Chapter 7



You woke up to the sun shining through the trees. You looked at down and saw your swollen ankle. But that wasn't your biggest concern. Your biggest concern was the pair of arms that were wrapped securely around you.
"What happened last night?" you thought to yourself. Then you remembered. The kiss.
Chanyeol stirred and then opened his eyes. You looked at him and he smiled. You smiled back. Chanyeol kissed you on the cheek, making you blush. Then he stood up, "we should probably get going." he said. You nodded and he carefully helped you onto his back. He carried you in silence for a while, and the two of you started talking. You told him about your friends and family. He told you about his family and friends too. But his favorite subject seemed to be his BFF Baekhyun. Chanyeol went on and on about him. "You guys must be really close, huh?" you asked. He nodded and smiled.
Chanyeol stopped walking for a second, you looked at his face. Something was wrong. He looked sick. "Chanyeol are you okay?" you asked. He looked at you, "yeah I'm fine." he answered and he kept walking.
He walked a little further before he stopped again. This time you knew something was wrong. "Chanyeol maybe we should stop, you look really tired." you said to him. "No. It's okay, I'm fine." he said and he kept walking. "No. You're not. Look, if you don't want to stop and rest then at least let me walk." you said to him. "No. You're hurt remember?" he reminded you. "I'm fine now. and you look like you're about to pass out so put me down." you answered. Chanyeol stopped, and you climbed off his back. You put your hurt onto the ground and try to walk on it. You were able to walk, but it still hurt a lot. "See? I'm fine." you said to Chanyeol as you walked in a circle around him. He sighed and grabbed your hand. The two of you walked slowly, hand in hand. You looked around at the trees and flowers. Chanyeol froze for a second and you thought he was feeling sick again. "Do you want to stop?" you asked. He quickly shook his head. "No! We can't stop! I know where we are now!" he yelled. Your eyes widened, "Really?" you asked in disbelief. Chanyeol nodded excitedly. "Yeah! The Cabins should be right over that hill!" he yelled. You squealed with excitement and Chanyeol picked you up and spun you around. "We're safe!" you squealed. Chanyeol carefully put you down and then bent over, "here get back on my back." he said. You hesitated, "are you sure?" you asked, Chanyeol nodded. "We'll get there faster." You sighed and climbed onto to Chanyeol's back. He started walking really fast, he was almost running. You guys the top of the hill and you could see the camp site below. You felt a huge relief. Chanyeol made his way down the hill and towards the cabins. he had barely made it down the hill when someone spotted you guys and yelled, "they're back!" Chanyeol gently put you down on the ground. And was about to put his arm around you when felt someone pick you up and hug you. "Eun Jae! Thank God you're safe!" the person said. When you heard the voice your heart instantly melted. It was Tao.
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