Let Us Be



Kaya didn’t say anything and went to her room. She waited and after awhile Key was in her room. He kept smiling at her.

Kaya: “What’s with you?”

Key: “I got you and your sister tickets and back stage passes to our concert.”

Kaya: “But why.”

Key: “I’d figure you’d want to get out so here.”

Kaya: “Thanks, but may I ask you something?”

Key: “Shoot.”

Kaya: “When do you think you will be waking up?”

Key: “I don’t know but I don’t want to anytime soon.”

Kaya: “Oh well when’s the concert?”

Key: “In a month.”

Kaya: “Well until then and until you wake up let’s just hang and talk in my room unless Hailey walks in wanting to do things.”

Key: “Well I really want to play with your sister’s puppy because it’s so cute and I miss mine.”

Kaya: “Let me see if she’ll let me bring her. Hailey!” I yelled.

Hailey walks in: “Yea what’s up?”

Kaya: “Could I play with Sky?”

Hailey: “Why?”

Kaya: “Just please?”

Hailey: “I guess so but you have to go get him.” She said walking to her room and I followed.

Kaya grabbed him: “I’ll bring him back later.”

Hailey: “Ok just be careful with him.”

Kaya: “Always.” I said walking into my room, and setting Sky down.

Key: “Puppy!”

Kaya: “Yea just don’t make him bark because he usually does that if he wants my sister.”

Key: “Ok.”

Key started to play with the puppy and just having fun, but it always crosses my mind about when he will wake up. Our twin maids came in and started to talk to me about mom and dad.

Andrew: “Miss your father and mother will be here soon.”

Kaya: “And then?”

Skye: “They say they have important news to tell you both.”

Kaya: “I’ll be down when they arrive.”

Andrew: “Thing is that they’re waiting for you both in the dining hall.”

Kaya: “Where is my sister?”

Skye: “She is waiting for you and she said she was going to wait on you.”

Kaya: “Ok well let’s go.”

The boy twins walked out and Kaya looked at key. He had a real smile not just one of those everyday smiles but a happy one.

Kaya: “Key I’ll be back just play with the puppy.”

Key: “Ok will do.”

Kaya went down the stairs with Hailey and they saw their parents. We sat on each side of them. Kaya sat next to mom and Hailey next to dad.  They just wanted to know what the news was so they can watch their parents leave again.

Dad: “Have you changed your mind about SM?”

Hailey: “No.”

Mom: “Why not they have what you like and love.”

Kaya: “Not all of it.”

Dad: “What about another company such as YG, or STAR?”

Hailey: “No. I’ll tell you when I’m ready to be famous.”

Kaya: “I’m with Hailey on this. Now if you don’t mind we we're busy.” She said getting up and walking away with Hailey.

Hailey went to her room and it looked like she wanted to cry. Kaya went to her room and picked up Sky. Key looked confused and wanted to know what’s up.

Key: “What’s going on?”

Kaya: “Hailey needs him right now…”

Key: “What happened?”

Kaya: “Our parents are still pushing us about being in companies and we don’t want to just yet.”

Key: “How’s your sister?”

Kaya: “Let’s go find out?”

Kaya and Key went to Hailey’s room and as Kaya thought she was crying, Kaya put Sky on her lap and sat next to her. Kaya got Hailey to stop and just talked to her, but Kaya soon just went to her room because Key made her want to slap him.

Key: “She can cry?”

Kaya: “Yes Key it’s just that she doesn’t often do it?”

Key: “Oh well I’ll stop picking on her just because you both have had It hard.”

Kaya: “We don’t want special treatment.”

Key: “I know.”

Kaya: “I know what can make her laugh. Hailey!”

Hailey walked in: “What?”

Kaya: “Watch this.” She played a video of key being funny and random and she started to laugh.

Key: “Stop it it’s not funny common Hailey.” He blushed.

Hailey: “Thanks I needed that laugh.”

Kaya: “Still hate Key?”

Hailey: “Honest I never did I just didn’t like when he’s mean or thinks he’s better than everybody else.”

Key: “I’m not like that! Am i?”  

Kaya: “So you DON'T hate him?”

Hailey: “Nope, but I wouldn’t want him to change because then he won’t be him anymore.”

Kaya: “Good point.”

Hailey: “Thanks for cheering me up, but I just want to be alone so I’ll be in my room.”

Key: “Don’t let her be alone convince her to hang with you.”

Kaya: “Hailey lets hang in here common lets finish that scrap book you bought long ago.”

Hailey: “Ok then.”

She went to go get the scrap book and Kaya looked at some pictures and some had Key in them. Kaya was shocked, but then she read the top of the page and it was a page about fashion. We started to cut more pictures and paste them in the book. For once me and her were actually smiling. Then the twins came in, needing to speak to us.

Andrew: “Miss Kaya.”

Skye: “Miss Hailey.”

Both: “Would you like something to snack on?”

Hailey looked at Kaya and she nodded.

Andrew: “We shall be right back with your treat.” He said. They both bowed and left to the kitchen.

Hailey: “Omo we're almost done.”

Kaya: “Yea but let’s take our time because it gives us something to do.”

Hailey: “Yea but I want to. We can always go buy more.”

Kaya: “”That’s true.”

Key: “This book looks so nice and beautiful.”

Kaya smiled and looked at Hailey: “Sis I have to tell you something..”

Hailey: “What’s up?”

Key: “What’s going on are you going to tell her about me?”

Kaya: “Remember how I told you I wanted to see a SHINee concert and you said you’d go if I got us tickets..”

Hailey: “Ne. Where are you going with this?”

Kaya: “Well I got us tickets.”

Hailey: “Oh that’s nice.”

Kaya: “Still want to go?”

Hailey: “Ne.”

Kaya: “Ok just wanted to make sure.”

Key: “Are you ever going to tell her about me?”

The twins walked back in and brought them some ice cream and they took a break from the book to eat their treat. The twins were about to leave and they asked Kaya and Hailey to stay and talk to them. While they were talking Kaya noticed that her face felt warm and was blushing. She saw Key behind Andrew and Key looked really mad. After awhile the twins had to get back to work so they continued with the book.


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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 13: OMG this was SUCH a cute fanfic!!! OMG totally LOVED IT!!!!!!! Please make another one like this!
Chapter 3: Mehhh Unniiie~ You should update more often c;