Deal with the devil

Sing a love song


Chapter 8: Deal with the devil 

Taemin’s pov

Things started to get worse after the talk with Minho’s dad. The first two days were civilized. He had called and visited me once, he had begged me to break up with Minho. But I couldn’t, I love Minho! So his dead had left with the treating word: “You’ll regret this.” And boy, did I ever...

Two days ago…

“Shh… it’ll be alright. We’ll get through this…” I heard Jonghyun say.

“But I’m fired!” Key cried. “How will we pay the bills?”

“We’re already sharing them, me, Onew and Minho’ll just pay more. It’s no problem Yeobo.”

“umma, you’re fired?” I interrupted them. “Why?”

“My boss told me they’d found someone better.”

“But that’s not fair!”

“That’s life Minnie… Oh and you have mail.” He handed me a letter.

I quickly opened it and gasped.

“This only the beginning…”it said. But he wouldn’t go this far, would he? Well, apparently he would because Onew came home all beaten up the next day. When we asked him what happened he would just shake his head and start crying all over again.


I was out shopping with Minho (we were finally at the banana milk section ^^) when someone called me. I picked up my phone and looked at the number.

“Umma?” I asked worried.

“Taeminnie… can you pass me to Minho please?”

“Sure…” and I passed the phone.

“Hello?... Key what’s wrong?... Calm down!” Minho’s eyes grew larger as he listened to Key.

“And could they extinguish it?... Is everybody safe?...’kay, we’ll come over… Yes, you too.” He hung up and looked at me with a worried expression. Suddenly he pulled me in for a tight hug.

“The house was on fire… everything’s gone…” he whispered in my ear.

I gasped. It was like my world had just collapsed. This man was ready to kill. O.o I had to stop being selfish. I just couldn’t risk putting my new family in danger. So instead of going to the house with Minho, I said I had something important to do and ran away, leaving a confused Minho behind.

I ran as fast as I could to the Choi mansion. It had been enough of my selfishness. Before I could even ring the bell, a butler opened the door. Not even looking at him I walked inside.

“Choi!” I screamed.

“Yes…^^” He said with a grin on his face. (which I wanted to punch away.)

“How dare you…” I hissed at him through my teeth.

“Dare what?^^” The bastard was playing with a lighter. “I like fire…” he was humming. And then I broke down. This man was just to evil…

“You win…” I sighed, tears running over my face.

“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses.^^” He smiled at me.

“But I want the money.” I could give it to Key for the house.

“That’s no problem, you’ll have to move though. You can’t ever see or contact Minho again.”

“I know…” My face was all wet.

“ Don’t cry.” He pouted. “You’ll be happier without him ^^ Geralt?” The butler walked over to us, holding an envelope.

“Here you go.” He handed it to me. “It was nice doing business with you.”

I took it, turned around and left the house. Without as much as a second glance.

I’m sorry, Minho…


So... i know my last couple of chapters weren't so good but i'll make up for it in the next one ^^ Here's a sneak-peek

This. couldn't. ing. be. true... He couldn't be dead...How could he do this to me? How could he leave me with all these questions?

Are you looking forward to it?^^ I hope so ^^ please comment

(I went to the dentist the afternoon, my whole cheek is swollen up =.= I can't even drink...)

Byebye xxx

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aoiworld #1
update please...
Yay!!! ;_; So cute.
pekopeka #3
Uwah~ the chapter title....I love that song <3!!!! XD<br />
Aaah! Taemin....youre breaking Minhos heart so bad! And your own! I wonder how this is going to work out :(
D:<br />
<br />
Dying?<br />
Someone died?
wh-what? DDD:
pekopeka #8
!!!! Im gonna kill Minhos dad!! Hes so rude! I cant believe hed do that!<br />
Oh shet . Who died o.o
Oh nits :o