❝ What is Love? ❞

( ❝ Be Mine ❞ ) Story Ideas and Poster Shop (Hiatus)


"What Is Love?"


Description: "What is love?"

You ask, then shall I tell you?
The answer is "Myself", as simple as that.

I don't need a diamond that's pretty and hard.
Crackless perfection, why would I care?


"What is love?"

Would you rather hear the truth?

It's something that you LOse or giVE straight out.

I don't need your diamond as solid and bright.

Your crackless perfection, why would I care?


When I asked the meaning of love, your answer is just of:

"Love is hate, and hate is a ~"

But a polished diamond is what I'm looking for.


Genre: Romance, School Life


Notes: Another complex description, yes? It's kind of hard to understand, as I say so myself.

But the meaning is very deep. The first two stanzas tells what the definition of "Love" is in the view of

the MC, I prefer the MC to be a guy, though. But it's up to you~ 

The first stanza means that he answered the question with "Myself" as the meaning of love. Then that means,

with the answer alone, you would eventually know that the MC is a bit of a narcissist, since the MC's answer

also means that "he/she loves onself". He doesn't easily trust anything and he had "everything". Everything means that he had the qualities of the lover he would like to have, making it look like he "loves himself". The diamond is the partner, who tried to make him fall in love with her.

I prefer for the partner to be a girl. She is described as pretty and hard like a diamond. She near to perfection,

with that alone, she could attract as many guys as she likes. She's a crackless perfection, but the guys "likes" himself, so why would he care?

In the second stanza, the MC gives another meaning of love, it's something to LOse or giVE. If you would join the

capitalized letters, it would come to one word with is "Love". And he also said that he doesn't need her diamond.

As explained a while a ago, she was described as a diamond, meaning, he doesn't need a person with that kind

of personality. He also pointed out that she could lose and give/get back that personality when she would try

to fall in love with him.

The third stanza, however, is the girl's point of view towards love. When the guy asked her what love means, she

said that "Love is hate, and hate is a ." By that, it means that she tried to make the MC fall in love with

her since she hates him because he wouldn't want to do so. And the second "Hate", she refers to herself being

a since she's the person who hates the MC. And since she was really a since her diamond-like self

is too alluring. 

The last sentence is the MC's view. He found out that the girl's plans were pointless, making her lose her "diamond" personality. And the MC wanted a real diamond, one which is clean and polished. That's why at the start,

he didn't care of her but when time came, he fell for her instead. When he knew the truth, he ended up realizing that he doesn't like her after all. The three stanzas are like the sequence of the events of the story. First stanza tells that he doesn't like her, second is when he's liking her but he didn't want to accept it, while the third is somewhat like the breakup. In the end, the definition of love is really complicated and it differs only to the point of view of the person.

The characters and the rest of the story is up to you. I know the title's really cliche, but you could change it. Just PM me. And I would rather prefer a school life themed, since

it gets to me. A really complex story, right?


Status: Orphan


Reminders: Comment to adopt/ask for a poster if already adopted.

Comment if disowning it.

Remember to credit.

Link the story if adopted.



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b2strockz #1
Chapter 11: Can I adopt this?but before that can I know the plot? Because I have to be sure if I know how to write it..
Chapter 3: Wow, this is cool. If I could, I would adopt it.
Chapter 12: I really like the '' Plot, It's Lovely. Can I please adopt it?

Password: bemine
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password: bemine

Could you also make a poster for me? Please give me some ideas too;) Thanks a million!
Can i please adopt "Playboy Time" ?


and also can i get the plot ? :3 XD
Thank you!
can i adopt abc's?
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( Password : bemine )
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+ bemine
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