Chapter 3: Reasons and Explanations

Seohyun's Butler

Joohyun had woken up to find a blanket tucked snugly under her arms which she found most weird. She could clearly recall that she had dozed off during one of ritual meditation sections and so it was not possible for her to be neatly beneath the covers. Scratching her head, she wondered if it was her father that had done it but at that instant, the door bell to the mansion rang and the servant announced the return of Mr. Seo.

So it could not have been appa, she thought.

That's when her butler came out from the parlor, causing her to jump at his sudden utterance, "Dinner is served, my Lady."

 I doubt it's him. Or is he? She shuddered inwardly at that strange idea, alarming the observant man.

He moved into her walk-in closet and in no time, placed a cardigan over her shoulders. "You should be careful not to catch a cold, my Lady." She was about to thank him when he continued. "Or it would mean more work for me." 

Those words were harsh and she willed herself not to argue with him. Despite his rudeness, Joohyun muttered a low "Kamsahamnida" to him before proceeding to the dining room. She would not give this cold, arrogant man the satisfaction to see her lose her calm.

As she walked out of her room, she caught her reflection in the mirror and noticed that the embellished black cardigan the butler had chosen, surprisingly amped up the boring t-shirt and jeans ensemble she had on. She now seemed more of a sophisticated lady than a uni freshman but she couldn't decide if she liked it. Nonetheless, she would give it to the cold male for his sense of style.

When the elevator door had opened, Joohyun was surprised to see her dad standing in front of her. It took her some time to realize who the grey-haired man was for it had been nine long years since they last met. Indeed, there was the invention of Skype that would have allowed the father and daughter to meet face-to-face, but with the time difference and Mr. Seo's busy schedule, they could only manage short conversations over the phone and long emails from Joohyun but short replies from her dad. 

Now, seeing her appa physically overwhelmed her so and she could not help but shed a tear (she was not one to cry). She rushed forth to the old man, who welcomed her with open arms that Joohyun had missed so so much. 

"I can't believe you are finally home, Hyunnie." He said, sounding a bit muffled from his tears, hands patting her hair.

"If only you have called me home earlier, ahbuhji." She replied, removing herself from the embrace and pursing her lips.

"So Hyunnie's angry?" He chuckled, tears still staining his cheeks, He might have a tough exterior and extremely narrow-minded when it came to Joohyun but he was in fact as soft as a teddy bear.

"Yes, AH-BUH-JI." Joohyun emphasized the word. Since she was young, she had called her father appa except when she was fed up with him, then she would address him the formal way, ahbuji. It had always been her way to hint at him her displeasure.

"Okay then, sweetie. Let's have dinner now and hopefully, your anger will subside when your stomach is full." Mr. Seo said and pinched Joohyun on her cheeks, making her stick out her tongue. The two then headed towards the dining table.

Unbeknownst to her, the butler had been observing their interaction and found it greatly entertaining. It was hard to believe that a girl who was so shy as to faint in front of cameras could have such a bubbly side. I guess I'll know her better as time passes, he thought. For once, he was anticipating his job. 

"Changmin, are you joining us?" Mr. Seo's voice echoed in the hallways. At that, the butler scolded himself for losing focus and quickend his footstep towards the dinner table. 

Changmin had rejected the man's repeated invitation to sit with them for supper and opted to stand aside to serve them.

"Aigoo, Changmin, always so professional. As I have said so many times, loosen up yourself." The old man said as he stuffed his mouth with salad, but the quiet male made no attempt to respond.

Joohyun found it weird that her father seemed so close with that damned butler of hers, as if he were an old acquaintance. She decided to drop it for now and question her appa later after meal.

During the dinner, Joohyun shared her life in US with her father, who was very eager to learn more of her experience. He would laugh at her funny encounters and make hilarious jokes that caused her to giggle heartily. In all honesty, she had never seen him so joyful before and she was glad. Despite his grey hair, he now looked younger than when her mother had passed away. If the years spent in the states had meant her father's full recovery and happiness, she would not mind going through it all over again.

As the servants came to collect the dishes when the meal was over, Joohyun expressed her wish to speak with her appa priavtely and they headed to his office. 

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about, Hyunnie? I hope you aren't still angry with me," he said, closing the door behind him. 

"Of course not, appa. I just wanted to enquire about my butler." She replied with a smile which the father returned with a mischievous grin.

"What of Changmin, eh? Do you like him already?" Mr. Seo teased, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Maldo andwae! I just wondered why you hired him. He is rude and indifferent. Not only to me, but to you as well!!" She exclaimed, clearly frustrated about the whole situation.

"Well, did you know he is the best of the best at what he does?"

"If you mean his skills of retorting and being mean, then I do. But if you're implying he is good at being a butler, I cannot agree." Joohyun let out a huff, crossing her arms.

"Give him time, my dear. I am sure you are aware of my work to assist children's studies, don't you?" Seeing his daugheter nod, he continued. "Changmin was one of those kids and certainly the most special and hardworking of the bunch. He has immense talent. Moreover, you'll need help in being transformed to a socialite. The path to it isn't easy for it is an art you'll have to learn to master it. Changmin will be your guide."

Then he pulled Joohyun in for a hug. "You have no idea how proud and glad I am for you, Hyunnie. I am sure your mother is as well."

With her father's arms still tightly wrapped around her, she asked, "So can I get rid of him once I am well trained?"

He released her from his embrace then and straightened himself. "That, I think, Hyunnie, is quite impossible, until the day you marry. For every lady must have a butler. That is the rule of the Seoul upper class."

The information shook her. "Then I must find me a husband this instant."

Mr. Seo chuckled at her statement and added, "One most important rule you must bear in mind, my daughter: Never fall in love with your butler."

"That will not be a problem at all." 

Giving him a confident look, Joohyun left her father's study.

Joohyun returned to her room with a heavy heart. She had wanted to dig deeper into Changmin... NO, Joohyun, you must call him nothing but Butler Shim, she thought... Butler Shim's past but what her father offered had been too little. For now, she would just have to endure that butler's presence until she found a man who would raise her from this curse. 

Author's Note: Yay! Another update :) I hope you are enjoying the story! I can't stress enough the appreciation I have for all of you readers, subscribers and commenters!!! I will try to update every day if possible! If you think this story is worth it, do vote it up :)

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diamondsnow #1
One of the best changseo story! I'm expecting another changseo fic from you #changseoftw♡
Thank you authornim
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
theresia #3
Chapter 27: Ah forgot to tell you,,

God bless you too,,Saeng
theresia #4
Chapter 27: I'm gonna miss your story:'(

Cool,,you're in college now hahaha
I think i'm 1year older than u in university kkk~
Enjoy your university life,,saeng
It's gonna be fun..but always remember that your parents expect nothing but the best from you
I think i'm going to be hiatus for several months bcause my 3rd has already begun
Chapter 26: so this is the end... *sobs* this was a really fulfilling story and i loved it from beginning to end! i hope luhan finds his own happy ending, because joohyun and changmin have found theirs...
phew. this was wonderful. i'm looking out for your stories, authornim...
Chapter 26: Last but definitely not the least, our very own ChangSeo! Who says that a prim and proper socialite like Seohyun and a strict and robot-like man like Changmin can't break the rules?

I love the fact that Changmin remains as her butler, though only as her namja too XD

These two individuals have gone through a lot. They even seperated for a short period, giving themselves time and space to unwind. It's very hard to finalize things or decision impulsively. Good thing they have thought of unwinding first.

And the moment they realize that even after the cool off, they still love each other-that's the cue. If love that's separated still find its way to come back, it must be that strong and true. :)

Thus, ChangSeo deserves a happy ending indeed! Thank you so much for letting us read a wonderful story!

As for your future works, I'll be just here to support! Any pairing, any genre ♥ Though I highly encourage you on writing more for underrated couples

Ehem seolay xiuseo seoyeol changseo ehem

Chapter 26: ChangSeo fics are underrated but they're all great. Especially yours :) ♥

I love the ending so much. I know that the main point here is ChangSeo but I'll comment first on the other aspects.

First of all-the unnies. Throughout the story, those girls have been the colors to Seohyun's life. At first, she's pretty awkward with them. But as time passes by, Seohyun realizes how fun it can be to at least have a circle of friends.

Then there's the ever-so-supportive BFFs. Jonghyun and Minho. The three of them have been together ever since God-only-knows-when. Even though those two guys harbor romantic feelings for her, they accept her feelings and decided to remain just as what they have been. One thing I'm only sad about is that Jonghyun never have the chance to confess-though I think in reality, this case happens. There are just some things that are not meant to be said.

There's also Luhan. Just like Minho and Jonghyun, he's a friend who has fallen in love with Seohyun. However, he isn't meant to stay with her as friends.

Maybe that's the difference between friendship-to-love and just crush-to love. Since Minho-Jonghyun-Seohyun have been friends in the first place-they have also decided to stay still as BFFs.

There's also Jessica. She might still be the brat but at least, she's more tamed now. Lol

Next is the appa and the stepmom. Even in the first place, it's evident that Mr. Seo will be kind enough to accept Changmin for his daughter. Plus, he trusts Changmin so much! Seohyun must be really happy to have Taeng as her stepmom. After all, Taeyeon has been a mother to her all throughout.

I have almost forgotten Donghae, lol. I really think that Seohyun needs someone like Donghae. First, he isn't in love with her. In that way, he'll be objective when advising and whatsoever. Second, he's a man whom she can turn to if ever her female friends won't be much of a help.
theresia #8
Chapter 26: let me say "Thank You" for finishing this story..
this is wonderful..

i like everytime she sais "Thank God, Thank you"
i like the fact she's grateful for what she had
for her unnies,,for her best friend,,for her Donghae oppa,,for her exButler my Lulu,,for her family,,and last for love of her life..

i like the moral value..
i like everything in this final chapter,,
you packed everyting in beautiful way..

i'm glad everyone has known about ChangSeo relationship, they even agreed..that's great
but the best part that i love the most is when Taenggo's gonna be her stepmother..she's her unnie and now is going to be her mom..i'm so happy about that
i thought they're having double engagement party kkk~
but her father made a move first hahaha

i'm relieved Luhan-Seo-Changmin's relationship is okay now..

and last i wanna say "I"M SORRY"
i feel bad after read your reply..
i'm so sorry if i've hurt your feeling with my last comment..i really do..
please forgive me

Ps: this fanfic has already in my masterpiece label..great great job..Saeng