❝ My Wonderland ❞

( ❝ Be Mine ❞ ) Story Ideas and Poster Shop (Hiatus)


"My Wonderland"


Description: Hi, my name is Alice.

Instead of me falling into the hole which leads to the path to Wonderland,

Wonderland itself fell unto me.


And that is how my very own wonderland was created.


Genre: Romance, Fantasy, RomCom, Cute


Notes: This idea popped out just a few minutes ago after I just read a random title which is "Alice".

The description might look complicated and complex, but the plot is quite easy to understand. In the original

"Alice in Wonderland", Alice was sleeping and she ended up dreaming where she saw the white rabbit and fell

into that hole, no?

Well, as you could see in the description, there's a line that says "Wonderland itself fell

unto me.", right? Let's take it literally, Alice was sleeping on her spot when all of the characters in Wonderland

fell unto her sleeping state to add some comedy in it. And take note, the characters in here, like the White

Bunny for example, is in a humanoid form, where he only had rabbit ears and a tail. Imagine if your bias has those. Cute right? 

It's up to you to make up a reason for why Wonderland "fell unto her". It may either be because Wonderland needs a new queen and to her dismay, they want her as their queen, making it "her wonderland" to rule for.

For the fantasy part, as I said, a person having rabbit ears and tails grow out of them is too fictional, right? And for the romance part, it may be that they're forbidden to fall in love to "outsiders" or "foreigners", call it that since they're from Wonderland from the start, if they do, they'll have to have their head cut off~

The OTP's and how the story would end up would be up to you.


Status: Orphan


Reminders: Comment to adopt/ask for a poster if already adopted.

Comment if disowning it.

Remember to credit.

Link the story if adopted.



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Happy 100 views~ More stories are gonna come up! :3


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b2strockz #1
Chapter 11: Can I adopt this?but before that can I know the plot? Because I have to be sure if I know how to write it..
Chapter 3: Wow, this is cool. If I could, I would adopt it.
Chapter 12: I really like the '' Plot, It's Lovely. Can I please adopt it?

Password: bemine
Chapter 2: Can I adopt "My Wonderland"
password: bemine

Could you also make a poster for me? Please give me some ideas too;) Thanks a million!
Can i please adopt "Playboy Time" ?


and also can i get the plot ? :3 XD
Thank you!
can i adopt abc's?
password: bemine
Chapter 10: Can i adopt " Sunset Hill "?

( Password : bemine )
Can I adopt "Slow-Paced Chaser"?

+ bemine
Chapter 6: can i adopt "The Promise PLEase?