❝ Sunset Hill ❞

( ❝ Be Mine ❞ ) Story Ideas and Poster Shop (Hiatus)


"Sunset Hill"


Description: At the crossroad, I let go of your fingers.

We turn to each other's back and walk away.

When I suddenly turned around,

Your figure was already gone.


Genre: Romance, Slice of Life, Sad


Notes: This one is inspired by the song Yuuhi Saka, wherein it also means "Sunset Hill" in English. This is about how two friends, if you could call it that, spend their afternoons going home by taking that hill, which was the only way to their houses. After climbing the hill, they would always reach the crossroad, where there are two paths: The guy taking the left while the other to the girl... Meaning, everytime they would go home, they would always separate paths, and the girl didn't like that. I mean, who likes saying "Goodbyes" anyway? Everytime they go up the hill, they would always hold hands, talk about school and everything. They had their best moments there. Then after a while, the girl suddenly realizes that she only looks at the guy, meaning, he's starting to like the guy. By crossing that one hill, she had known so much about the guy. But after an accident happened at that exact same hill, the guy died... So the girl didn't have any other person to walk home with her. They have "separated paths" - Meaning, the girl is still alive and the guy's in heaven. And they always separate paths everytime they head home, so it kind of connects.

As time passed by, the girl grew older and she didn't use that hill to head home ever since she had a job, but one day, she visited the hill and reminisced the moments she once had with the guy she loved, now gone. If you watch the MV of the song, you'll understand more. And if you look at the English translation, you'll really feel how sad and deep this song is. Take note that the walks would always happen in the afternoon, when the skies go orange and the sun sets, so that the title would connect. This would be better if it was written in the girl's view and if you lessen the scenes and write a lot about what the girl is thinking and feeling so that the reader could relate. To be honest, I kind of cried when I first heard this. The rest is up to you~


Status: Adopted by SkiKyu


Reminders: Comment to adopt/ask for a poster if already adopted.

Comment if disowning it.

Remember to credit.

Link the story if adopted.



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Happy 100 views~ More stories are gonna come up! :3


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b2strockz #1
Chapter 11: Can I adopt this?but before that can I know the plot? Because I have to be sure if I know how to write it..
Chapter 3: Wow, this is cool. If I could, I would adopt it.
Chapter 12: I really like the '' Plot, It's Lovely. Can I please adopt it?

Password: bemine
Chapter 2: Can I adopt "My Wonderland"
password: bemine

Could you also make a poster for me? Please give me some ideas too;) Thanks a million!
Can i please adopt "Playboy Time" ?


and also can i get the plot ? :3 XD
Thank you!
can i adopt abc's?
password: bemine
Chapter 10: Can i adopt " Sunset Hill "?

( Password : bemine )
Can I adopt "Slow-Paced Chaser"?

+ bemine
Chapter 6: can i adopt "The Promise PLEase?