Love can't last forever...Right?

Sing a love song


Chapter 10: Love can’t last forever… right?

Minho’s pov

It hurt. It hurted like hell but the pain was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. Sure, my arm were hurting but who cares, at least I was sure that this pain would fade. The wound would heal, unlike the one in my heart, that would keep an bleeding.

I pushed the knife deeper in my arm, watching the blood pour out. I’d been doing this for a few weeks now, about a month after my Taemin left me. I cut my arm another time.

“Minho!...What are you doing???” Key yelled while running in my room. He looked shocked and quickly took the knife, throwing it in a corner of my room.

“Omo,omo, what can I do?!” He panicked.

“Umma, I’m okay… calm down…”

“How the can I calm down?!  You’re cutting yourself!”

“It’s not such a big deal, it’ll heal…”

“It is a big deal. Do you really think Taemin would have wanted this?”
 Auwtch, I knew he would not have wanted this, none of this. But then why did he kill himself first?

“Why would I care? He didn’t think of me when he killed himself!” This shut Key up.

“Minho…I’m sure he had his reasons…”

“Well, so have I!”I shouted. Key sighed.

“…let’s just go shopping.”

This surprised me.  “Huh, what? Why?”

“Because shopping makes you feel better…”

“I doubt that.” I interrupted him.

He rolled his eyes at me. “And because I need groceries.”

“Then get them yourself, why do I have to tag along?”

“Because there’s no way that I’m leaving you alone right now.” I sighed.

“Fine… it’s not like I have anything better to do anyways.”

At the store

“Okayyyy…” Key begun.

“…So we only need the milk and bread and then we have everything. Can you fetch me some milk?”

“Sure,” I nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

As I walked over to the milk department, memories of Taemin kept filling my mind. He would always wine for some banana milk. Then I would try to be strict with but I’d always end up giving in to him. I picked up a bottle of banana milk, the one with his favorite brand.  I was just about to put it back in place when a small boy bumped into me .

“I’m sorry…” he mumbled and looked up. I gasped. Was this…

“Tae…?”I whispered. But the boy was already running away. Was this boy Taemin? But I couldn’t be him right? His hair colour was even  different. But those eyes… it were his eyes an I’d recognize them anywhere. It had to be him, who else would run from me? So I decided to chase after him.

“Taemin stop!” I yelled at him, but he just ignored me.

“Taemin!” I yelled again but he was already too far ahead of me. When did he learn to run this fast? But I can’t lose him, not again. I’ve missed him for so long… I need him.

He was running toward a dark forest, hoping he could lose me there. But he should have know better. I was always faster than him and now I was already catching up to him. I reached out for him and tackled him, pinning him to the ground with my own body.

“Let go!” He yelled, not even looking at me.

“Stop!” I shouted at him. He cringed at the sound of my voice.

“Stop…” I said again, more gentle this time.

“Look at me…” I begged him. Reluctantly he looked up, tears welling up in his eyes. I then realized that I was still pinning him to the floor and that our faces were only inches apart. Without hesitating I closed the gap and pressed my lips against his, catching him by surprise.  He didn’t try to fight me off, he just lay there. His eyes were shut and I could feel his silent sobs. I pulled back, only to whisper his name.

“Taemin…” I looked in his eyes. “I missed you…”

He gulped but kept his mouth shut.

“Please speak to me…” I almost begged him, but he just continued to stare at me. This made me angry so I forcefully pushed my lips back on his. I intertwined my hands with his soft hair so he couldn’t get away. I yanked at it which made him gasp in shock. I took advantage of this and forced my tongue in his mouth. It just felt so right, I felt whole again after being broken for so long… for thinking he was dead for this long. I didn’t care why he lied to me, all I cared about was that he was alive. I felt like I could go on with life, just by knowing he was alive. Even if he ran off again, because now I knew that I could chase him. Softly I broke the kiss, leaning back to look in his eyes once more. He looked back at me, obviously pained.  

“Minho…” he whispered.

 And to my surprise he took my face in his hands and kissed me. I didn’t know why he left me, why he lied to me or why he pretended to be dead. He was here now and he was kissing me and holding onto me like his life depended on it.

“Minho” he moaned.


okay...feel free to kill me and trow stuff at me. *gets hit by a couple of rocks*
I know i havn't updated in ages :'( but during my exams my laptop broke =.= it was my sisters fault fyi ^^

I hope that this chapter wasn't that big of a dissapointment, it was a hard one >.< the next chapter will be the last one.

And plz comment... comments are love <3

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aoiworld #1
update please...
Yay!!! ;_; So cute.
pekopeka #3
Uwah~ the chapter title....I love that song <3!!!! XD<br />
Aaah! Taemin....youre breaking Minhos heart so bad! And your own! I wonder how this is going to work out :(
D:<br />
<br />
Dying?<br />
Someone died?
wh-what? DDD:
pekopeka #8
!!!! Im gonna kill Minhos dad!! Hes so rude! I cant believe hed do that!<br />
Oh shet . Who died o.o
Oh nits :o