Chapter 4



You woke with a huge headache. You looked around and saw that the bottom half of  your body was  submerged in water. You tried your best to pull yourself out of the water, but you couldn't. You started panicking. You tried even harder to pull yourself out of the water and you finally got out. You climbed onto the shore and tried to catch your breath. You looked to your left. You saw a figure in the water. You slowly got up and walked towards the body. It was Chanyeol. You screamed his name and frantically tried to pull him out of the water. When you got him out you notice how pale he was. "Oh no. Please don't be dead!" you screamed as you shook Chanyeol's limp body. He didn't budge. You sat back and thought about what to do. An idea pops into your head, but you cringed at the thought of actually doing it.
Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
You looked at Chanyeol's limp pale body. Your eyes lingering on his now blue-ish lips. You sighed and closed your eyes before putting your lips against his.
You blew air into his mouth, and then moved your hands to his chest to do CPR. You reapeated the steps over and over again. Finally after a few minutes, which felt like hours. Chanyeol coughed up a bunch of water before his eyes shot open.
"What. Happened?" Chanyeol asked between breaths. "You rowed us over a water-fall." you explained. Chanyeol grabbed his chest and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath. You looked at his expression trying to read it. But you had little success.
Chanyeol finally sat up. "Are you okay?" you asked him quietly. Chanyeol shot you a dirty look, "DO I LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY?!?!" he yelled. You looked at him, "okay sorry for asking. but there's no need to yell." you answered. "I ALMOST DIED JUST NOW! I CAN YELL AS MUCH AS I WANT TO!" he yelled. You looked at him in shocked, "SO WHAT? YOU WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN THAT SITUATION IF YOU HAD'NT ROWED THE BOAT OVER THE FREAKING WATER FALL!" you screamed back. Chanyeol rolled his eyes. This made you furious. "DON'T ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME! I SAVED YOUR LIFE! YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME!" Chanyeol scoffed and stood up. He walked over to you. He got as close as he possibly could to you. His body towered over yours. He looked down at you, "Thank you." he said. You stumbled backwards. Chanyeol caught you before you could fall. "are you okay?" he asked. "y-yeah. I'm fine." you answered quickly. Chanyeol let go of you and walked towards the river. When his back was turned to you, you let out a breath. For some reason, when Chanyeol was that close to you, you got nervous and hot. You also got butterflies in your stomach. The feelings were weird, usually when you saw Chanyeol, you would cringe from hate. But this time it was different. Were your feelings changing?
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exorennn12 #1