Chapter 6

Nothing is same anymore!




Changmin POV


“Hello?” I greeted again but still no response. Who is this? I looked back at the screen but the number is private. Aish, it must be

sasaeng fans again. Quickly, I hang up the phone. I hate them. They never respected my privacy. They are not the real fans. I throw

my phone on my bed, letting it bounce a bit. Ah, so hungry! I caressed my stomach and opened the door. I was heading to the kitchen,

hoping to find some food to eat. I walked passed his room. Then, I stopped my footsteps as I heard his voice. Surely, he was talking on

the phone with Jaejoong hyung. This is wrong but I leaning my ears to the door. I want to hear more.


“Are you already sleep, Jae?” He was asking Jaejoong hyung. “Jae…” He was sighed heavily. “Say something baby, please..” Now, he

was pleading. What’s happen? Did they have a fight? I’m getting eager to know. “Jae, please don’t do this to me anymore. It’s hurt,

baby! I’m really sorry and I’m really love you. Please forgive me, ne?” He sounds so desperate. I hate it when he’s like that. He was like

a weak person. “Jae, what should I do? Just tell me, I will do anything. Just to make you believe in me again. I miss you so much!” He

continues pleading like a shameless person. I couldn’t stand anymore. I rushed to my room and locked the door. I walked around in my

door mindless. I was so mad. Doesn’t he have a bit of pride? Why he is like that? Why he was so weak against him? Did you really love

him so much, hyung!


Argh!! I was so stressed. Jaejoong hyung, you are the most selfish person I had ever known in this world! How could you? How could

you make him like that? Don’t you already have enough hurting him? Don’t you realise how lucky you are because you are the one he

loved?! No, you are never satisfied with yourself! That’s why you leaved! You just want money and you didn’t deserve Yunho hyung! I

promise you, I promise I will get Yunho hyung from you. I will make he forget about you and I will make his mine! This is crazy but I can’t

see Yunho hyung suffered anymore because of you!


I glanced a bit at him beside me. He was siting emotionless, looking outside from the window of the airplane. We are on the way back to

Korea. He looked lost in his own world. It must because of the last night. “Hyung!” I called him. He didn’t hear me. “Hyung!” I rise up my

voice a bit. He was jolted a bit. “Changmin –ah, you are shocking me!” He turns to my face. “Sorry! But, what happen? Is anything you

want to share with me?” I asked him. He put a smile. “Nothing! I was just too tired.” I know he was lying. “Did you have your sleep last

night? You looked like a zombie!” I snapped. He laughed a bit. Look at him! He looked so pathetic.


“I’m going to my room.” He walked to his room as soon we are inside our house. “Hyung!” I called him, making he stop his footsteps.

“What?!” He looked at me, confused. I was speechless. “Good night!” He greeted me and turns around. “Stop!” I shouted. He looked at

me again. He looked so shocked. “Forget him!” I finally said it making him froze. “Just forget about him. He just keeps hurting you.” I

keep my firm. He let out a smile. “Changmin –ah, it’s already late. You should sleep.” He walked away, ignoring my words. “Hyung, I’m

really serious!” I rushed and grab his arm. “Changmin, please…” He looked tired. “You can do it. Let me help you…” I don’t know why

but I said it. He was clueless with my blunt words.


Suddenly, his phone was ringing shocking both of us. I looked at the screen of his phone. It’s him. Yunho hyung looked so shocked

and excited. He was so eager to pick it. Quickly, I manage to grab the phone and turn it off. He looked so shocked and mad. “What are

you doing?!” He was holding back his anger. “I don’t want to see you suffered again!” I shouted at him. He was frozen. “I love you

hyung!” I said at him. He takes a deep breath and looked at me gently. “Changmin –ah, you know right?” He reached his hand to pat

my shoulder. I moved backwards. “Yes, I know! But, I thought if I let you be with him, you will happy. I was wrong, totally wrong! He

keeps on hurting you! Don’t you realise how pathetic you look now?!” I snapped at him. He was looking at me, emotionless.


“Hyung, I can’t stand anymore. I always want to see you happy. That’s why I choose to stay with you! I want to make you happy! But,

you were still not happy as long as you love him! He doesn’t deserve you! He was so selfish!” I keep on release my anger. “Changmin

stop!” He shout me, making me froze. He was never raise up his voice at me. “Don’t talk about Jae like that! He’s your hyung!” He was

mad over your words. “Stupid hyung! He was never been my hyung, never!” I shout and walk to my room, leaving him alone. I closed

the door harshly and bounce on my bed, staring against the ceiling. How could him? Kim Jaejoong was never been my hyung! I hate

him so much! Even more after what happened tonight!





Yunho POV


I looked at my phone. Jaejoong had been calling me. Tonight should be the happiest night in my life but everything was turned upside

down. I couldn’t believe it but Changmin was confessed at me once again. I really thought we had finished our talk about that. But,

everything is going worse. Now, he hates Jaejoong so much. I was so scared. His eyes were showing so much hatred. What must I do?

I don’t want to hurt him and at the same time, I don’t want him to hate Jaejoong. This is too complicated. I’m so sure everything going to

change. How I wish I had the power the bring back the past!


“Changmin!” I knocked on his door. It’s almost 10 am. Luckily, today we had a day off. “Changmin –ah!” I knocked again. Still no

response. Slowly, I open the door and enter his room. He was staring blankly against the window. “Changmin –ah.” I called his name.

“Leave me alone.” He said emotionless. I sighed and went beside him. “Let’s have a breakfast, ne? Today, I made you a special

breakfast!” I said. He remained silent. “Changmin –ah, please don’t be like this.” I plead at him. “Hyung, it’s hard!” He looked at me. “I

can’t stand seeing you like that! You had been suffered so much before and you deserved happiness.” He said. I smiled hearing that.

How lucky am I to have someone who cared about me so much! “Changmin –ah, I’m really happy. Because I have you stay with me.

You are more than my brother, you are like my own family, my own blood!” I encourage him.


“So, how is it?!” I looked at him. He looks at me and sighed. “Hyung, this is the bitterest toaster I had ever taste. Look at those, it’s all

burned!” I snapped at him. “Sorry.” I bowed myhead. “I was trying my best to make you a delicious toaster but I think I had failed!” I

said. “You should wake me up earlier!” He smiled and stand up. “I will make a breakfast!” He said. I smile at him widely. Changmin is a

very thoughtful and considerate person. He accepted my words so nicely and acted like nothing happened. This is the thing I like the

most about him.




Changmin POV

Hyung, I can see your smiling face right now! You were happy, thinking that everything is solved. But, it’s not like you think hyung! I will

never forgive him and the other two. Just wait, I will make you forget him. I will make you hate him. I will make you fall in love with me!

Just wait Kim Jaejoong, you will feel the pain as Yunho hyung ever felt! I will make you suffered and regret so much for what you had

done to Yunho hyung!







Hi everyone! This story is getting is ...i can't belive i did it but Changmin is the most pitiful character...sorry...

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i am yunjae shipper.just go with changmin's plan..
make it angsty..
Chapter 10: I completely understand where Changmin is coming from; however, I do think that he is handling things the wrong way, not that I'm saying it should stop, because it is very realistic. In certain situations, people might do things a little more drastically than they should, but they do not realize at the time because they are driven by their emotions, raw emotion is powerful.

I think this is very realistic. And good too! :D
This makes me feel sad, though, Changmin in all of this despair. I feel for him. I feel for Yunho too, because he is in a position of choosing if this keeps up. Is YunJae the main couple of this fic? Will their ever be HoMin? Also, are Yoochun and Junsu together?

Nice story! Update soon, please :D
Alice-tvxq #3
Chapter 10: Go easy on yunjae ok ; LOVE IT .Waiting for your next update .
Chapter 10: Changmin.. Max changmin our lord voldermin.. He.. Really a maknae..
Chapter 8: omg chang're evil. voldemin.
Chapter 8: Changmin-ah... Don't you know? because in your hearts them too valuable, that why when you be left behind, felt betrayed you became really hate, but actually you still love them. Realize that changmin ah.. Our baby maknae TT__TT

Author thanks for update
Chihana #7
Chapter 7: You are so good at describing their feelings, especially Changmin. I really feel bad for him. Also the confused and mixed up feelings Y and JJ are experiencing seem so real. Very good job with this. Please keep writing. Your english will improve the more you use it.
Chapter 7: This just me? Why i feel minnie love just like brother love? Or may be brother complex
sinsin0501 #9
Chapter 7: I love yunjae