Sleeping beauty

Sing a love song


Chapter 5: Sleeping beauty

Minho’s pov


Did he just say my name? In his sleep? Does that mean that he cares about me? But he only knows me for a day. But then again, I only knew him for a day to and I was clearly in love with him…
I spent the rest of the night watching his face, looking at his chest going up and down and wishing that I could kiss those soft lips. Praying that  those lips would say the words I was now feverishly longing for, that they would say: “I love you, Choi Minho!” But I also knew that dreams rarely came true. And so I just fell asleep, kissing and holding him in my dreams…

Taemin’s pov

When I woke up that morning and opened my eyes, I looked right onto Minho’s handsome face. It was only inches away from my own. I could feel his even breath on my face and before I knew what I was doing, I was already leaning forward. Softly I pressed my lips against his soft ones. And even though they just barely touched, it felt oh so right. I stayed like that for a while, just enjoying his touch, his scent and the feeling of his breath on my face.  But like in all fairytales, it came to an end. When the alarm clock went off quickly pulled away and jumped out of my bed. I got dressed and went down the stairs.

 Halfway down I could smell fresh pancakes, Key must have been awake already. I entered the kitchen and saw him standing at the stove.

“Umma!^^” I yelled happily.

He turned around and asked: “Taeminnie! Did you sleep well? Weren’t you to lonely?”

“I wasn’t lonely umma, Minho slept with me^^”

Suddenly Key’s look darkened and he bawled his hands into fists.

“He did WHAT with my son?” he asked coldly.

“Geez umma! relax,  he just kept me company, we haven’t done anything, we’re both guys anyway…”(keeping out the part where I kissed Minho ^^)

“So are me and Jjong!” he interrupted me, but before he could continue Minho walked in the kitchen.

“What have I done this time?”he asked innocently.

“Minho-hyung!^^” I squealed and launched myself at him.

He caught me and laughed. Hugging me tightly he asked: “Are you feeling better today?”

“yes I am hyung^^”

“Good, let’s eat, shall we?

Breakfast was yummy, as expected from the Almighty Key Umma. And living there was actually fun. The way Key nagged at Jonghyun for no using his fork and how he tried to get Onew out of bed, but failed miserably. Maybe life will be all right after all. And maybe, a least for as long as I have Minho, I can be happy and laugh again…




Mhwahaha just kidding xp I don't think I'm halfway done yet ^^ Would you like it to be long??? Like before, PLz comment and feedback

Love y'all xxxx

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aoiworld #1
update please...
Yay!!! ;_; So cute.
pekopeka #3
Uwah~ the chapter title....I love that song <3!!!! XD<br />
Aaah! Taemin....youre breaking Minhos heart so bad! And your own! I wonder how this is going to work out :(
D:<br />
<br />
Dying?<br />
Someone died?
wh-what? DDD:
pekopeka #8
!!!! Im gonna kill Minhos dad!! Hes so rude! I cant believe hed do that!<br />
Oh shet . Who died o.o
Oh nits :o