Mad - Part 1

KonJae Drabble

He was mad, Hyeongkon can clearly see the anger emitted from him even when he is watching his lover far from a distant. No, Jaehyung is not acting mad, nor is he cussing or throwing a tantrum. From any stranger eyes, he may looks like his normal self, laughing, conversing casually, reacting accordingly to anything and even manages to crack a joke a few of his own. But Hyeongkon knows how angry Jaehyung is at this moment. It was the subtle gestures that only he notices, something that he realizes was directed only to him, not that he was surprised, he saw this one coming. It was his fault, last nite was another date night that he blew off.

What makes him feel guiltier is the fact that even though Jaehyung is angry at him, he still manages to prepare Hyeongkon’s breakfast like usual, get his coffee done just the way he likes it, toast the bread just perfectly and boil the eggs just for him. It was this take makes Hyeongkon felt guiltier. He sometime wishes that Jaehyung would pout at least or throw a tantrum, it is the appropriate thing to do, he thinks. But Jaehyung never create a scene just because he is angry, he can get annoyed or pissed, but he still will always maintain his composure, smiles politely and keep his manner.

It drives Hyeongkon crazy, the calmer Jaehyung is, the crazier Hyeongkon become, he just can’t understand why Jaehyung needs to keep it all inside, why can’t he shows if he is angry, sad or even mad. He knows that Jaehyung always carry himself in such a controlled conduct and it is bothering him. Bothering him a lot.

The only time when he got to see that control gone is when they are together, the moment he kisses those luscious lips, the instant he saw all the red tape that is tightly binding Jaehyung’s gone, leaving him as a wild man, a free spirited man, someone who isn’t afraid to show how he feels, what he wants and would go a great miles to get it. He misses that, he missed the wild Jaehyung, but that was also his fault. Seeing how busy he is these days, he rarely spends the time at home, and even if he is. It was brief, for a moment before he rushed to go somewhere else. Dream team filming, Iris filming, training and training some more. It was his sacrifice and he knows that but at the same time he is also aware how much it has affected him and their relationship.


He watches him, stalking his movement u could say, waiting for the right time… waiting for that perfect moment where he could…

Jaehyung almost cried out a whoop, when he launches his attack, hauling the smaller one by his waist and hoisting him to his body, quickly dragging Jaehyung into his room. Shutting the door, he quickly lock the door, ensuring the outmost privacy he can get in a house fill with 6 other boys, well 5, since one of them is with him now, the one that has his back resting against the wall next to the door, the one whose eyes are now glaring at him with so much intense, he was surprised he didn’t melt under his scrutiny.

               “What do u think u are doing?” he hissed, he is angry really angry. “Let me out this instant. The others are out there, are u freaking mad?” Hyeongkon knows he is risking so much right now, they have busy schedule in front of them today and at any minute, their manager would come to get them. But he just can’t get out from this house, with Jaehyung still angry with him.

                “I just need to talk a lil. Please…” his eyes were begging, he was desperate, he knows that Jaehyung hates it when he does that, the ‘puppy eyes’, that’s what he would always call Hyeongkon’s eyes when he wanted something. And he is a er for that, actually he is a er for everything Hyeongkon, that even today when he is still bitter and angry at him, Hyeongkon knew that he woke up early today just so that he could prepare breakfast for him.

Jaehyung just glared at him instead, not buying into his pleads.

                “I know u are angry but baby please hear me out.”

                “Why? Each time u did this, u always have excuses for it and I always can’t blame u. Damn u Hyeongkon, why can’t u let me be angry for once?”

                “Cause, I rather u scream and shout at me than shutting me out. It’s killing me.”

                “Then u shouldn’t do that to me.”

Hyeongkon laid his head onto Jaehyung’s shoulder, resigned, tired, “I know and I am so sorry, I could’ve told u what happened to me. But it will be just another excuse. The main point is that I made a promise to u and I broke it. Sorry baby…” he misses the warmth of his lover, he misses the tender caress of him too… oh how he wish there’s only him and Jaehyung in the house right now. Hyeongkon instinctively moves his body closer to Jaehyung, his nose digging deeper into his lover nape, inhaling the intoxicating smell that emanates from Jaehyung, getting deeper and deeper, drowning him.

                “I was all alone there, it was stupid, I know I should have given u 30 minutes top, but I waited for u for damn 3 hours instead before I realized u weren’t coming.” Just like a habit, he tilted his head, giving his lover more access to his neck, oh Jaehyung is angry all right, but even at this moment, his body betrays him oh so casually. “We can’t.” his breath is getting rugged, but his rational is thankfully still functioning quite well at the moment.

Hyeongkon sighs, he knows that they didn’t have the time, but it has been so long… so damn too long… “I know.” He rested forehead on Jaehyung’s shoulder, trying to calm him down just a lil more, wanted to linger a lil longer with him. Today they have another full schedule, after now, he is sure there won’t be any more moment he could be alone with him. “Just one more minute… one more minute…”

Jaehyung rested his head against the wall, letting himself feels the warmth of Hyeongkon, basking in what feels like forever since he last be so close to him. He misses his lover more than anything, and he understands the sacrifice that Hyeongkon is making for the group, for them and for their future. But sometime he just can’t help feeling lonely and abandoned. He tries to understand, but the matter of heart never really listen to the logic of brain, sighing, he casually kisses the top of Hyeongkon’s head, “we need to go, before they come searching for us.”

Hyeongkon grunts, reluctantly moving away from him, before Jaehyung manage to move away, he dragged him into his embrace, just one more time, his emotion is trying to plead, “I’m sorry for yesterday, but I promise u, that would be the last time I do that to u. Next week, will be the last week for the drama filming, we can have at least some of our time together again.”

                    “I like that.” Jaehyung know that there’s no use of getting angry any longer, he got his message across already, and that is good enough for him. He was never really angry at Hyeongkon, he was frustrated more than anything and he was feeling bitter, he thought a good medicine of his own was enough just to snap Hyeongkon back to his senses, and he was right.

                “Are u ready?” Jaekyung chuckled at his question, as if they were about to embark onto something big or major, Hyeongkon sounded so serious. With his hand on the lock and the other hand on the door knob, Hyeongkon close his eyes, breathing out before slowly unlocking the door.

               “Wait!” His eyes snapped open over his voice, alarmed he looks at Jaehyung, who is now grinning sheepishly at him, ‘Sorry’ Jaehyung slowly mouthed to him.

Hyeongkon straightened his back and slowly turn to Jaehyung, questioningly.

                “Urm… u said that next week u will be free, are u sure?” Hyeongkon frowns over Jaehyung’s sudden question, pondering for a while before he slowly nodded to him. “Are u really sure?” Jaehyung asked again, wanting reassurances.

                “Well I don’t have any dream team filming anymore and Iris is also done for me next week, unless there is some sudden schedule, I am practically free, why?” he was curious, so damn curious. He is just hoping that Jaehyung didn’t have anything in his schedule next week, since although he didn’t told the younger guy yet, but in his mind he has set so many things he wanted to do, all that needed the attendance of his lover for most of the time, actually all of his plan involves Jaehyung, one way or another. His curiosity was piqued when, Jaehyung didn’t reply to his question, he instead asked him to keep the Monday night slot opens for him. Hyeongkon absentmindedly agreed, it’s not like he has any other plan, and he needs to made up Jaehyung too.

Furthermore there’s nothing he could ask for more than spending some time, alone, with his baby.


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hopelesswriter #1
i remember reading this last week or something n wanted to leave comment but stopped here my lame attempt to be a respectable non-silent reader...xD
i really loved this, especially the first story n i read all of both stories at one go! xD
and it surprised me because when i first know A-Jax...these two are somewhere on the bottom of my fav member ranking...if not the bottom two. ok maybe my rank hasn't change much since i watch them seldom. but i'm giving it a try since they seem to have opposite image/appearance n i'd like to see how it played out...and haha, it's funny seeing Hyeongkon scared of Jaehyung n Jaehyung is so cunning n crafty n sassy the whole time...for both stories....
Hyeongkon did make me frown on the 2nd know you're tired n busy but u don't have to scold him like that, especially after making a promise...omg...ok you forgot but still...ugh...ok.
but he perhaps your fav member or one of your fav, just curious though i could be totally wrong....because i have to say he is a scene stealer everytime he appears n i totally adore his character...he's so cool n adorbs in both fics.
thanks for sharing these interesting fics.
strawberrymoon #2
Chapter 7: Wow, awesome story! I love it :) please update soon! <3
sunfoolfinger #3
Chapter 6: I love ur story :)
Chapter 4: Oh my gid you're the first person to write about my favourite ajax's otp and I'm very thankful to you. Hoping that you'll write a lot of others konjae or 2hyeong whatever they are called, stories :) I'm loking foreward to see another story about them.