


Key: “What was that all about?”

Kaya: “What do you think of the twins sis?”

Hailey: “They're cool for a couple of babysitters.”

Kaya: “Babysitters?”

Hailey: “Kaya everyone here is always watching out for us making sure were not hurt like we cant do much.”

Kaya looked away: “I know.”

Hailey: “Well this was fun but we should finish this tomorrow.”

Kaya: “Yea.”

Hailey went to her room and Key was giving Kaya that death stare he gives people when he gets angry.

Kaya: “What’s with the angry look?”

Key: “Why were you blushing at that twin guy?”

Kaya: “It just happened. Am I not allowed to blush at a guy?”

Key: “No… Yes…. Maybe… I don’t know.”

Kaya smirked: “Are you jealous?”

Key laughed: “Me jealous very funny.”

Kaya lifted one of her eyebrows and crossed her arms: “Sure your not.”

Key: “Why would I be jealous?”

Kaya: “You tell me. You’re the one all angry and questioning me.”

Key crossed his arms and looked away: “Whatever. I’m better looking than the twins.”

Kaya: “Ok Key chill they're just our butlers in a way.”

Key: “I noticed.”

Kaya: “Well it’s late we should go to bed.”

Key: “Ok fine by me, but can I have a sleeping bag or something?”

Kaya: “Not to be mean but your dead so does it matter?”

Key: “I guess not.”

Kaya and Key went to bed after he got settled on the floor and she turned off the lights. The night was long and restful. Kaya heard noise from the kitchen and got up to see what was going on. When she got to the kitchen it was Hailey getting a bowl of ice cream. Hailey was sitting on the counter, so I decided to sit next to her.

Kaya: “You ok? You never get up this late for treats.”

Hailey: “I don’t know I just couldn’t sleep.”

Kaya: “Oh why not?”

Hailey: “I don’t know I tried to but couldn’t.”

Kaya: “Well I’m here for you if you ever want to talk.”

Hailey: “Ne I know.”

Kaya: “Well im going back to bed.”

Hailey: “Ok night.”

Kaya went to her room and again trip over Key, but this time she didn’t want to get back up.

Key: “What the hell get off of me.”

Kaya: “Well stop getting in my way.”

Key: “How was I in your way?”

Kaya: “Out of all places to sleep you chose this side of my room, close by the door.”

Key: “We were too tired to decide on that. Now get off!”

Kaya got off of him and went to her bed: “Sorry damn no need to be a diva.”

Key: “Just go to sleep.”

Kaya didn’t know what was going on with him. Before he saw Kaya blushing at Andrew he was fine but after that he has been in a bad mood.

Kaya: "Could he be falling for me?" Kaya wispered to herself.

She shook shr head in disbelieving and went back to sleep. The next morning she was woken up by Andrew because Kaya and Hailely had dance practice in an hour. Kaya got up and got dressed in her bathroom since Key was still asleep. When she walked back in Key was sitting up.

Key: “What’s going on? Why are you awake so early?”

Kaya: “Me and Hailey have practice in a bit.”

Key: “What practice?”

Kaya: “Uhm Dance practice.”

Key: “You dance?”

Kaya: “Yea me and my sister love to.”

Key: “You love doing things with each other don’t you.” He smiled.

Kaya: “Yea we're inseparable.”

Key: “That’s good that nothing can come between you.”

Kaya: “It’s hard to explain.”

Key was in front of her all of a sudden and put a finger on her lip: “No need to explain.”

Kaya blushed and moved away: “Yea I know I don’t need to explain anything to you.”

Key: “Why did you move away?”

Kaya: “You were to close to me.”

Key laughed: “Sorry.”

Kaya: “It’s fine well I’ll be back.”

Key: “Where’s your practice at?”

Kaya: “Down stairs.”

Key: “Really?”

Kaya: “It’s pretty big for three people.”

Key: “You got a point.”

Kaya: “Yea we'll be back in a few hours?”

Key: “I want to watch.”

Kaya: “Go for it.” I said walking out of my room and went down stairs.

Kaya said hi to her instructor and she started practicing. Key was sitting on the couch watching everything with his eyes widened. They even did a SHinee part and Hailey had to do Key’s part because she knew it and Key was shocked of how well she did. They practiced for two hours and then they were finally done. Hailey went to her room right away. Kaya took her time going to her room and got clothes to take a shower. When she got out Key was playing with Sky.


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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 13: OMG this was SUCH a cute fanfic!!! OMG totally LOVED IT!!!!!!! Please make another one like this!
Chapter 3: Mehhh Unniiie~ You should update more often c;