Entry 1 - Broken Home



Kris listened to the deep breathing from the room across the hallway; strange it was as he lived alone. He stopped on his tracks and listened carefully through the door. It had been three days since this incident had began. Voices murmured and soft thuds were heard from that room and an abnormal shiver went down his spine, sending small chills to his toes. He put his shivering hand on the wooden door-handle and twisted it while holding his breath. A creak emerged from the door and the light from the hallway barely made it across the dark room. It was silent; no traces of any living creature were visible, minus the small spider creeping on the carpet. A small gust of wind blew behind him and he turned his head around, looking at the open window. He closed the door with an unsure look on his face and went to his room to shut the window. Shutting it with a squeak, he heard it again; the only difference was that it was louder than before.






Kris froze, his hand just releasing the clutch of the window lock. He blinked once. Twice. Then a third time before turning his head around, releasing heavy breaths. The pale ochre yellow door stood still as the loud noise resonated through the wall. He held his breath for what it seemed like an eternity and a slight cloud of fear shrouded his eyes. Giving a nervous chuckle, he slowly trudged to the door, hand shaking as he grasped the knob. A gust of wind blew in front of him, raising the hairs on his arm and sending tingles to his toes. A small puff of smoke, scarce enough to be seen arose from a small crack in the corner of the room. Kris could feel things crawling up his legs and he resisted the urge to scream out loud. The crawling began to change into some kind of slithering and binding, he could feel his thighs being slowly brought together in a tight bind of a sticky string. Bright green orbs illuminated the hazy smoke and stared deep into Kris’ terrified eyes, the creature could feel the fear b up inside him and it all the more made him hungrier. The creature lusted for Kris. His meat. His blood. His blood-curdling scream. Kris gulped; he knew the monster sensed his fear. He knew its eyes could see right through his soul. He knew that this might be the last day of his life. What he didn’t know was what he did wrong, he didn’t know what he did to deserve this. He could now feel his waist area being wrapped up and the circulation in his legs was beginning to slow down.

“Wh-What did I do to deserve this?” He stuttered, fear obvious in his voice.

The creature crept up closer to him, making its features more obvious against the dark room. Kris’ eyes widened in terror as he saw the visual of the creature. A hairy abdomen with what seemed to be eggs attached to its thick strands, four, long and gigantic legs on each side of its body and the head. The head was what terrified Kris the most. It had eight, emerald green eyes positioned at the center of its face, baby spiders crawling around its “forehead” and a mouth with fangs covered in hair nearly as tall as Kris himself all dripping with saliva and slobber. He could feel the hot air breathe onto his face, a rotten stench wafted up his nose and he couldn’t help but gag.

“You destroyed something very close to me, something that took me years to perfect. It was there as fast as it was gone. It’s your fault!” The spider seethed in a voice that would sound of the devil.

Kris now felt his arms being wrapped up and he tried to wriggle free yet it was no use. Tears threatened to fall out of his eyes and he began to sniffle. The circulation in his legs was surely gone as he wasn’t able to feel the tingle of fear in his toes. It had gone tighter with every passing second; whatever that was spinning this coil of string around him began to bind him tighter. Tighter. TIGHTER. Kris screamed in pain as he was near his limit, he could feel a few bones begin to fracture out of pressure as he shivered in pain. The spider gave a shrill hiss as Kris was nearly fully wrapped up in spider silk. It was getting impatient and was craving more for him. Kris was now fully wrapped up in the silk and he could barely move. Claustrophobia came over him and he began to squirm and scream for help. Nobody heard. Nobody came. The spider looked at his wriggling, mummified body and put its front legs on him.

“You destroyed my home. But I can take yours, you wont need it anyway after you die….” The spider said before sinking his teeth into Kris’ body.

--Aiyana's after notes~

So....... How did you like that? Kekeke this was a really quick update right? OTL if I get over-excited, I just work harder to complete things and I can go a little whack. WHEEEEEE! One chapter finished~ I will try to add in some dialogue to my drabbles since for me writing dialogue is not my thing. u.u Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day/night/afternoon~~~


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Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeee!!! Im reading this in the evening but it still makes my neck hair stand on its ends... gr8 wrk!!
Chapter 3: It's the best so far...
Chapter 2: It's 2 am here and I'm a bit sleepy...this chapter is ok, but not scary at all...
Chapter 1: I have never read horror so I'm not sure...the first half is scary...not really the second part...but ur writing is very good...
Chapter 13: great...please update soon..its getting more interesting the everytime...
Chapter 12: Yes!!!!!!!! Please continue this! :D
Chapter 12: Yes! Yes! Yes. I would like you to continue this story.
Chapter 12: oh yes!!please continue the series....oh pretty pretty please~~~
Chapter 12: YES !! and more SHINee members pleaseeeeew..
Chapter 12: OMFG! Yeasssss pleaseeeeee C: