

Tao held you close. At first you were so happy to him, and to be in his arms. But then you came back to reality. You slowly pulled away from Tao and looked back, you saw Chanyeol, but he wasn't standing up he was sitting on the floor. He looked half dead. You ran over to him and knelt down next to him. "Chanyeol?!" You called his name, he looked at you, "Eun Jae...." he whimpered softly before he passed out. You caught his head before it could the ground. You held his head close your chest. You his cheek and whispered, "Please wake up, please wake up." he didn't budge, you kept rocking, tears streaming down your face. "Please..." you said again. You looked up and saw a crowd of people running towards you. You saw Mr Kim and the rest of the teachers coming with some paramedics. The paramedics came over to you and started accessing Chanyeol, they asked you questions, but you couldn't answer them. You just sat there crying, holding Chanyeol. The paramedics tried to lift Chanyeol from your arms, but you wouldn't let him go. "Ma'am please. We have to take to the hospital." the medic pleaded with you. "Is he going to be okay?" you asked. "Yes. But only if we take him now." the medic replied. You nodded and the medics turned to lift Chanyeol out of your arms, you looked at Chanyeol one last time and whispered, "I love you." before gently kissing him on his lips. The medic then removed Chanyeol from your arms and placed him on the stretcher. You watched as the ambulance door opened and the medic put Chanyeol inside. The door was just about to close when you heard a weak voice call your name, "Eun Jae..." the voice called. You immediately ran towards the ambulance. You pushed the medic aside and climbed in, Chanyeol was laying there with eyes open. He smiled when he saw you. You smiled back with tears in your eyes. "You scared me." you whispered softly. Chanyeol took your hand, "I'm sorry." he said. You leaned don't and put your forehead against his. "Don't ever do that again." you said. Chanyeol smiled, "I wouldn't dream of it my love." he replied. Then he kissed you sweetly.

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exorennn12 #1