Chapter 6



Chanyeol carried through the woods, in the darkness. You were guessing that it was close to midnight. "Chanyeol maybe we should stop." you suggested. Chanyeol agreed and put you down against a tree trunk. He sat down beside you. You opened the supply bag and  took out the tracking device again. You pressed the buttons, hoping for a different response than what you got the first time. You kept pressing buttons frantically and Chanyeol finally grabbed the device from you. "It's no use. It doesn't work." he said. You sighed and threw your head back, "we're never gonna get out of here." you said, sounding defeated. "Don't say that. We're gonna be fine." Chanyeol responded. "No we're not! We're gonna die out here and we're never going to see our families again." you said, through tears, Chanyeol put his arm around your shoulder. "Eun Jae, don't say that. We're gonna be fine. I promise, please stop crying." Chanyeol said. You looked up at him, the moonlight was hitting his face again. He looked flawless. You felt your head move closer to his,
you didn't know what was happening,
 it was like your body was acting on it's own.
You moved closer and closed your eyes,
you tilted your head,
your lips touched his.
He kissed you back.
You moved closer to him and he pulled as close as possible.
He broke the kiss and looked you. He kissed your forehead and you rested you head on his shoulder. You fell asleep,
In his arms.
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exorennn12 #1