Chapter 3 (part8)


Chanyeol dragged you out the mess hall doors. When you finally got outside, you pulled out of his grip. "LET GO OF ME!!" you yelled and tried to pull away from Chanyeol. He quickly let go of your hand, causing you to fall flat on your bum. "YAH!!!" you screamed in frustration. Chanyeol looked at you, and then threw the supply bag into you lap. "Carry this..." he said and then turned around and started walking away. You stomped your feet on the ground and screamed. This was going to be a long day. 

You caught up to Chanyeol, who had already walked a good distance ahead of you. "Hey slow down. I have short legs." you panted. Chanyeol looked at you and kept walking. "YAH!!! I SAID SLOW DOWN!" you yelled. Chanyeol stopped walking and grabbed your arm, "I'm not slowing down. You need to speed the hell up. I don't wanna be stuck doing this all day." he said. You pulled your arm away, "and you think I do? Trust me, I want to finish just as fast you do." you replied. Chanyeol scoffed and kept walking. You tried your best to keep up, but with the two bags weighing you down, it was nearly impossible. "Can you please carry this?" You asked Chanyeol as you handed him the supply bag. Chanyeol didn't answer, he just kept walking. "HEY!!!" you screamed when you saw him ignoring you. Chanyeol stopped, "WHY CAN'T YOU CARRY IT?!?!" he yelled back. "BECAUSE I ALREADY HAVE A BAG!" you screamed and you shook your backpack in his face. Chanyeol pushed your bag out of his face. "So? No one told you to bring to that!" he replied. You glared at him, "I brought it because we may need it." Chanyeol sighed and snatched the supply bag away from you. "You're so annoying.." he said as he slung the bag over his shoulder. "Right back at ya." you replied

You and Chanyeol did the scavenger hunt and you argued the whole way. You two were on the second to last clue. "I think we have to get on a boat." you said after reading the clue. "No duh..." Chanyeol replied. You rolled your eyes. "Where are we suppose to find a boat?" he asked. "There's a river down that way." you answered. Chanyeol sighed and walked in the opposite direction of where you pointed. "Hey, I said this way!" you yelled after him, he kept walking. You sighed, "Why are you so stubborn?" you said as you followed behind him. Chanyeol kept walking and you followed. "Chanyeol I don't think this is the right way." you said. "It is." he replied. "and how would you know?" you asked. "Because I used to come here all the time when I was kid. The river is right up there." he said as he pointed towards and hill. You looked at him and the continued walking, you could hear the sound of running water. You made it to the top and saw a riverbank with a boat tied to a tree. "Told you." Chanyeol said as he climbed in the boat. You rolled your eyes. You were just about to climb in the boat when dawned on you. "Wait..." you said. "What is it now?" Chanyeol asked, sounding annoyed. You ignored his tone and continued speaking, "Chanyeol, I don't think this is the right place." you said. "And why is that?" Chanyeol asked smartly. "Because, if was, wouldn't there be more than one boat sitting here? I mean, there are more students who have to use the boats." you said. Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "Maybe everyone else already got to this part and we're just the last group because you have to disagree with all my decisions." he replied. You rolled eyes, "I still think we're in the wrong place." you said. Chanyeol sighed, "Look, I know this place really well okay? Just trust me." Chanyeol said as he reached his hand out towards you. You sighed and took his hand and stepped in the boat. Chanyeol untied the boat and then started rowing down the river. He rowed for a while and then came to a fork in the river. "I think we should go this way." you said. Chanyeol looked at you and steered the boat in the opposite direction. You were about to yell at him when he cut you off, "This way is faster." he said. You sat back in the boat and sighed. Chanyeol rowed a little while longer. "Chanyeol, I'm seriously starting to think we went the wrong way." you said. Chanyeol ignored your comment. You mumbled a few choice words and turned your back towards him. You were about to turn around and yell at him again, but then you heard the sound of rushing water. "Chanyeol?" you called his name. "What?" he snapped back. "what's that noi-" your question was cut short when the boat tipped forward. You quickly held onto the side of the boat, you looked over at Chanyeol and he was doing the same thing. You scream when you realized what was going on. Chanyeol had rowed the boat the straight into the top of a waterfall.

You screamed and held on for dear life, you felt air and water spraying at your face, making it hard for you to breathe. You tightened your grip on the boat as it neared the bottom of the water fall. You held you breath. When the boat hit the bottom, everything went black.

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