The Reason / s?

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Aegi's POV:


"Umma, Appa where are we going?" a 4 yrs. old you asked, while filming them.


For a little girl, you learn fast that you are already the top in your class.


"Hmm.......It's a secret." your Umma said smiling. 

"Eh? Why is it a secret? I wanna know............come-on Umma, tell me it's my's my B-daaaaaaaaaaaay." you said, whining. 

"Well, Aegi-ah if we tell you where we are going it will not be a surprise anymore, right?" Appa asked.

"Uh.......right" I said pouting and look at the window.


When I have turned my attention to the window, I heard my parents laughing softly which made me pout more. I was just about to look frontward when I heard a loud honk and...........'BANG'. I slowly open my eyes and there I saw my parents lying lifelessly with their own blood. I cried and cried while calling them but still they didn't move until I blank out. 






I was slowly regaining my consciousness and when I open my eyes, the first thing I saw was the ceiling. I turn my head and saw harabeoji sleeping in the couch. The only thing that could be heard was the beep coming from the machine and my soft voice calling him.


He twitch and open his eyes, when he saw me staring at him he suddenly stand-up and approach me. He ask me many question like 'Are you alright?' 'Did anything hurt?' and many things but in his many question I didn't answer anything and that

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Chapter 10: Andwae!!!!
shujun #2
Chapter 10: I just came back and you want to delete this? Andwae!!!
MinJung11 #3
Chapter 9: No offense though but I think you are a little long winded.But I think this fic is okay! :-)And I like this story.Please update soon!<3
niena98 #4
Chapter 9: I hope you will update bcoz i love this story!!!! Always be well and update soon!!
little-rainbow #5
Chapter 9: When will you update? T.T Update soon please~~~
Chapter 9: This is such an amazing story!
Chapter 8: omg... It's amazing *^_^*
Chapter 7: Cant wait for the next update
hazelB2UTY #9
Chapter 7: Nice~ Love the chappie XD write more author-nim^^ I'm excited for the next chap =)
shujun #10
Chapter 6: Kyaaa~seobie is soooo cuteee !!! ><
Thank you for mentioning me..^^..
Hwaiting !!!