, but he didn’t, the longer Jaehyung stays on him, the more he like the idea of Jaehyung straddling him, he likes it a lot. He would love for them to spend time like this, Jaehyung straddling him like this, but he is getting excited, that is for sure and he doesn’t know how long he can control it and also the fact that they are out in the verandah, anyone that come out could clearly see what they are doing.

Those facts don’t seem to bother Jaehyung much though, he is now busy palming and tracing his fingers over Hyeongkon’s shirt, “three months.”

Hyeongkon was getting distracted by the constant movement of Jaehyung on him and was painfully aware of his own discomfort, he barely heard what the other guy was saying aside from the sudden brush of jaehyung’s lips against his left ear, “huh?”

“I waited for u for the whole three months, but u never come to me.  U always seem to be avoiding me and at one point I thought u hated me.” Resting his head on Hyeongkon’s chest, Jaehyung continues with his own administration over Hyeongkon’s shirt, “I tried so many times talking to u, trying to get closer to u, but each time I take a step forward, I can see u cowered away. So I thought that u could be scared and u needed ur own time to be ready and come to me, but after three months we are still like strangers.” Raising his head, he looks straight into Hyeongkon’s eyes, then slowly he rested his forehead against Hyeongkon’s, “3 months is a long time for me, I am not a very patient person, u know.”

Feeling encouraged by the revelation of Jaehyung, Hyeongkon finds himself kissing the eyelids of Jaehyung’s one after another, holding his hand over Jaehyung’s face, looking straight into those dark glossy eyes, he smiles.

Jaehyung pinches his chest, pouting.

“Ouch what was that for?” he was confused over Jaehyung’s reaction, and he for sure he didn’t expected to be pinched by him.

Jaehyung drop his head back to Hyeongkon’s chest, “silly, idiot…” he can barely Jaehyung’s grumbling but he can for sure feels that the other guy is not happy with him, as he was smacking Hyeongkon’s chest a lil harder that it is supposed to be. He winced as the pain was getting to him, but he lets Jaehyung vent out his frustration over him, finally the smacking subsides, caressing Jaehyung’s cheek, he carefully ask, “are u done?”

This time Jaehyung only just nodded, burying his face deeper into Hyeongkon’s chest. “U dunno I have everything planned out tonight. I was going to caught u off surprise.”

“Well u did caught me off surprise all right, but can I ask what are u planning to do actually, tonite?” Jaehyung raises his head looking at Hyeongkon questioning, “I mean I am pretty sure that this…” gesturing to the event unfolded before them, “is not in ur plan.”

This time Jaehyung smiles and blushes a lil bit, hiding under the Hyeongkon’s shirt, he carefully whispers, “but this is exactly what I planned.”

This time it was Hyeongkon’s that looked at Jaehyung’s urging him to explain a lil bit more.

Clearing his throat, Jaehyung continues, “it wasnt supposed to happen like this but… It is close… I was planning to seduce u tonite.”

He was stunned hearing the confession coming out of Jaehyung’s mouth, all the thought that he has thrown away in the gutter is slowly coming back to him fast and hard.

“Seduce me?”

Jaehyung shyly nodded into his chest, he laughs a lil bit then continues, “I was pretty sure about ur feeling towards me. I sometime caught u watching me, staring at me. And there were times when u blushes, bright red whenever u are near me. And I even notice the reaction u have when u touched me, so I was sure of it.” Shifting his position so he could lie down on top of Hyeongkon now instead of straddling him, he draped himself over Hyeongkon with ease, “I was trying my best to make u see that I was feeling the same, but I was not sure whether u realize it or not. U do know that this is not the first time I tried to corner u like this so u can’t run away so that we could talk, rite?” Hyeongkon slowly shakes his head, still in disbelief that this beautiful creature is bravely confessing his feeling to him.

“I grow tired of waiting and I was a lil wary of u too. I was afraid the more I let this thing between us continues, the farther u will go away from me. And I don’t want that.” Hyeongkon tenderly started Jaehyung’s hair. He is overwhelmed with so many emotions at the moment but he just doesn’t know what to say, he is so scared to let this beautiful moment past. How he wishes time would stop and stand still for this moment, he wants to cherish every bit of his scent that he could. “So I have all planned out, by the time u realize what happen to u, it will be too late.” Looking at Hyeongkon again, Jaehyung started to play with the older guy lips, lightly brushing it with his fingers, “I was going to caught u off guard with a kiss, a real kiss. A kiss that is so good, u will be powerless, then I will work my way of seducing u. I even manage to get Sungmin out of our room tonight just so that we couldn’t have any distraction.”

Oh boy, is this really the fragile, pure innocent Jaehyung that is lying on top on him now, talking about how he is going to seduce him? Hyeongkon‘s mind is so blurry right now, he don’t even know how to react with this interesting plan that Jaehyung constructed against him. He grinned thinking of the ‘what if’, he wouldn’t mind this whole seduction game. Maybe they could play that game later.

“But then u didn’t come to our lil dinner gathering.”


Jaehyung looks at him smiling now, “that was supposed to be the first stage of my seducing plan.”

Hyeongkon laughs this time, a full hearty laugh, “Oh god, what do I get myself this time? I thought a fairy, but instead a vixen?”

“Yah! What’s wrong with being a vixen?” this time Hyeongkon didn’t even said a word, he just crushes his lips to Jaehyung’s, engaging them into their first kiss, it wasn’t soft, sweet or lingering. It was demanding, searching and hungry, it was a kiss that unleashes all of their hidden desire, releasing all the wanton need, it was a kiss that they both waited for so long, the kiss that build up from all the secret glances that they share, the blushes, the longing and the… they stop to get a breath of air, breathing heavily, Hyeongkon traces the bridge of Jaehyung’s, lazily mapping the face of his lover, he softly thought that Jaehyung has never been ier than this moment, looking at him adoringly with that flushes face and a hint of arousal, suddenly Jaehyung got from Hyeongkon’s embrace, “yah what do u mean with ‘this time’? Care to explain?”

Hyeongkon just gathered Jaehyung back into his arm, and kisses him again, this time it was slower more languid, lazy kiss that seems to evoke much more and imply even more, a kiss that delivers the emotion, their desire and their love. Their second kiss might be slower, but it still leave them breathless, “this is good, we should do this more often.” Jaehyung whispered as he laid his head back onto Hyeongkon’s chest.

They quietly moved from the verandah and settle down in Jaehyung and Sungmin’s shared room, it was empty like Jaehyung had told him. As they were both lying on Jaehyung’s bed, both of them started yawning at the same time. It was then they realize that, they both were pretty beat up, carefully gathering Jaehyung’s in his embrace, Hyeongkon kisses him on the forehead and lulled him to sleep, when the other guy protested cause he wanted to share so much more, he just kiss him on the lips, a quick peck to shut him off, and then told Jaehyung that they now have the eternity together. Anything that they want to talk, share and discuss, tomorrow can wait.

They were complete opposite from one another, as Hyeongkon said a different spectrum from one another, but this guy that is now sleeping soundly in his embrace has done something that he could only imagine.

Hyeongkon know that he wanted Jaehyung and only Jaehyung, and he maybe even knows that he has loved Jaehyung ever since they first met, but even though he knows all of that and despite the fact that he seems to be the one with the confidence, he didn’t even dare to do anything about it.

It seems that he was ready to live out his life with all of those feeling hidden well inside of him.

But this guy, the one who he thinks is weak and vulnerable, and fragile; took a leap of faith in his life for him and had even planned a full course seduction strategy just to win him over.

He doesn’t know what he did in the past to deserve him, but he is grateful that he has him with him now.

They are totally opposite of one another, but they fitted one another like it was a fate.



this is not really M rated

maybe just bits and pices only


i dont do M rated thingy


cause i'm at it

i am a fail when it comes to being ii


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hopelesswriter #1
i remember reading this last week or something n wanted to leave comment but stopped midway...so here goes...in my lame attempt to be a respectable non-silent reader...xD
i really loved this, especially the first story n i read all of both stories at one go! xD
and it surprised me because when i first know A-Jax...these two are somewhere on the bottom of my fav member ranking...if not the bottom two. ok maybe my rank hasn't change much since i watch them seldom. but i'm giving it a try since they seem to have opposite image/appearance n i'd like to see how it played out...and haha, it's funny seeing Hyeongkon scared of Jaehyung n Jaehyung is so cunning n crafty n sassy the whole time...for both stories....
Hyeongkon did make me frown on the 2nd story...like...i know you're tired n busy but u don't have to scold him like that, especially after making a promise...omg...ok you forgot but still...ugh...ok.
but Yunyoung...is he perhaps your fav member or one of your fav, just curious though i could be totally wrong....because i have to say he is a scene stealer everytime he appears n i totally adore his character...he's so cool n adorbs in both fics.
thanks for sharing these interesting fics.
strawberrymoon #2
Chapter 7: Wow, awesome story! I love it :) please update soon! <3
sunfoolfinger #3
Chapter 6: I love ur story :)
Chapter 4: Oh my gid you're the first person to write about my favourite ajax's otp and I'm very thankful to you. Hoping that you'll write a lot of others konjae or 2hyeong whatever they are called, stories :) I'm loking foreward to see another story about them.