


Key’s note: “I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye, but I had to go before it was to late to return back to my body. I wish I was able to see you before I had to leave but I still have hope that we will meet again.”

I started to cry even more and called for Hailey, because right now I needed her.

Kaya: “Hailey!”

Hailey ran in: “What’s going on? You alright?”

Kaya: “Key’s gone!”

Hailey: “What do you mean?”

Kaya: “I think he return back to his body.”

Hailey: “Oh Kaya it’ll be ok.”

Kaya: “No it won’t, I didn’t even get to say bye.”

Hailey: “You'll meet him again I promise.”

Kaya: “How do you know!” I yelled at her.

Hailey: “Just trust me Kaya you will.”

Kaya looked away: “Hailey I just want to be alone.”

Hailey: “I understand, I’ll be next door if you need me.”

Hailey left to my room. I had a feeling like she hates me right for calling her over then yelling at her. I just wanted Key back or to know if he was ok. I went on instagram and people were posting tat Key is awake and he’s back. I was happy for that, but I wondered if he remembers me or not. Maybe he thought this was just a game or a dream. I didn't leave my room for days. It was Saturday when I finally decided to see Hailey, and I didn't know if she was mad at me or not. I walked into her room.

Kaya: “Hailey...?”

Hailey looked at Kaya: “Yea?”

Kaya: “Are you mad at me?”

Hailey: “For what?”

Kaya: “For yelling at you a few days ago.”

Hailey: “Oh that? No I knew you were upset I can’t be mad at you. I would do the same if I was in your shoes.”

Kaya: “Thanks for understanding.”

Hailey: “Tomorrow can we do something special?”

Kaya: “Like what?”

Hailey: “It’s a surprise, and you have to be blindfolded.”

Kaya: “What!? No I will not be blindfolded.”

Hailey: “Please, you won’t regret it.”

Kaya: “Ughh.Fine.”

*Key’s P.O.V*

I was at practice getting ready for the show tomorrow and I couldn’t help but think of Kaya. I missed her so much and I just wanted to hold her in my arms. While we were dancing I spaced out really bad and Onew had to stop the song.

Onew: “Key you ok?”

Key: “Yea.” I lied.

JongHyun: “You're a horrible lier.”

Key: “No I'm not.”

Minho: “Yes you are.”

Key: “Is this attack Key day?”

Taemin: “No but you been messing up lately and usually your perfect every time we practice. What’s going on?”

Key: “Nothing...I’ll get it right this time.”

Onew: “Ok then.”

We started again and I got everything perfect. Practice went well. It wasn't long before it was time to go home. When I got home I looked at my phone and it was late. I was sad to think that I didn't have anything to remember Kaya by, not even a picture. I started to think it I’ll ever see her again. I took a quick shower and went to bed. That night I dreamt of her and how we would hang out together. I woke up this morning wanting the day to end. It took a while for me to got dressed and ready to go.

*Kaya’s P.O.V*

I had fallen asleep with Hailey in her room because I didn’t want to be left alone. When I woke up I noticed she was nowhere to be found.  Then I heard Skye’s voice. I figured she was with him. When she walked in she saw me wake up and I just looked at her.

Hailey: “Sleeping Beauty finally woke up?”

Kaya: “Shut up you knew I'm going through a lot!”

Hailey: “I’m just teasing sis calm down.”

Kaya: “Sorry didn’t mean to take it offensively.”

Hailey: “It’s ok I know you have been feeling down.”

Kaya: “Thanks, so what are we going to do today.”

Hailey: “Don’t worry, but you have to look beautiful tonight.”

Kaya: “Why?”

Hailey: “Don’t ask questions just do it.”

Kaya: “Ok then.”

We started to get ready and I had a hard time choosing my outfit. After a while I was finally able to put something together and that’s when Hailey walked in to see if I was ready. She smiled at me and I wanted to tell her to go away.

Kaya: “Stop looking at me Hailey damn.”

Hailey: “Sis you look to cute.”

Kaya: “Shut up.”

Hailey: “Anyway ready to go.”

Kaya: “Yea let’s go.”

*Key’s P.O.V*

I was finally ready and already going to the concert to practice with the guys. I was getting nervous for the first time. When we got to the place lots of girls were getting near me and for some reason I just wanted to say to leave me alone and to go away. I just wanted Kaya, but for now I had to focus on the show. We were In the dressing room getting our hair down and picking out an outfit to wear.

Taemin: “I'm happy your back Key.”

Key: “Thanks Tae.”

Onew: “Yea Tae is right it’s good your back.”

Key: “Thanks guys honest.”

*Kaya’s P.O.V*

Hailey blindfolded  me and we left the house. I wanted to ask where we were going, but I kept my mouth shut. We finally got to a stop and Hailey got me off. She was holding my arm and I had no idea where we were going.

*Key’s P.O.V*

We went back stage to get ready for the show and while I was getting ready some fans were trying to get near me. I was moving away and just wanted to be left alone.

Taemin: “Key it’s ok just breathe.”

Key: “I am but right now I don’t want them to be near me.”

JongHyun: “Why?”

Key: “I have my reasons.”

Onew: “What’s up with you, you haven’t been yourself.”

Key: “Don’t worry about it.”

Minho: “We have to Key your like our brother.”

Key: “I’m fine!” I yelled and turned away.

*Kaya’s P.O.V*

Hailey finally took the rag off my eyes and I noticed we were at a concert, but I didn’t know who’s concert we were at. I started to walk around and looked around at fans. In started to walk backwards and I bumped into a guy. I quickly moved scared about getting yelled at. Thank goodness that she was because he was about to turn around.

Key: “Can’t you girls just leave me alone.” He turned and saw Kaya.

Kaya: “Key?”

Key: “This cant be happening is this some kind of trick.” He wanted to tear up.

Kaya: “Do you remember me?”

Key: “You cant be real.”

JongHyun: “Hey Kaya and Hailey.”

Hailey: “Uh hi.”

JongHyun pulled Hailey aside: “Let’s talk.”

Kaya: “Key do you remember me?”  She wanted to cry.

Key blinked multiple times and saw that it wasn’t a dream.

Key got closer to her: “Kaya?” he smiled

Kaya: “Yes Key it’s me.” She teared up smiling.

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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 13: OMG this was SUCH a cute fanfic!!! OMG totally LOVED IT!!!!!!! Please make another one like this!
Chapter 3: Mehhh Unniiie~ You should update more often c;