Super massive black hole

Sing a love song


Chapter 9: Super massive black hole

Minho’s pov

I read his letter for the thousand time, still not willing to believe what was written down in this pretty handwriting.

Dear Minho,

I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye, this might be my biggest regret. I truly wish it didn’t had to be this way, but it was my only option. When you’re reading this, it’ll be too late. I’ll be gone already. Don’t bother searching for me. I don’t want a funeral, I don’t want you to regret me. Just forget about me. Don’t love me anymore, because I’ve already stopped loving you.i still wish you the best though. ( use the money for repairing the house)

Take care, Lee Taemin

This. Couldn’… He couldn’t be dead…how could he do this to me, how could he leave me with all these questions? … tears were streaming down my face. I just didn’t get it…

“Aaah!” I screamed. My whole body was trembling.

“Minho? What’s wrong?” Key yelled while running in my room.

“Tae… Tae…” I couldn’t bring myself to say the words so I handed him the letter. It was silent for a moment while Key was reading it. When he was done he broke into heartbreaking sobs.

“It can’t be… we have to go searching for him!” Key begged me. And I quickly took my keys and we jumped in the car.

We spent the whole night driving around aimlessly, feeling more desperate as minutes went by, until we decided to go to the police. They told us they’d look for him, but not to hope too much.



I haven’t slept in over a week or so, the police still hadn’t found Taemin (alive or not). Everyday felt like I was being ripped to pieces. How could I continue to live like this? When I woke up each morning to find the bed next to me empty, it felt like the whole world collapsed again. I stopped eating, what was the use of being healthy without Taemin? I didn’t leave the house anymore, why should I when Taemin wasn’t outside waiting for me? I spent my days crying and breaking things, like he had broken my heart. My best friend became a bottle of cheap wine. Being dead-drunk was the only way to soften the pain. And even the I couldn’t really laugh. I knew my life couldn’t go on like that, I just had to find a way to be with Taeminnie…

Taemin’s pov

I left him, I really had done it… Minho’s dad had won the game and I had lost, that’s it. They forced me to write him a letter, they forced me to tell him I committed suicide. The cops were even into it. They’d wait for a month and then tell Minho they had found my body. If he really wanted to see it, they’d show him a rotten one. He would think that I’m dead and would continue with his life. This would be the best for him, his ad reassured me.

It probably would, he’d get a beautiful wife and a couple of children and he’ll be happy and successful.  But it won’t be the best for me though. I don’t really care, as long as Minho is happy. But that doesn’t soften the pain though. I miss him, I want him, I need him… He had stolen my heart and now the gaping hole in my chest stung unbelievable as I was on a train, riding away from my eternal love…



Sorry for the late update :s exams are coming up so I don’t really have a lot of time…. I’ll try to finish it in time though ^^ Did you like this chapter? And nobody died ^^ kekekekeke I you want to read me killing my sweet Taeminnie you have to read my other fanfic: “Dibidibidis his name was Minho” it isn’t really long. Please comment and tell me how you liked it ^^ byebye <3<3<3

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aoiworld #1
update please...
Yay!!! ;_; So cute.
pekopeka #3
Uwah~ the chapter title....I love that song <3!!!! XD<br />
Aaah! Taemin....youre breaking Minhos heart so bad! And your own! I wonder how this is going to work out :(
D:<br />
<br />
Dying?<br />
Someone died?
wh-what? DDD:
pekopeka #8
!!!! Im gonna kill Minhos dad!! Hes so rude! I cant believe hed do that!<br />
Oh shet . Who died o.o
Oh nits :o