❝ With A Cherry On Top? ❞

( ❝ Be Mine ❞ ) Story Ideas and Poster Shop (Hiatus)


"With A Cherry On Top?"


Description: "Please? With a cherry on top?"

He begged so much he did loads of aegyo while the latter stayed emotionless.

The younger is gonna top this time.

...Or would he?


Genre: Fluff, Rated M, /Yuri, Romance


Notes: Okay, to tell you the truth, I do not read stories with Rated M/. I do, but I skip those parts, I only come for the plot. Lol, weird right? I do read Rated M, but those are for Violence/Gore and some Languages. And yes, I like Gore and Horror, I'mma sadist. But I don't like the sight of blood, so why do I love Gore?

Anyways, back to the topic. I know that some people are asking questions like "Who is gonna top this time?" Or something like that. And I realized that in a lot of fanfictions, the elder or the one who looks like he can manage even though they're younger always tops. And I was like: "Why not give the cuter/the younger one a chance?"

So I've decided to join forces and Fluff~ Yay~

In the first part of the story, the elder is, ahem, . Lol, I'm not used to these kinds of words... He wanted to have "that" with the younger but before they start, the younger begged for him to top this time. The elder didn't want to and threatened him that if he tops, then they won't have "that". Our younger MC wouldn't want that to happen, right? So he tries his best to win over the elder's mind so he could finally top~

The ending is up to you whether he would be successful or not. I'll give a tip, the younger one would suddenly force the elder to make him top by showing a fiercer side the elder didn't knew about. That way, it would be thrilling and exciting~ I used the title "With A Cherry On Top?" since I wanted a pun. The younger's character is somewhat of a bubbly and "cherry" one. My definition of cherry is cute. And "Top" like, literally. I planned this story for Kris and Tao, since Kris would be like the "Ice Cream" and Tao is like the "Toppings/Cherry". Cute right? Will he be able to melt his heart? So much thrill~ The rest is up to you. Oh! And a little reminder, this would be better if it was a one-shot. Just saying...


Status: Orphan


Reminders: Comment to adopt/ask for a poster if already adopted.

Comment if disowning it.

Remember to credit.

Link the story if adopted.



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Happy 100 views~ More stories are gonna come up! :3


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b2strockz #1
Chapter 11: Can I adopt this?but before that can I know the plot? Because I have to be sure if I know how to write it..
Chapter 3: Wow, this is cool. If I could, I would adopt it.
Chapter 12: I really like the '' Plot, It's Lovely. Can I please adopt it?

Password: bemine
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password: bemine

Could you also make a poster for me? Please give me some ideas too;) Thanks a million!
Can i please adopt "Playboy Time" ?


and also can i get the plot ? :3 XD
Thank you!
can i adopt abc's?
password: bemine
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( Password : bemine )
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+ bemine
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