❝ Top Secret ❞

( ❝ Be Mine ❞ ) Story Ideas and Poster Shop (Hiatus)


"Top Secret "


Description: Devils only tell lies, while Angels only say the truth.

Humans, however, are the most troublesome because they say both.

What I want to protect is very precious;

No matter who laughs at me, I'll guard it to the end.


Genre: Romance, Slice of Life


Notes: This story is inspired by a song entitled Top Secret, wherein the MC has, well, a secret she

could never entrust anyone into. His/Her deepest secret, that one secret that tops among all. And he/she

would do anything to protect it.

It's up to you to decide what kind of secret it would be. It can be, take for

example, the MC is holding a grudge on one person, or he/she likes that one person but could never admit it, in

the end, it would only stay as a secret he/she would keep to himself/herself.

It could also be an object; for example, the MC is keeping a diary, he/she picked it up and read it, for

what he/she knew, it was to his/her lover's. The MC ended up reading it to relate to the other

to establish a relationship with the latter. It could also be a weird hobby, one which when everyone finds out,

they would start teasing the MC. And since the MC had been bullied in the past, the MC would do anything

to keep it protected so that he/she would get hurt no more.

It's up to you on how terrible/cute the secret would be. The romance part would enter when someone

had known his/her secret. The rest is up to you~


Status: Orphan


Reminders: Comment to adopt/ask for a poster if already adopted.

Comment if disowning it.

Remember to credit.

Link the story if adopted.

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Happy 100 views~ More stories are gonna come up! :3


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b2strockz #1
Chapter 11: Can I adopt this?but before that can I know the plot? Because I have to be sure if I know how to write it..
Chapter 3: Wow, this is cool. If I could, I would adopt it.
Chapter 12: I really like the '' Plot, It's Lovely. Can I please adopt it?

Password: bemine
Chapter 2: Can I adopt "My Wonderland"
password: bemine

Could you also make a poster for me? Please give me some ideas too;) Thanks a million!
Can i please adopt "Playboy Time" ?


and also can i get the plot ? :3 XD
Thank you!
can i adopt abc's?
password: bemine
Chapter 10: Can i adopt " Sunset Hill "?

( Password : bemine )
Can I adopt "Slow-Paced Chaser"?

+ bemine
Chapter 6: can i adopt "The Promise PLEase?