Mad - Part 4 [End]

KonJae Drabble

He found him, at the most logical place, but also the last place he could think off. Their old basement studio, where they would come for practice before they make their debut, the place where they got to know each other even before they were called a-jax. It was now an abandoned building, that is deteriorating under the lack of care and the age.

He found him, sitting in the middle of their old floor, staring at the wall that once was covered by one giant mirror.

He looks so detached, staring into the distant, unaware of his surroundings. Hyeongkon doesn’t know how to approach him, he hesitant not wanting to disturb him, so he stands watching him at the side. Carefully monitoring him, waiting, praying.

              “I got that for u.” it was so sudden, that it takes him a while to register that the younger one was speaking. He silently follows his finger to where it pointed. Sitting nicely still in its’ holding case, a coffee cup.

Hyeongkon doesn’t know how he should reply to that, so he stays quiet, waiting for Jaehyung to explain more, “I throw everything away this morning, every single trace of u with me, I get rid all of it. I thought that would ease the pain. It would make me to forget u easier.” Looking up to the empty ceiling above him, Jaehyung paused, “it didn’t, it just makes me misses u even more.”

                “Jaehyung ah…” He takes a step forward, closing his distance with him. Jaehyung turns to him and shakes his head.

           “Even when I was cleaning the mess at the kitchen this morning, all I can think about is what I want to make for u for breakfast. Staring straight at the uneaten food that I have prepared for u, and all I can think about is, making u breakfast!” Jaehyung sighs, a big and heavy sighs. “I should be thinking how I should get my revenge on u, not how u like ur eggs.”

Hyeongkon smiles awkwardly, he is still teasing the water for now, but at least he is getting signals that although Jaehyung is far from forgiving him, his anger and his hatred toward him from last nite, seems to have dissipate and Jaehyung seems to have calmed down. Closing the gap between, he walks up to the sitting boy, and slowly sits down next to him, softly, “anyway u cook it, I will eat it.”

Jaehyung rolls his eyes, “says a man who throw away a perfectly cooked breakfast before just because the eggs was over boiled.”

                “Hey, the eggs were solid as a rock! Not my fault!” Hyeongkon raised his hands in defend.

              "U were lucky u didn’t do that to my food, if not I will kill u while u sleep.” Jaehyung retorted back at him, his scowl deepened.

Hyeongkon laughs then, he knows that Jaehyung would probably does that if he throws away anything that he cooks, but that thought never once crosses his mind, everything that Jaehyung cooks for Hyeongkon tastes delicious and yummy.

                “U know I wouldn’t do that to u.”

Jaehyung sighs, looking up at the ceiling again, “yeah u wouldn’t do that to me.”

Hyeongkon’s smile falters when he heard that, he can almost heard the subsequent thoughts that echo from Jaehyung’s mind even though he never utters it himself.

Hyeongkon take a hold of Jaehyung’s shoulder and turns to smaller one to face him, using his fingers he tilted Jaehyung’s face until he could see that Jaehyung turns his eyes to look at him, he kneels in front of him, taking one full deep breath before he started, “I’m sorry, not just for last night, I’m sorry for everything that I have done to u. Even though I never meant for it to happen that way, I know I have hurt u deeply and badly. It was never my intention, all I did was for the sake of us, for our own future but instead I just drove us apart even further isn’t it?”

After a moment of pausing, as he looks into Jaehyung’s eyes who is now in the brink of tearing, he clears his throat once more, “For these past couple of months I have been neglecting u. Taking u for granted, ignoring ur feelings, ur needs and selfishly demanding u to be accommodating to me. That was wrong of me, that was selfish of me, that was stupid of me.” Reaching out he gingerly wipes the tears that slowly trickling down Jaehyung’s cheeks, “I was amazed that u stay with me that long, I don’t think I could do it even for someone I love, withstanding the way I treated u and remain dutifully next to me all the time, supporting me and encouraging me and loving me unconditionally. I’m sorry.” He kisses the tears away from Jaehyung’s cheek softly, taken hold of his cheeks with his hands, Hyeongkon continues, “and Jaehyung ah, thank u for loving me, thank u for being there with me and thank u for putting up with me, most of all thank u for finding me.”

He jerked a lil when Jaehyung’s suddenly flew into his embrace, hugging him tightly, sobbing away into his shirt. “Idiot, why are u doing this to me? This is not how it was supposed to be, u should be heartbroken, begging for my forgiveness, crying ur heart out, and I should be just laughing at u, pushing u away and then leave u behind. That was my plan.”

                  “Ur revenge?”

Hyeongkon closes his eyes instinctively when Jaehyung smack his chest not so softly, “yes my revenge, it was perfect. U will be sad for treating me like that and I will be far away living happily ever after. But Hyeongkon ah…”


Jaehyung rested his head back into Hyeongkon’s chest, “how can I be happy when u’re not there with me?”

He didn’t realize that he is crying until, he felt the tears soaking away his cheeks, wiping it away, he grab hold of Jaehyung’s face once more, tilting it so that he can look into the misty eyes of his lover, gently he kisses him, he deepen his kiss when he heard the moan escaped from Jaehyung’s willing mouth. As if they have done this a million times before, Jaehyung slowly leaning back into the floor until he is lying down fully on the floor, and Hyeongkon follows him almost instinctively, never once breaking the kiss they shared away.

He reaches to the zipper of Jaehyung’s jacket, when he felt the smack his lover given him to the back of his head, that was it. He broke the kiss and backed away from him, scowling Hyeongkon rubs the back of his head while looking at his lover, bewildered.

He was ready and he knows Jaehyung is ready too, both of them are breathing hard and flushed from their wanton desire, but now he also sees the annoyed look in Jaehyung’s eyes.

Getting up, Jaehyung slowly wipes his shirt and pants, scowling at the still sitting down Hyeongkon, “Just because I forgive u. Doesn’t mean u can have ur way with me, don’t u dare thinking that I will let u do me here at this, this, this dump!”

Hyeongkon laughs, a full hearty and amused laugh.

Oh how he loves his high maintenance baby more than anything in this world.

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hopelesswriter #1
i remember reading this last week or something n wanted to leave comment but stopped here my lame attempt to be a respectable non-silent reader...xD
i really loved this, especially the first story n i read all of both stories at one go! xD
and it surprised me because when i first know A-Jax...these two are somewhere on the bottom of my fav member ranking...if not the bottom two. ok maybe my rank hasn't change much since i watch them seldom. but i'm giving it a try since they seem to have opposite image/appearance n i'd like to see how it played out...and haha, it's funny seeing Hyeongkon scared of Jaehyung n Jaehyung is so cunning n crafty n sassy the whole time...for both stories....
Hyeongkon did make me frown on the 2nd know you're tired n busy but u don't have to scold him like that, especially after making a promise...omg...ok you forgot but still...ugh...ok.
but he perhaps your fav member or one of your fav, just curious though i could be totally wrong....because i have to say he is a scene stealer everytime he appears n i totally adore his character...he's so cool n adorbs in both fics.
thanks for sharing these interesting fics.
strawberrymoon #2
Chapter 7: Wow, awesome story! I love it :) please update soon! <3
sunfoolfinger #3
Chapter 6: I love ur story :)
Chapter 4: Oh my gid you're the first person to write about my favourite ajax's otp and I'm very thankful to you. Hoping that you'll write a lot of others konjae or 2hyeong whatever they are called, stories :) I'm loking foreward to see another story about them.