Chapter 1



 "Yah! Lee Eunjae! Hurry up or you're gonna be late!" you heard your mom scream. You groan and throw a pair of shoes into you bag, "aish!!! Why is she rushing me? I don't even wanna go on this stupid trip anyway!" you said to yourself in frustration. You zipped up your bag and took it downstairs. "Ready to go?" your mom asked as you reached the bottom of the stairs. You smiled sarcastically at her, "yes, mother." you answered. She smiled back and took your bag, "Good! Then let's go!"
   Your mom pulled up to the front of your school, where a big bus was parked. She looked at you, "Have fun! But not too much fun, I don't want you making bad decisions. Oh, and don't forget to call when you get there, and make sure and..." "Mom!!!!!" you cut her off. She jumped, "What??" "You're rambling..." you answered. She smiled, "oh sorry." she replied. You smiled at her, "Don't worry mom, I'll be fine. It's just a school trip." you said. "I know, but I'm still gonna worry, I'm your mom, it's what I do." she said. You smiled, "I know, but seriously mom, what do think's gonna happen? Do you think I'm going to get lost in the woods or something?"
 You waved to your mom, as she drove away. When she was out of sight, you slowly walked towards the bus. "Yah! EunJae-ah!" you heard your best friend, Hyojin, call your name. "Hey!" you said as you walked over to her. She waved back. "Are you excited?" Hyojin asked. You looked at her, "not really..." you answered. Hyojin gasped, "Why not?!?! It's a week off of school and away from our parents." she replied. "Yeah but we still have to deal with our teachers, and all the idiots in our class." you said. Hyojin laughed, "yeah, but we should still try to have fun." she said. You smiled, "I guess so..." you said. You and Hyojin climbed on the bus, and sat down with the rest of your friends. "Hey look who it is!" you friend Tao, said as he saw you walk on the bus. You smile and sit down next to him. "She made it on time, Chen, looks like you owe me 20 bucks!" you heard Tao say. You gave him a confused look, "Yah! Were you guys betting on whether I would make it here on time or not?" you yelled. Tao nodded as he took the 20 dollars Chen was giving to him. You stood up, "Hey! I helped you get that money so I deserve half of it!!" you yelled. Tao shook his head, "No way!" he said. You pounced on him trying to get the money out of his hands, "Yah! Get off!!!" he screamed. "Not until you give me my money!" you screamed back. You wrestled with Tao until you finally got the money out his hands. You climbed off of him, "Thank you very much." you said to him as you fixed your hair. "Excuse me." you heard a deep voice say behind you. You turned around and saw Park Chanyeol standing there. "Uhhh... sorry..." you said awkwardly. Chanyeol scoffed and rolled his eyes and pushed his way past you. You sat back down in your seat. " hole..." you said under your breath. 
Park Chanyeol was the most popular kid school. He was tall handsome, athletic, and all the girls wanted him. All the girls except for you and your friends. You guys hated Chanyeol, and thought he was and arrogant stuck up -hole.
 "Hey are you okay? Tao asked you. You nodded. He smiled and gave you a pat on the back, "Hey, don't let that jerk get under your skin, okay?" he said. "Thanks Tao." you said with a smile.
 The bus ride to the campsite was long and exhausting. When the bus finally stopped, you practically ran off the bus. "Finally" you said as you got off the bus. Tao, Hyojin and Chen joined you. You guys stood there and talked and waited for you teachers to give you instructions. "I'm so stiff.." Tao said as he stretched. "Me too..." Chen replied. "We should probably grab our bags... " Hyo Jin said as she walked towards the luggage. You go with her and Tao and Chen followed behind. The luggage was all in a big pile. You all search for your bags but you can't find them. "I think they're at the bottom of the pile." Chen said.  Everyone groaned. "Wait, I think I see them over there." Hyojin said and she pointed to the other side of the pile. Tao walked over to see, "yeah, they're right here." he said and he pulled a bag from the pile. "oooo so manly..." Hyojin said with a smile. You looked at her, "Please stop..." you said. "What?" she replied. You gave her a look, "stop talking about Tao like that. It's weird...." you said. HyoJin laughed, "Don't act like you don't think he's cute." she said. You smiled, "yeah... he is really cute." you said. Hyojin smiled, "and I think he likes you." she said. You looked at her, "Really?" you asked and she nodded. You giggled. Hyojin nudged you, "and who know knows, he might just confess to you while were on this trip." she said. "You think so?" you asked. She nodded, "Why not? I mean we have a whole week... anything could happen."
After getting your bags, you were given your cabin assignment. Thankfully you were rooming with HyoJin and a couple of other girls that you were friends with. Tao and Chen were in the cabin across from you and Hyojin so you all decided to walk together. You were about to pick up your bag and walk when you felt someone grab your bag. "I'll carry it." Tao said to you. "It's okay, I got it." you said to him. He smiled, "No, really let me." he said and he hoisted the bag on his shoulder. Hyojin nudged you and giggled.
The four of you walked to the cabins. Tao carried your bag the entire way, he even carried it up the cabin stairs and into the cabin. "Thanks Tao." you said with a smile, He smiled back, "It's no problem Eunjae. I'll see you later," Tao said and he walked out of the cabin, you sat down on the bed and smiled to your self. "Yah..." you heard some say, making you jump. It was Hyojin. "Stop smiling like that..." she said. You laughed, "I don't think I can..." Hyojin smiled, "first he comforts you on the bus and then he carries your bags. At this rate, you two will be a couple by Tuesday!" she said. You laughed, "I sure hope so." You heard a knock at the door and you got up and opened it. It was Chen, "Hey we need to meet down in the mess-hall. The teachers want to talk to us." he said. You nodded and grabbed Hyojin before you walked out the cabin. Tao was standing on the porch of his cabin, his face lit up when he saw you. You guys walked to mess hall and took a seat at one of the tables, "Do you know what this is about?" Hyojin asked. Everyone shrugged, "No idea. Maybe they're telling us the rules." Tao answered. The principle walked in and the entire mess hall became silent. The principle stood at the front of the mess hall, "Good evening everyone." he said. "good evening Mr. Kim" all the students said together. "I have a few announcements to make." Mr Kim said. "First, I would like to thank all the chaperones who joined us on this trip." the chaperones all smiled and waved and everyone clapped. When the clapping ceased, Mr. Kim continued, "Now I will go over the ground rules for this trip. Number one, boys and girls are not allowed to share cabins. You may visit each other's cabins but everyone must return to their assigned cabin by 11:00pm every night, and there will be no leaving the cabins after that hour. Number two; all meals will be eaten at a specific time. If you miss a meal time, you will have to wait until the next meal. Number three; remember, you are here representing our school, so don't do anything stupid okay?" "Yes sir" everyone answered. "And the final rule is, during our stay here, everyone will be assigned a partner. You will stay with your partner when we do activities off of the main site. You partner has already been assigned to you randomly." Everyone groaned, random partner assignments were the last thing anyone wanted. Mr. Kim grabbed a clip board, "I will be telling everyone their partners now." he said. "Pair one: Hyojin and Chen." he read, Hyojin breathed a sigh of relief, you looked at her, "lucky..." you whispered. Hyojin smiled, "hey, if me and Chen are partners that means that you and Tao might be partners." she said. "I hope so...." you replied. Mr Kim continued reading the list, he was about half-way when he finally called your name. "Eunjae you are paired with...." he said, "Please say Tao, please say Tao." you thought to yourself. ".... Chanyeol..." Mr Kim announced.
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