Truth Comes Out



Hailey: “Why didn’t you tell me Key’s spirit wondered the house? No wonder Sky was always in your room.”

Kaya: “Sorry I was thinking that you might think I’m nuts.”

Hailey: “Na, but still I don’t want you taking Sky Key.”

Key: “Sorry but I get bored.”

Hailey: “It’s fine Key. Kaya take your buddy here because I have things to do.”

Key: “What don’t you want to hang with me?”

Hailey: “Sorry I’m going to take Sky to the groomers and I have practice.”

Kaya: “I’m hanging with Andrew.”

Hailey: “It’s about time you both hang.”

Kaya: “Yea.”

Hailey: “Well then you could just chill Key.”

Key: “Ok then..”

Key sticked around in Kaya's room and she started to pick out an outfit. While She was picking clothes he was just giving an annoyed face.

Kaya: “Key please stop giving me that look it’s just one date nothing else.”

Key: “That’s what you say now.”

Kaya: “Key honest stop it.”

Within a blink of an eye he was in front of Kaya, he had a hand on her chin and the other around her waist. Kaya turned red and quickly moved away.

Key: “See you later.”

Kaya: “Ok.”

Kaya got dressed in the bathroom and when she came out she fixed my hair and then she was finally ready. Kaya went down stairs and saw Andrew.

Andrew: “You look nice.”

Kaya: “Thanks so do you.”

Andrew and Kaya left the house and went to eat. He sat in front of her and she smiled. It was a peaceful night, but Kaya couldn’t help but think about Key. We started to talk and it was going good.

Andrew: “It’s been awhile since we’ve talked.”

Kaya: “No kidding but it’s because you work for me and my sister so I mean it’s awkward.”

Andrew: “I like it because I see you every day.”

Kaya: “Yea true.”

Andrew: “Well let’s finish up because I want to take you around town for a ride on my bike before I have to take you home.”

Kaya blushed: “Ok.”

Andrew and Kaya finished eating and they went for a ride around the town. It was cold and Kaya was scared to fall off, but he told her to hold to his waist, so she did. After the ride he took her home . When she got off the bike he said bye and left. Kaya was walking up the stairs when she noticed Key.

Key: “How was your date?”

Kaya: “Nothing special.”

Key: “Honest?”

Kaya: “Yea really now where’s my sister?”

Key: “She’s in her room asleep.”

Kaya: “Already?” That’s odd?”

Key: “Ne. Well let’s go inside it’s cold out here.”

Kaya: “Yea ok.”

Key and Kaya went to their room. Kaya got her clothes to change in the bathroom. When she came out Key was laying on my bed. Kaya wanted to push him off, but something held her back. She laid down next to him and looked at him. He opened his eyes and looked at her and smiled.

Kaya: “Why aren’t you on the floor?”

Key: “Why aren’t you getting mad?”

Kaya: “I don’t know?”

Key got closer: “Did you finally grow feelings for me?” he smirked.

Kaya blushed: “Maybe, maybe not.”

Key: “Well your choice isn't up to me.”

Kaya: “Ok from here on out I’ll hang with you.”

Key smiled: “Ok.”

They both fell asleep and just relaxed throughout the night. When Kaya woke up in the middle of the night she heard Hailey on the phone with someone. Kaya couldn’t hear much just that Hailey kept saying "no" and to "leave her alone". Kaya got curious so she walked into Hailey's room after she hung up the phone.


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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 13: OMG this was SUCH a cute fanfic!!! OMG totally LOVED IT!!!!!!! Please make another one like this!
Chapter 3: Mehhh Unniiie~ You should update more often c;