I'll Be There



Dad: “Girls this is SHINee’s JJong, Minho, Onew, and Taemin.”

Boys: “Hello.” They bowed.

Hailey: “Hi.”

Kaya: “Hello.”

Mom: “Lets go sit in the kitchen and have some tea.”

Minho: “That would be nice.”

We all went to sit and the table and I wanted to laugh because of how Key was acting, but I held it back. I sat next to Hailey, JJong was on the otherside of her, Minho next to JJong, Taemin next to me, then Onew next to him followed by our parents.

Hailey: “Not that I’m not happy to see them but why are they here?”

Dad: “They have informed me that there company has watch you both perform and that they love it.”

Key: “You both are great dancers!”

Kaya ignored Key: “and what else?”

Mom: “Would you like to join their company?”

Hailey: “Sorry, but no.”

Minho: “Why not?”

Hailey: “I have my reasons.”

Dad: “What about you my little princess?”

Kaya: “I’m with Hailey on this.”

Mom: “Honey why don’t we leave the guys to talk some sense into them.”

Dad: “You’re right.” He said getting up and leaving with mom.

JongHyun: “Why won't you do it?”

Hailey: “Because I don’t know if they paid you all to do this or you all just found us and liked our style.”

Onew: “Oh we found you both, and we contacted your parents right away.”

Key: “You both have to do it, you both are great.”

Kaya: “Where’s Key?”

Taemin: “He got hurt he’s in the hospital. They say he should be waking up soon.”

Kaya: “That’s good.”

JongHyun look at Hailey: “Also from what I heard I’m your favorite BIAS.” He winked.

Hailey: “You are doesn’t mean that would change a thing.”

Onew: “Let’s not pressure them. We should leave and come back another time.”

Minho: “Yea let’s go."

JongHyun: “Here is my number if you ever want to get a hold of me.”

Hailey: “Ok see you soon maybe.”

JongHyun: “Bye.” He said as they all left.

Kaya: “Think we did the right thing?”

Hailey: “What’s the point we don’t know the truth what if mom and dad really paid them and told them to keep quiet.”

Kaya: “Your right.”

Hailey walked up stairs and I was in the kitchen with Key.

Key: “Why didn’t you say yes?”

Kaya: “We have our reasons.”

Key: “Which are?”

Kaya: “Drop it you wouldn’t understand.”

Key: “Please just tell me.”

Kaya looked away: “We practically grew up alone besides having maids to clean and people to care for us, but me and my sister never wanted any of this. Like we wanted a family, but we have a mom and dad we never get to see.”

Key: “So you both feel abandoned.”

Kaya: “Yea kind of and when we do see our parents its usually for business, or something we won't want.”

Key: “Im sorry..”

Kaya: “For what?”

Key: “My life was made for me like you but you both kind of grew up without friends and I did.”

Kaya: “We don’t care because we know if we try to make friends they’ll just use us.”

Key: “Oh well still I’m sorry you both went through that.”

Kaya: “It’s fine it’s not your fault.”

Key: “Well can I try to cheer you up?”

Kaya: “How?”

Key: “I’ll be back.” He said then disappears.

Kaya didn’t say anything and went to her room. She waited and after awhile Key was in her room. He kept smiling at her.

Kaya: “What’s with you?”

Key: “I got you and your sister tickets and back stage passes to our concert.”

Kaya: “But why.”

Key: “I’d figure you’d want to get out so here.”

Kaya: “Thanks, but may I ask you something?”

Key: “Shoot.”

Kaya: “When do you think you will be waking up?”

Key: “I don’t know but I don’t want to anytime soon.”

Kaya: “Oh well when’s the concert?”

Key: “In a month.”

Kaya: “Well until then and until you wake up let’s just hang and talk in my room unless Hailey walks in wanting to do things.”

Key: “Well I really want to play with your sister’s puppy because it’s so cute and I miss mine.”

Kaya: “Let me see if she’ll let me bring her. Hailey!” I yelled.

Hailey walks in: “Yea what’s up?”

Kaya: “Could I play with Sky?”

Hailey: “Why?”

Kaya: “Just please?”

Hailey: “I guess so but you have to go get him.” She said walking to her room and I followed.

Kaya grabbed him: “I’ll bring him back later.”

Hailey: “Ok just be careful with him.”

Kaya: “Always.” she said walking into my room, and setting Sky down.

Key: “Puppy!” He sat on the floor happy.

Kaya: “Yea just don’t make him bark because he usually does that if he wants my sister.”

Key: “Ok.”

Key started to play with the puppy and just having fun, but it always crosses my mind about when he will wake up. Our twin maids came in and started to talk to me about mom and dad.


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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 13: OMG this was SUCH a cute fanfic!!! OMG totally LOVED IT!!!!!!! Please make another one like this!
Chapter 3: Mehhh Unniiie~ You should update more often c;