Chapter 2 (Parts 5-7)


Your heart almost dropped to your stomach. "You've got to be kidding me." you thought to yourself. You glanced over at Chanyeol, he didn't seem to be as bothered by the pairing as you were. Mr Kim continued down the list. Tao ended up being paired with some quiet kid, you didn't know his name. It didn't matter, you were just glad he wasn't paired with a girl. Mr Kim finished the list, but before dismissing everyone, he made another announcement. "Our first camp activity will be a scavenger hunt tomorrow. There will be clues and riddles hidden all over the camp site and you and your partner will have to find and solve them. You will have all day to finish the scavenger hunt, and the first group to finish the scavenger hunt will win a prize. We will meet here at 7am to hand out maps and supplies. Don't be late. And have a good evening. " Mr Kim finished his speech and then exited the mess hall. You sat back in your chair and sighed. Tao put his arm on your shoulder, "hey are you okay?"he asked. You smiled and nodded,"yeah, just a little disappointed " you answered. Tao sighed "I understand. I'd be upset too if I got paired with Chanyeol." You laughed ,"yeah, I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow, or the rest of this trip." "hey, dont be so down, you only have to be around him during the activities, the rest of the time you can hang out with me." Tao said as he nudged you. "And me too." Hyojin added. Tao looked at Hyojin,and then protectively put his arm around you, "but she's gonna be spending most of her time with me. Isn't that right Eunjae?" He asked. You blushed.

The next morning, you didn't feel like getting up. Hyojin practically had to drag you out of bed. Not because you were tired, but because you weren't very excited about the day's activity. Hyojin dragged you into the bathroom and threw you in the shower. She the water, "You have five minutes. If you're not out by then, I'm coming back in..." she threatened before leaving the bathroom. You took a quick shower and brushed your teeth. Your five minutes passed, and just as she promised, Hyojin came barging into the bathroom. "YAH!!! TIMES UP! WE HAVE TO GO" she screamed. "I'M NOT DRESSED YET!!!" you screamed back. Hyojin threw a pair of pants and a hoodie at you, "here put these on and hurry up, or we're gonna miss breakfast." Hyojin said before exiting the bathroom again. You slowly pulled on the clothes and fixed your hair. You walked out of the bathroom and picked up your backpack, you turn to face Hyojin. She grabbed her bag as well and opened the cabin door, "she we?" she said with a big smile. You looked at her, rolled your eyes and then exited the cabin, making sure you bumped Hyojin shoulder on the way out.


You stepped onto the cabin porch and were about to walk down the stairs when you bumped into someone. "Good Morning," the person said. It was Tao. Your face lit up, "Morning..." you replied with a smile. Tao smiled back , and then two of started walking towards the mess hall together. When you got to the mess hall, you two immediately joined the buffet line that was set up for breakfast. You get your and then go to find a table. You sat down with Tao, and Hyojin and Chen quickly followed. You all ate breakfast together, while waiting for the hunt to start.
You spot Chanyeol across the room sitting on table with his feet on the bench, he was eating an apple and flirting with some girl. Chanyeol made a comment, and the girl giggled really loud. Chanyeol smiled back an then looked away. He made eye contact with you. You quickly looked down at the table. When you finally looked up, you saw that he was still staring at you, "Omg, why is he staring at me?" you thought you yourself. 
Mr. Kim entered the mess hall and silenced everyone. "Good Morning students." he greeted. "Good Morning Mr. Kim." everyone recited. Mr. Kim smiled before continuing with his announcements. "As you all know, today is the all day scavenger hunt. After breakfast, each team will be given a bag with enough food and supplies to last them all day. We will also give a special device that can be used to locate you in the case of an emergency. Before I dismiss you I have a few rules I would like to go over.  Rule One: you will be working with your partner and only your partner. There will be no working in groups that is considered cheating. If you are caught doing this, then you will be penalized. Rule Two: You are only allowed to return to the main camping site for 3 reasons. Only if you have finished the hunt, or there is an emergency, or the time for the hunt is over. If you return before you are authorized their will be penalties. Understand?" "Yes, Mr. Kim." the whole mess hall said at once, Mr. Kim continued. "I am expecting all of you to behave and work well with your partner. Be safe, and most importantly have fun. You may pick up your supplies at the door, and after that you and your partner can begin. Good Luck." Mr. Kim finished his announcement and then exited the mess hall. Everyone immediately got up and walked over to the supplies.  You stood by your table for a while, Hyojin and Chen had already made their way over to the supplies and so had Tao. You messed with lining of your sweater, not sure what to do, "Maybe I should wait until the crowd calms down." you thought to yourself. You were just about to sit back down when you felt some grab your arm, and pull you. It was Chanyeol. He dragged you all the way across the mess hall and to the supplies, the student moved so Chanyeol could get through. He made his way all the way up to the box with supplies and grabbed one of the bags. He then walked out the mess hall, still holding onto your arm.


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exorennn12 #1