When I met you

Sing a love song


 Chapter 3: When I met you

Minho’s pov

Me and Onew were sitting at the dorm, waiting for Key and Jjong to return with the new kid. I wasn’t very excited about the whole idea, but since he was Key’s family, I couldn’t really refuse. At least Onew was happy about it… I heard Key’s keys ( theehee ^^) rattle at the door.

“You guys!” Key yelled and entered the living room.”  This is my nephew Lee Taemin.”

The boy walked from behind Key and Onew started to introduce himself. But when I saw Taemin, I felt my eyes widen. At first I thought I saw an angel. Him brown hair just didn’t reach his shoulders, his eyes looked like any girl (or man) could drawn in them and the way he moved his body… it had the grace of a ballet dancer and the power of an athlete at the same time. I just didn’t know what hit me. I just wanted to hold this gorgeous boy in my arms. And then he reached out to shake my hand.

“Yo, my name is Choi Minho.” I heard my voice say and took his hand.

When our hands touched, it felt like I was hit by lightning. His eyes widened and he quickly pulled his hand away. I silently mumbled an apology and looked the other way, avoiding any eye contact. Key then started nagging about dinner, but I couldn’t help myself from sneaking glances at Taemin’s face.

“… we’ll be back in about half an hour. Minho and Onew’ll help you get settled in.” Key said before waving us goodbye.

I looked at Taemin’s only bag, getting settled in wouldn’t be a lot of work. Suddenly I saw tears rolling over his beautiful face. I couldn’t stand to see him crying, so I went over to him and softly wiped his tears away. But he only started crying more. How can it be that this boy, who I’ve only met seconds ago, affects me so much? But to watch him cry like that, I just can’t take that. So I tried to comfort him. Whispering words like :”okay” and “will be all right”. But he just continued crying. Suddenly he buried his face in my chest. At first I was a little shocked, but quickly I put my hands on his back, softly patting him.

“ I’m sorry,” he cried. “I’m making your shirt dirty…”

“ that’s fine… just cry if you want to, just let it go…” I tried to hush him.” It’s all right, everything will be all right…”

I then realized that I still was holding Taemin in my arms, and strangely that didn’t felt awkward. But it seemed that he didn’t felt that way, because he suddenly pulled away and started blushing like crazy.

“ Let’s get your stuff upstairs, ‘kay?” I said and smiled.

He nodded and asked: “Does it bother you?”


“The fact that I’m going to live here.” He asked and pouted.

“Of course not!” I answered sternly. “Maybe at first I wasn’t a huge fan of the whole idea, but now that I’ve met you, I’m sure it’s going to be all right^^” and I smiled at him.

He smiled back ( and looked really cute ^^) but clearly wasn’t totally convinced.

“Hey,” I nudged him. “It’s going to be just fine, we’ll take care of you^^”


~So this was sort of the last chapter but from Minho's pov, did you like it? plz comment and feedback ^^

Byebye love you all <3

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aoiworld #1
update please...
Yay!!! ;_; So cute.
pekopeka #3
Uwah~ the chapter title....I love that song <3!!!! XD<br />
Aaah! Taemin....youre breaking Minhos heart so bad! And your own! I wonder how this is going to work out :(
D:<br />
<br />
Dying?<br />
Someone died?
wh-what? DDD:
pekopeka #8
!!!! Im gonna kill Minhos dad!! Hes so rude! I cant believe hed do that!<br />
Oh shet . Who died o.o
Oh nits :o