He's..................................... a SHE!?

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In this mansion, a room could be heard full of cries. A guy wearing a black tux and holding a frame suddenly said.


*Hic hic hic* "Grand.....pa, *hic* I pr..promise I.......I w.....will now show my......... true self and I......I  will make sure..... that......that school will .......be known ..*hic*......as the ........as the most prestigious and .........discipline school that will ever be known"








"And here is Moon Jae-Hwa for his speech" the teacher said.


"Hello everyone, today is the start of our last year of high school. I know some of you might already be cheering and some of you might be sad because it's the last year. So everyone lets do our best to make this year the most memorable and enjoyable time in our school life. All of us already have heard about the death of our principal and we all know that his granddaughter will be replacing him. You guys might be thinking 'Aish, this guy is talking to much'. But everyone in this last statement of mine I want all of you to listen. I have a confession, that you might have never expected and that is I am a................." he breath in and out.


"I am a..........."


"AISH! JUST SAY IT ALREADY!!"a guy shouted.


'tsk...rude much'he thought and continue

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Chapter 10: Andwae!!!!
shujun #2
Chapter 10: I just came back and you want to delete this? Andwae!!!
MinJung11 #3
Chapter 9: No offense though but I think you are a little long winded.But I think this fic is okay! :-)And I like this story.Please update soon!<3
niena98 #4
Chapter 9: I hope you will update bcoz i love this story!!!! Always be well and update soon!!
little-rainbow #5
Chapter 9: When will you update? T.T Update soon please~~~
Chapter 9: This is such an amazing story!
Chapter 8: omg... It's amazing *^_^*
Chapter 7: Cant wait for the next update
hazelB2UTY #9
Chapter 7: Nice~ Love the chappie XD write more author-nim^^ I'm excited for the next chap =)
shujun #10
Chapter 6: Kyaaa~seobie is soooo cuteee !!! ><
Thank you for mentioning me..^^..
Hwaiting !!!