may your rest in peace

Camp Gay

“Donghae, did you order a monkey?”

“Why would I order a monkey?”

“I don’t know, but there’s one waiting for you outside.”

Donghae, confused, blinked at him a few times before finally catching his point, which made him gasp and grin at the same time. He waited for Kyuhyun to leave his sight before getting out and playfully tapping said monkey’s shoulder.

“Oh,” Eunhyuk blushed. “You’re finally awake.”

“Yeah. Good morning.” He smiled and sat next to him on the ground. “How’d you sleep?”

“Good. In fact, you can still see the Eunhyuk-shaped imprint I left on the ground last night.” He quipped, making Donghae’s eyebrows rise.

“You slept on the ground all night?”

“No, but I did pass out for a few minutes.” He revealed. “After I woke up, I went back to our tent and I woke up extra early to wait for you.”

“Sorry to keep you waiting then.” He smiled apologetically, making Eunhyuk giggle like an excited little girl. “So what do you want to talk about?”

“Just about some things…mainly about us, maybe?” he hinted.

“Okay then,” he shrugged. “What about us?”

Eunhyuk couldn’t help but smile at how casually he said the word ‘us’. It felt like Donghae was just as okay with the idea of them together as Eunhyuk was. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but…I’ve actually had this silly crush on you for a long time now.”

“Oh,” he said. “That’s actually kind of cute.”

“R-really?” he asked. “You don’t mind?”

He chuckled. “Why would I mind?”

“Well…I thought you were happily dating that cheerleader.”

“Oh, you mean Jessica?”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

Donghae sighed. “Dating? Probably. Happily? Ha.”

“Really?” His eyes lit up. “I didn’t realize things were that bad.”

“Girls are just so hard to understand sometimes, you know?”

“Well, that’s actually part of the reason why I like guys.” He admitted. “They’re kind of easier to deal with.”

“So you’ve actually dealt with some guys before?”

“M-me?” Eunhyuk, who had not anticipated the question, started stammering. “W-well, I don’t really—I mean, there was this one guy, b-but we never really officially dated. We did make out a few times, though he was drunk most of the time…um, his name’s Minho.”

“Choi Minho?” Donghae sounded surprised. “From the basketball team? I didn’t know he was gay.”

“Neither did he.” He smirked slightly. “Thanks to him, I found out I was gay, though.”

Donghae laughed softly and pinched Eunhyuk’s cheek. “It’s actually pretty nice talking to you. How come we never did this before?”

“Because I never had the guts to strike up a conversation.” He admitted sheepishly. “Who can blame me? You’re handsome and cute and charming—”

“You’re handsome too.”

“I am?”

He nodded. “And cute. And charming.”

“I don’t mean to be a moment-killer, but I just want to be clear on some things.” He started. “Are you flirting with me?”

“Do you want me to be?”

“Well, you did kiss me three times last night—”

Donghae interrupted him with another kiss on the lips. It definitely wasn’t the first time Donghae kissed him, but it was the first time Eunhyuk actually had the sense to kiss back. The kiss lasted longer than usual, and was only interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

“That makes four.” Donghae whispered in his ear, sending chills down Eunhyuk’s spine.

“Donghae, there you are.” Siwon showed up, and for once, Eunhyuk was less than pleased to see him. “Oh, hi, Eunhyuk.”

“Hi.” He sent him a half-hearted wave, as he was feeling pretty pissed that Siwon had interrupted what could have been the start of a hot and heavy make-out session with Lee Donghae, for God’s sake.

“Donghae, it’s our turn to cook breakfast today.” He said. “Come and help me out, because Heechul’s staring at me again and frankly, it’s creeping me out.”

“Alright,” Donghae stood up and subtly tousled Eunhyuk’s hair before following Siwon towards the campfire. “Um, Siwon? Mind if I ask a question?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why are you walking all funny?” he asked, his gaze directed at his wobbly pair of legs.

Siwon turned red. “…Leg cramps.”

“Oh? Then why don’t you ask Heechul to rub them or something?” He suggested. “You know, like the nurse does when we get cramps during football practice.”

“Uh, no thanks,” he smiled nervously. “I think Heechul’s already done enough things to me last night.”

Donghae’s eyes, as well as his gaping mouth, widened.

“I need to talk to you.”

Eunhyuk, confused, looked around to see if Siwon really was talking to him. “M-me?”

“Yeah, who else?” He held his hand out to him.

With his cheeks tinted a nice shade of pink, Eunhyuk took his hand and stood up. Siwon put his hand on the small of Eunhyuk’s back, which made him giggle, perhaps unintentionally. As they walked towards a shady part of the forest, Eunhyuk looked back to see if anyone was watching, and there was. It was Donghae. A very jealous-looking Donghae, at that.

“So…what do you want to talk about?” Eunhyuk asked once they were behind a large tree, which was enough to keep them out of the others’ sight.

“It’s Heechul,” he started awkwardly. “Do you know him well?”

“Um, not really.” He said. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, frankly…he disturbs me.” He admitted. “Last night, he gave me a massage.”

“That’s nice.”

“A massage.”


“And I didn’t even ask for it.”

“I’m sure he was just trying to be nice.” He assured him. “Wait a minute, why did you assume that I'm close with him?”

“Well, I—”

“Just because we’re both gay doesn’t mean we’re automatically friends.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions.”

“It’s fine,” he waved him off. “But lucky for you, I happen to know someone who is an expert at human and sometimes, non-human homoual behavior.”

“That’s great.” Siwon grinned. “Who?”

“How may I help you?”

Sungmin sat on his Hello Kitty pillow cross-legged, with his hands clasped together on his lap. On his face was an ambiguous smirk that was meant to invite Siwon in, but instead it just scared him. Eunhyuk had to grab him by his shirt to stop his from running away.

“Well, it’s a little awkward.” Siwon rubbed the back of his neck. “After all, I don’t really know you that well.”

“Then pretend I’m one of your jock buddies.” He suggested. “Like Kyuhyun or Donghae.”

“…That would be even more awkward.” Siwon told him. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea—”

“Where do you think you’re going?” Eunhyuk yanked him back into the tent. “You see, Min, our Siwon here has been having trouble walking after Heechul got his hands on him last night.”

Sungmin’s eyes widened. “He didn’t—”

“No!” Siwon blushed. “He literally got his hands on me.”

“In other words, he was given an massage.” Eunhyuk revealed.

“Oh,” Sungmin’s smirk crept back across his face. “Well, let me start off by saying that you’re a fantastic cook. Breakfast today was delicious; you make better noodles than Eunhyuk does—”

“Hey!” Eunhyuk protested.

Sungmin merely shrugged at him before continuing. “And I want to assure you that whatever Heechul did was completely normal behavior.”

“For a human?”

“For Heechul, at least.” He said. “Believe me, honey, judging by all the rumors about him, you got off lucky.”

“Are you sure he didn’t do anything else?” Eunhyuk asked curiously. “Because normally you don’t end up walking like that after a massage. Even if it was a massage.”

“Let’s just say he was very thorough…” Siwon paused. “Let’s leave it at that.”

“Oh, my dear, dear Siwon. May your beautiful rest in peace.” Sungmin patted his shoulder. “Did he at least use lube?”


“I meant lotion.” Sungmin batted his eyelashes, feigning innocence. Though anyone who has known Sungmin for at most, a day would know that he was anything but innocent. “Did he use lotion?”

“No.” Siwon said. “And if I hadn’t insisted that I keep my pants on…” He finished his sentence with a shiver.

“Well, if you want, I can check if there was any major damage done…” Sungmin started, earning a stern look from Eunhyuk.

“How would you do that?” Siwon asked.

“Well, to get a good look, you best remove your pants. And maybe even your underwear—”

“Sungmin!” Eunhyuk interjected.

“What? It was worth a shot.” He shrugged in a childlike manner.

“Um, thanks, but no thanks.” Siwon slowly backed away from the tent. “I’ll be in the shower if anyone needs me.”

As he scurried away (though he mostly limped away), Sungmin put his hands on his hips and turned to Eunhyuk. “Did he just invite us to join him in the shower?”

“No, he did not.” Eunhyuk stated. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Hey, it’s not my fault if my ual needs aren’t being satisfied.” He pouted. “It’s not like Kyuhyun’s waiting for me in his tent with a bottle of wine and a bowl of chocolate-dipped strawberries—ooh, do you think I can get him to do that?”

“Wow,” he whistled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this before.”

“Can you blame me? My future husband is like, three feet away from me and I can’t even do anything about it.”


“He still hasn’t realized he’s gay, Hyuk.”

“When has that ever stopped you?”

“Well, I guess you’re right.” Sungmin nodded. “After all, I did manage to pull you out of the closet.”

“Who says it was you?” he asked.

“The seven glasses of beer I made Choi Minho drink says so.” He smiled cheekily.

Eunhyuk’s jaw dropped. “I don’t know whether to thank you or slap you.”

Just to be safe, Sungmin took a step away from him, in case Eunhyuk decided he ought to slap him. Sungmin normally wouldn’t say no to a good fight, but Eunhyuk was surprisingly strong for a skinny man; plus, he didn’t want any bruises on his pretty face.

“Yah. Just because you and Donghae have started bunny-humping behind the bushes—”

“We are not bunny-humping…yet.”

Sungmin gasped (dramatically, of course). “You mean—?”

“We kissed again this morning.” Eunhyuk couldn’t contain his joy as he revealed the exciting piece of news. “And I think he wanted to make out.”

Shut. Up. You ! Then what happened?” Sungmin’s grin was wide and proud.

“Nothing,” his face fell. “Siwon came and Donghae pulled away.”

“Wow. Talk about ing.” Sungmin muttered. “Was he good?”

“He was amazing.” Eunhyuk was very close to just about melting. “His lips were so soft and plump—”

“When you two finally , you’ve got to tell me all the details.” He said. “Leave nothing out.”

“I think it’s a little too soon to be talking about ing.” Eunhyuk sighed. “He pulled away when Siwon showed up; clearly, he doesn’t want anyone else to know he’s gay now.”

“So pull him out of the closet, girl.” He advised.

“It’s not that easy, Minnie.”

“Why not? Donghae has a brain the size of a pea.”

“What is it with you and Donghae?” Eunhyuk asked. “Did he do something wrong to you, is that it?”

“No,” Sungmin looked down at his feet. “I’m just worried that if you two ever start dating, he’s gonna steal you from me…”

“Aww, Minnie,” This prompted Eunhyuk to give his best friend a big, reassuring hug. “That’ll never happen, trust me. We’ll always be the best of friends, no matter wha—”

“There you are.” Donghae suddenly popped up from nowhere, it seemed. “I seem to have forgotten the way to the showers again. Care to lead the way?”

Eunhyuk shot Sungmin an excited grin before grabbing Donghae’s hand and running off with him, unknowingly leaving Sungmin behind.

Sungmin sighed. “And so it begins.”

“You want a best friend?” Sungmin approached the counselor with a big grin. “I’m free; no charge. Well, not counting the money you have to spend on my birthday presents because I so don’t deal well with cheap gifts.”

Heechul stared at him blankly. “I don’t have best friends and I don’t want any.”

“That explains so much.” Sungmin patted his head. “But any idiot can tell that you’re in dire need of one.”

“Of all the idiots in the world, why did it have to be you?”

Sungmin laughed dryly. “Very funny.”

“You’re boring me, princess.” He dismissed. “Run along now.”

“Nuh-uh. Boring and Sungmin do not make sense when used in the same sentence.”

“I didn’t use the word ‘Sungmin’. I said ‘princess’.”

“Princess means Sungmin in my dictionary.”

“You must have a pretty crappy dictionary then.”

Sungmin rolled his eyes (with the number of times Sungmin has rolled his eyes, it’s a miracle how his eyes never got stuck that way). “I didn’t think I’d have to resort to drastic measures but—”

Sungmin held out a bottle of glittery Plumberry nail polish, making Heechul’s eyes twinkle as bright as the stars.

But he soon got a hold of himself. “No. No, you are not going to win me over with a silly bottle of nail polish…in my favorite color…”

Sungmin continued to wave the bottle in front of Heechul’s face, as if he were hypnotizing him. “You know you want it.” He crooned.

“Damn it,” Heechul felt himself about to surrender. “Fine. Name your price.”

“I told you, I have none.” He gave the bottle to Heechul, who was more than eager to twist it open and start painting it across his nails. “Think of me as your early Christmas present: a daily dose of Sungmin.”

Heechul took a deep breath. “Oh, joy…”

“It’s getting dark,” Eunhyuk pulled away to speak in a breathy voice. “Shouldn’t we be heading back by now?”

“Nobody’s probably missing us.” Donghae shrugged and proceeded to crash his lips into Eunhyuk’s for the umpteenth time.

Donghae had pressed Eunhyuk up against the wall right outside the showers, his hands on either side of Eunhyuk’s head and his crotch practically grinding against Eunhyuk’s. Eunhyuk could already feel how big Donghae was down there.

“You’re a really good kisser.” Donghae whispered throatily.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” Even during such a passionate moment, Eunhyuk still managed to be cute with his girlish, flustered giggles. “But you do realize that you’re currently cheating on your girlfriend, right?”

Donghae paused for a brief moment before shrugging. “Eh, she’s probably cheating on me too.”

Eunhyuk let out a dorky laugh (which Donghae found just adorable) before locking lips with him once again. But their battle of tongues was soon interrupted when they heard the shower stall open.

Perhaps it was instinct, but the first thing Donghae did was push Eunhyuk out of sight, sending him practically flying into a big bush nearby.

“I thought I heard voices.” Siwon smiled as he stepped out of the shower with only a towel draped over his hips. “Have you been here the whole time?”

“Um, no…” He scratched his head awkwardly. “I just got here. Have you been in the shower all afternoon?”

“Yeah,” he admitted. “I took like, eight showers and I still can’t get out the feel of Heechul’s hands on my—”

“On your?”

“You know what? That’s not important.” He chuckled nervously. “So, what are you doing here, Hae?”

“What do you think?” he asked. “I was just about to take a shower…”

“Without a towel?”

“Um, yes, apparently.”

“Here, take mine.” Siwon was kind enough to remove the towel covering his lower body and toss it towards Donghae, leaving him completely exposed to his friend.

Donghae looked away, blushing. “And you wonder why Heechul keeps molesting you?”

“What do you mean?” Siwon looked down and finally caught his point. “Oh. Should I get dressed now?”

“You better.” Donghae blinked awkwardly, trying his best to not even catch a small glimpse of Siwon’s private (or not-so-private) parts.

As soon as Siwon went back into the stall to put his clothes on (though Donghae wondered why he had to have privacy to get dressed when he was completely in front of Donghae just a minute ago), Donghae ran over to Eunhyuk, who was still lying helplessly in the bush he had landed on.

“I am so sorry about that. Are you okay?” He helped the poor guy up and dusted his clothes off.

“Man, Siwon’s a hell of a er.” Eunhyuk groaned as he fixed himself up. “What was that all about? I thought you liked making out with me.”

“I do—”

“Then why are you hiding it from—oh my God, you’re ashamed of me.”

“No, no, of course not.” He said hastily as he cupped Eunhyuk’s face with both hands. “It’s just—neither Siwon nor Kyuhyun know about…you know, us…and I just need a little time to break it to both of them gently.”

“But if you don’t want to be seen with me—”

Donghae shut him up with a forceful kiss on the lips. Eunhyuk didn’t know if it was because of the fall he just took, or if it was the amount of pressure Donghae put into the kiss, but he definitely saw sparks flying.

Upon pulling away, all he could say in a dizzy voice was, “I forgot what I was saying.”

After having a long talk with Heechul, he and Sungmin came to an agreement that if Eunhyuk was going to be with Donghae, then Sungmin should at least make an effort to try to like him.

“Hi there,” he approached the fish-resembling boy with the nicest smile he could fake. “Donghae, is it?”

“Yeah,” Donghae smiled (and Sungmin had to admit, he was actually pretty handsome). “You’re…Minnie, right?”

“It’s Sungmin.” He corrected.

“Oh,” he said. “Sorry, but Eunhyuk usually calls you that.”

Sungmin’s eyes widened. “Eunhyuk talks to you about me?”

“Yeah. Just earlier today, he kept telling me that can’t wait to tell you about us making out or something.” He revealed.

“You two made out?” Sungmin blinked, surprised that Eunhyuk hasn’t told him about it yet. The minute he and Donghae came back from the showers (and looking pretty happy too), the first thing Eunhyuk did was write in his damn diary. “Damn, that ’s moving fast.”



“Oh…well, does Eunhyuk talk to you about me?”

“Oh my God, you sound like such a girl, but it’s actually kind of cute.” Sungmin admitted. “I think I’m finally beginning to understand what Eunhyuk sees in you.”


“To answer your question, yes, Eunhyuk talks about you all the time.” He informed him, making Donghae’s expression brighten up. “Seriously, he even says your name in his sleep. It used to be cute, but now it’s just annoying.”

Donghae grinned. “I think it’s cute.”

“Of course you do.” He said. “So what are you making over there?”

“Oh, just some soup.” He revealed, gesturing to the pot he set up above the fire. “It’s for Kyuhyun.”

“Oh?” One of Sungmin’s eyebrows arched up.

“Yeah. He caught this nasty cold today and he’s been in bed all day.” He explained. “I thought I should make him some soup to make him feel better.”

“How sweet.” Sungmin said, though he really didn’t sound like he meant it. “Say, I have an idea. Why don’t you go keep Eunhyuk company back in our tent while I bring Kyuhyun his soup?”

All Donghae heard was ‘keep Eunhyuk company’. “Okay!”

“Good.” As Donghae dashed off to join Eunhyuk in his tent, Sungmin smirked to himself as he started stirring the soup.

“Delivery for Mr. Cho Kyuhyun.”

Kyuhyun was dumbfounded when he saw Sungmin and his surprisingly angelic face come in, carrying a bowl of soup for him.

“Where’s Donghae?” His eyes widened. “Oh my God, what did you do with Donghae?”

“Donghae’s fine.” Sungmin rolled his eyes as he set down the bowl of hot soup. “Shall I spoon-feed you?”

“I can feed myself, thank you.” Kyuhyun snatched the spoon in Sungmin’s hand. “You can leave now.”

“Just because I can doesn’t mean I will.” He shrugged. “Eat up, honey.”

“Don’t call me that.” He glared at him as he blew on his soup.

After a few more spoonfuls and a bout of awkward silence, Kyuhyun found himself growing dizzy. He first thought it was just his cold getting to his head, but he soon realized that the room spinning was not due to a fever.

“You…you…” Kyuhyun started.

“Princess? y lady? Epitome of pure beauty?” Sungmin suggested.

“You ,” Kyuhyun hissed, only emitting a smirk from Sungmin. “You spiked the soup, didn’t you?”

“The recipe called for soju.” Sungmin said defensively.

“No, it didn’t.”

“Alright, it didn’t. But it tastes way better my way.” He smiled proudly as he personally fed the woozy boy another spoonful of soup.

“You’re trying to get me drunk.”

“Trying and succeeding.”

“Who the hell would bring alcohol to camp?”

“I would, obviously.” Sungmin smiled devilishly. “And I know you did too.”

“You went through my stuff?” he asked.

“Sort of,” he shrugged. “How do you feel?”

“Kinda good.”

“Say your name for me.”

“Choo Kwuwoon.”

“Perfect.” Sungmin downed the rest of the spiked soup in one gulp. Afterwards, a lopsided smile formed on his face. “Damn, that’s some strong liquor.”

Sungmin then lost all consciousness and conveniently landed in Kyuhyun’s lap.

“Hi, Hyukkie.”

Eunhyuk jumped as he saw Donghae’s puppy face appear all of a sudden. “H-hi.”

“What are you doing?” he asked as he invited himself into the tent.

“Nothing,” Eunhyuk literally threw his pen and notebook (aka his diary) away and smiled nervously. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I was kinda hoping we can pick up where we left off earlier…” Before Eunhyuk knew it, Donghae’s tongue had made its way to Eunhyuk’s earlobe.

Eunhyuk was enjoying it, but something was still bothering him. “Wait a minute…so this is just gonna happen? Just like that?”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. It feels too easy for me.”

Donghae smiled slightly. “Are you calling me easy?”

Eunhyuk thought his response through for a minute. “No…”

He chuckled. “Then what’s the problem?”

“I don’t know. Things never come this easily for me.” He admitted. “What’s the catch?”

“There’s no catch.” He said.

“So you really do like me?” he asked.

“Well…yeah.” He admitted shyly. “I thought it was kind of obvious.”

“Let me get this straight. The popular jock and one of the school’s star football players and the chick magnet…likes a guy?”

He shrugged. “Stranger things have happened.”

“Well…I like you too.” He said in a tiny voice.

Donghae laughed and kissed the flustered boy’s cheek. “How can you be so cute?”

Eunhyuk giggled uncontrollably. Donghae was just about to kiss his lips when Eunhyuk made a dive for his diary. Donghae was a bit annoyed as his lips were left puckered in the air.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m sorry, but I just really need to write this in my diary.” Eunhyuk said as he started scribbling on the pages of his pink notebook.

“What happened?” Sungmin sat up, rubbing the back of his head.

“You passed out.” Kyuhyun said with a small smirk.

Sungmin was surprised to see him drinking out of a bottle of soju. “You’re actually drinking? What, the soup wasn’t enough for you?”

“Are you kidding me? I haven’t felt this good in ages.” Sungmin knew Kyuhyun was already drunk off his , because he figured that was the only plausible explanation why Kyuhyun was actually smiling at him.

“And you call me strange.” Sungmin plopped back down on a sleeping bag (he assumed it was Donghae’s). Normally, he’d use the chance to take advantage of a very unstable Kyuhyun, but the hangover had already hit Sungmin at this point.

But much to his surprise, Kyuhyun lay down next to him. “You know what?”

Sungmin was a little afraid to ask. “What?”

“You are actually kind of cute.” He grinned.

“Okay, now I know you’re really drunk.” Sungmin said. “Honey, why don’t you and I both get some sleep and this could all just be a very drunken and throbbing memory tomorrow?”

“I don’t wanna sleep.” He said in his cute voice—which Sungmin didn’t even know existed. Not that he didn’t like it though.

“What do you wanna do then?” he asked.

“This,” Kyuhyun took Sungmin by surprise when he, without any warning, planted his lips on his.

Just as he was about to pull away, Sungmin put his hand on the back of Kyuhyun’s neck and pulled him back in for another kiss. Everything was going smoothly until he felt Kyuhyun slipping away. Sungmin opened his eyes and realized Kyuhyun had passed out on his shoulder.

“Great,” Sungmin sulked. “Just craptastic.”

Sungmin actually dispensed some decent advice, Heechul thought. They made a promise to each other that they’d do what the other said, and Heechul, much to his own chagrin, was a man of his word.

“Hey, Siwon?”

Siwon looked panicked to see him. “Y-yes?”

“I just wanted to say sorry…you know, for taking you by surprise last night.” His eyes wandered around awkwardly. “Though you should know, I really do give great massages. They usually take a day or two to take effect.”

“Well, I think you’re the only person in the world who massages people’s bottoms.”

“And I thought I did a pretty good damn job.” Heechul smiled triumphantly. “But to make it up to you, I promise I’ll behave tonight.”


“I’m just gonna let you sleep in peace, s’all.” He shrugged. “You can even put out the Bible again if you want to.”

“Oh…thanks.” He gave him a stiff nod. “This must be…hard for you…”

“It is.”

“So I really appreciate it.” He smiled. “Thanks, hyung.”

“I think ‘hyung’ is a little too formal.” Heechul decided. “Everybody else calls me by name. Why don’t you?”

“Are you sure?”

“Normally, I wouldn’t do this, but you’re an exception.” He tapped the tip of Siwon’s nose. “An incredibly stubborn, insanely religious but still really hot exception.”

“…Thanks.” Siwon was unsure if he had just been praised or insulted. “I think I’ll turn in early tonight. Goodnight…Heechul.”

Heechul liked the way his name sounded when it came out of Siwon’s mouth. “Goodnight, Siwon.”

The next morning, Siwon woke up unusually early. He looked to his side and realized that Heechul was still snoozing away, so he quietly made his way out of the tent to stretch his limbs.

It didn’t take long before he realized that he was walking normally again. Just to make sure, he felt his bottom and rejoiced when the stinging sensation from yesterday was gone.

“Huh,” Siwon smiled to himself. “My actually does feel better.”

I’ve probably scared you guys off with my comment replies, so let me just apologize for that. Sorrysorrysorrysorry~ T_T Sorry, guys, but I just didn’t want you guys to feel unappreciated, because believe me, you guys have no idea how much I appreciate the fact that you all enjoy my work. I love you all. And omg, over 100 subscribers! You guys are seriously the true epitome of awesomeness. xoxo <3

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Sounds like fun.
Rayshun #2
Chapter 15: This is so funny yet a lot more sweet..... The couples were so cute.. bt heechul nd siwon did really have a hard time.. so happy that it had a great ending....simply enjoyed it....Cheers dear writer
meemow123 #3
Chapter 15: OMG ... This was so sweet ...
I can't believe I cry in every single COMEDY fic I read ... That's just weird.
This fic totally made my day!!! Well done this is really well written and I am so excited for the sequel ...
I love this fic so much!!! Well definitely come back to it in the future
My poor Chullie ... T_T I hope everything turns out ok with him and Siwon ... I like them together ...
Hello! I have started a recommendations blog and would like to recommend your story :) I hope that's okay! :)
Chapter 15: I don't usually read romcoms but I love this fic omfg XD
HARDCORE KYUMIN SHIPPER EVEN THOUGH SUNGMIN IS MARRIED NOW LOL I love how you potrayed Sungmin as a really y character... I couldn't imagine him like that at first but I like it XD
snarky Kyuhyun omfg I have no words for him XD
maybe Sichul will happen in the sequel? I'm looking forward to reading the sequel sometime soon XD
Guess what?
No I'll just tell it.
GOSH! Why I only found this fic now!? OH damn! I have read "Soon-to-be Mrs. and Mr. Lee" and "Babies ever after" before I found this.. Oh freaking men!

Though I would love to read this! And I'll start it now~~
Chapter 15: Loved this <3 *proceeds to sequel*
Chapter 4: Just wantedbto tell you that you are doin a great job with this, please keep it up♥♥♥
JooHyun-shi #9
Chapter 1: Anyway congrats to your work ill continur reading soon ^^